"Balanced the flame value calculations for enchanted items, clothing and weapons. (PR#1695 by Maxis010)"
Please PLEASE tell me this didn't make enchanting fluids for quick-cash a useless strategy same way they just destroyed the Milk Machine in previous "update."
The value of those potions did get nerfed, but not by that much. I could make a +2 cum storage potion and sell it for about 440 flames and on the latest version, I think it sells for about 340. It did get nerfed, but not as badly as the change to the slave milking.
Just wait though, I get the feeling that it will get nerfed at some point.
If you get 3 water spells, all fluid enchantments cost 0 esessences to craft. I can create a single potion with 100 +2 storage enhancements, SAVE THE RECIPE, then craft as many as I want with very little effort and earn about 3.5k flames per potion.
It's a bit of a click fest, but with a little effort, you can buy all of the cheap TF potions, load a recipe and create enough (100 +2 cum storage enchantment) potions to walk away from Ralph, about 600K flames (a day) richer.
I'm running a bunch of mods, so it's probably that, but on the off chance - is anyone else having the issue where loading a game wipes all the generated NPCs from the map, including children and slaves?
I have run into this same issue on the latest version of the game. I am pretty sure that my issue is the same as yours, I have spent too much time adding and removing mods that my saves are completely borked on the the current version. If I extract the game to a new folder and start a new character (with no mods), the game plays just fine.