Unity - Completed - Life with a College Girl [Final] [Boru]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a vanilla love story visual novel thinly disguised as a game. The gameplay mechanics... well they exist. But realistically they are just set dressing. If you just play relatively conservatively and don't waste all of your money and just generally play it by ear you'll still get the good ending.

    As far as the story goes, its not too super mega original. But it is original enough and certainly not derivative. And it does well enough to make this game stand out uniquely from the general genre. Although this only really becomes obvious as you get further into the game.

    Either way it is extremely satisfying to go through. And it leaves you with a warm feeling in your belly at the end of it. Which is really what these games are about.

    The sex scenes are nice enough. They are well drawn and written. But ultimately this is not really about them. And aside from the 3 or 4 ones that are actual story beats the game would not loose value if they didn't exist. Which is par for the course for this genre. This said, the story beat ones are on point.

    So in short, if you want porn to fap to or some deep and challenging gameplay to make you sweat skip this one. But if you just want to go through a wonderful sappy love story to warm your shriveled heart like any good romantic work is supposed to it's a 10/5.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Simple, cozy VN with some options.

    It is well made (mechanically).
    The girl is beautiful, arts are okay.
    It is quite linear, yet you have some options to play around with.
    It is not an ambitious game, yet it's good at what it delivers.

    There is little gameplay, as it is a VN.
    Story is simple and superficial.

    Meh - 6/10.
    Can't say it's bad, as it is well executed. Vanilla VN enjoyers might like it. Just a little warm and cozy game about romantic relationship.

    (Game is in 'Final' version during this review)
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Just finished this one.
    It is a very linear like vn game.
    If you are into NTR or other "hard" generes, this one is not for you.
    This is a vanilla, romantic, simple game.

    - Art is very good.
    - Story is softcore and vanilla romance.

    - It needs more variety on employment mode.

    Very simple, vanilla game.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Ain't even finished it yet but it's already so wholesome. I don't usually play VN's, I like interactive games more, but I just simply love this. I love how the relationship gets further and further, too. Y'all must try this if you're looking for some nice wholesome porn.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Story and Originality: 1/5
    The plot is just a copy-paste story from a redundant pool of bad porn games. This game is just a replica of successful games in this type of genre but terrible.

    Renders: 3/5
    The art is okay but I highly doubt it to be originally drawn and most likely to be AI.

    Sound and Playability: 1/5
    The voice acting is alright but this is just a one-try type of game never to be played again.

    The potential of this game to be good is somewhere out there but it's just a cash-grab porn game.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Story 4/5 Its a romance with a pretty engaging story, I actually thought Snow was well written as a desperate girl lacking common sense.

    Gameplay 2/5 This is where the game falters the hardest. The game wants you to spend time with Snow but dialog loops within 3.5-4.5 days into the6 day week. The game is separated into 3 timeslots. Pre-Work, Post-work, Before bed.
    - However besides chatting with Snow you'll watch TV in the morning to get info on the world and lore.
    -I beat the game with good route and actually didn't buy everything because in order to do so leaves you too broke to get the good ending.
    -25 $ for the part-time job post-work choice is too low.

    5/5 The graphics
    Very good Art for the regular gameplay is fun and colorful making the depressing undertones of the story pop.
    The art for the sex is nice and saucy

    3/5 Voice
    Sometimes it worked sometimes it didn't when the dialog would come through it wasn't bad. However, Snow's scream could wake the dead.

    5/5 Music
    Ngl the theme is a soft banger.

    Overall: It's a good VN overall it has flaws. It isn't perfect nor is it worth the asking price on steam imo. But, it is good it is playable. It will help with your chicken choking desires.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Complete garbage. The game manages to combine the worst parts of all relevant genres- it's rushed and shallow, like a porn game, and drab and tedious, like a romance game. The very few things you are able to do, have no impact on anything whatsoever, and there is one variant for all of the very few sex scenes in the game.
    Also, the female character is a dumb cunt.