v0.7 v1.5 Updated Review
TLDR: Good animations and plenty of scenes make this worth a try IF you enjoy coercive sex/rape. A hearty amount of more loving and consensual content has been added, with the hard rape scenes mostly removed or softened.
+ There is an almost too large harem of hot chicks for the MC to violate.
+ There's a reasonable variety of sex positions and animations, though the developer shows a strong bias toward doggystyle.
+ Careful attention has been given to girl facial expressions which are highly enjoyable.
+ I share the dev's blatant love of absurdly stacked girls, but there is reasonable variety in female form. the game would benefit from some smaller/slimmer girls for the sake of variety.
+ Fairly evil Player Character who has become a more gentle rapist than in previous versions. He mostly uses manipulation, blackmail, and drugs to fuck girls, rather than directly physically overpowering an awake and aware victim as in previous versions.
+ The writing/plot is "Dick In A Box" porn level. It serves to (barely) coherently string together the images appearing on screen and not more. Thankfully no teenage fanfiction trash to skip past.
- During sex many girls now have a comically long tongue dangling out of their mouth. This looks ugly, and often makes her expression convey pleasure and enjoyment where the context suggests she is unconscious/drugged/unconsenting. Perhaps this is the developer's way of making rape seem more consensual, or he really loves huge tongues. It is not to my taste (pun intended).
- Some sex scenes have enjoyable reactions from the girl being violated, although in many scenes the girl is unconsious/drugged. Generally the girl's verbal and physical reactions to getting violated are weak and uninteresting. This would be immensely improved with dialogue like: Threats, begging, bargaining to stop, denial, trying to call for help, or some attempt at fighting back. The only girl that significantly resists the player is Laura, and the fight seems to be Laura's erotic warmup before sex rather than an attempt at not being fucked. Anna's resistance is just that she says "No" today and then "Yes" tomorrow.
- Only the scene where Elise forces Mathilde to kneel struck me as a girl having a vaguely reasonable reaction to the events unfolding. This scene has unforunately been removed as of v1.5.
- The money grind is light early game, but quickly becomes tedious with the $1K and $2K requirements later. This adds nothing to the game but pointless delay. Smacking the "Work" button is what we do in real life, not why we come to a porn game. Mostly fixed, working advances the story with Catherine so in addition to money it also serves to unlock sex content.
- Giving the player the option to replay a scene is good. Forcing the player to repeat the exact same scene to build "influence" and progress is boring stalling. Either make the third, fourth, and fifth time fucking a girl a bit different or make them optional. Fixed in 1.5.
- When Anna is bent over the table in the kitchen her character interaction area is at the bottom of the screen which tends to inadvertently pull up the navigation when moused over. This problem also exists at the school hallway in the morning.
Conclusion: This is the game equivalent of going to Cinnabon. There are lots of big, juicy women with their tongues hanging out of their faces enjoying themselves probably more than they should. There might be something you'll like... though if anyone saw you they'd think you are disgusting for enjoying that shit.