Notepad isn't the issue. I can change the .txt file to open with whatever application I want but the moment I change the format to .bat the option "Open With" disappears from the list. I even tried to set the text file to open with Java, before changing the format to .bat. I'm on Win10. For the record, I did some googling on the error and I definitely have enough space on the drive where it's on and the folder is on the desktop. I'm also the only user on this PC and have Admin privileges... not sure if that helps any.Odd. There should be an "Open With" entry in the list regardless of what you right-click on. If I remember correctly, Notepad is in that list by default.
Are you running Windows 11? I know that changed a bunch of UI stuff. I don't currently have anything running it, but if I remember correctly you'll probably have to click "show more options" (or something like that—it should be at the bottom of the menu) in order to show the entire context menu and see some of the classic options.
You'll want to change it to just this:
"C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_321\bin\javaw.exe" -jar LilithsThrone_0_4_4.jar
Putting Java before that is causing it to try to run the Java executable as a Java class, which is why you're seeing that "File too large" exception.
…I think that's a record for the number of times I've used "Java" in a single sentence.

Also, changing the line of code did nothing. The .bat still doesn't work and opening via the .exe just gives the same error.
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