which is the best money farm?
There are plenty of posts talking about the methods and their benefits and problems, but the rough summary is:
Slavery (the general favorite)
Beat people up and then immediately make their life even worse.
+ nets a lot of money in bursts, demons and mythical beings net at least 50k a head
+ some bonus income from selling loot
+ can start right from the get-go with the 5k start-of-game bootstrap
+ 'sample the goods' for free essence for enchanting
+ fighting = experience = levels, and after a point basically nothing can touch you
- takes all of the 5k start-of-game bootstrap
- you start as a human and may get your ass beat by stat-boosted furries
- I am not entirely sure, but I am fairly certain that slaves you sell are still somewhere in the game files, bloating the folder
- strict focus on combat and expedience can take you out of the gooning headspace, unless you are into that
Give yourself the Bondage Applier fetish to reduce the cost of bondage-related enchantments, slave collars are about 11k per and not worth it. Just pick the cheapest clothing item your target has, enchant that to enslave them, and put it back on them.
TF potion flipping (my favorite)
'Juice That Makes You Cum Super Hard' as a business model.
+ maybe second-quickest method, each session of this can take less than 15 minutes of in-game time
+ fluid-based TF enchantments are free with three Water spells
+ can start right from the get-go with the 5k start-of-game bootstrap
+ can be bootstrapped from a single combat encounter if you are somehow out of money
- relies mainly on Ralph's stock
- takes a good amount of time and a LOT of clicking to set up
- a lot of clicking for each session - USE THE RECIPE SAVES
Give yourself the Transformer fetish to reduce the essence cost of the first few TF items you make for this method. Just apply one random TF option, any more than that are heavily diminished returns. One essence (60 flames at cheapest) turns a cheap food item (11 flames at cheapest) into about 600 flames.
Once you have three Water spells, set up recipes for as many food items as you feel like that are nothing but 100 of the same max-rank fluid-related TF effects, like volume or regeneration. The end result of all this preparation is a low-end of 500k per in-game day, and the rest of that day is yours, if that matters to you.
Milking (the old favorite, was nerfed a while back)
'Hucow' is easily the most uncomfortable word I have ever heard.
+ almost completely passive
+ even post-nerf it still works
+- pays for itself, but room upkeep is still a thing
- takes up mansion rooms
- takes up even more now if you want the old output
The OG money-making method, and a strange fusion of the other two. Cowgirls are the obvious choice, but any species (and genital assortment) works. Add effects like Psychoactive and Addictive to your livestock's fluids to boost income. After it has been set up, the hardest part of this method is claiming your profits from any room in the mansion.
You will probably wind up using some mix of these methods.
If you are also looking for a rollout:
Your first purchase should be the prostitution loicense from the Angel's Kiss. Do the first couple story quests and some side objectives until you hit level 3, then acquire the Orgasmic Level Drain perk, right down the middle. Head to the brothel's upper floor and, perhaps literally, suck the experience out of your customers for easy levels. Three customers will give you your money back, at which point you can get the slavery loicense from Finch in Slaver Alley or you can head to the mall to raid Ralph's store for food and Vicky's for essence. After that, the world is your oyster-girl.