I don't disagree that the content drip is very slow, and some of the additions are actually useless fluff but also I don't get the main story draw, its really nothing special, I much prefer side content like the barn than the main story, I'm surprised people care about it so much tbh, I'd rather have side quests with mini sexy stories than continuation of story I can't get myself to give two shits about. Or to make sandbox more varied. Honestly I could find a long list of things that could be improved on or added and main story would be waaay further down the line.
The problem is that a lot of the sandbox expansion is waiting on main quest stuff. Uunfortunately Innoxia lost steam right as the world
finally started to open up after several years of being stuck in the capital.
Lyssieth will tell you about the other Lilin if you ask, and IIRC describes them as ruling a jungle area with lamia, a desert or mountain area (can't remember) with dragons, and an underwater area with cephalopods. I don't know about you, but
all of those sound like prime real-estate for some fun gameplay to me. But right now, aside from the capital we only have the plains with their centaurs, and it's by far the lamest element of that list (the forest near Elis is supposed to have kitsune, so every update I've been hoping Innoxia will get around to adding some sexy foxgirl shenanigans. But again, that probably won't happen until the main quest moves forward a bit).
Innoxia's been shoving everything and the kitchen sink into Dominion since it and Elis are the only areas that exist right now. A little diversity in scenery and some more spread out content would go a long way towards making the game feel more complete. Leaving the capital would also give an excuse to show the less civilized areas. Love it or hate it there's been demand for feral content, and support for it has been in the engine for a while, but it wouldn't make much sense for that to show up in the well-patrolled Dominion.