Unity - Completed - Lilly Knight and the Three Cities of Lust [Final] [HFTGames]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Totally agree with xteqsys review bellow... learned long time ago ratings here are completely misleading and often utter BS.

    Probaly one of the best games here, and it's an actual game with gameplay, amazing 3d graphics, adorable heroine, fantastic voice-acting. Game runs smoothly and beautifully on my gaming PC (buts yeah, you may need a decent rig to enjoy this one, its not a gddmnd VN)

    As of v1.3 [NOT provided here] the game is totally stable (didnt have a single bug in whole playthrough), and the combat is now turn-based (so you can stare at your heroine during battles all you want, no need to rush-click-spam buttons like before, thank goodness)

    Personal tilt: Love this game, strongly recommend it, dont believe the BS low rating, try and see for yourself (but look for v 1.3, not the old version provided here as of time of this review)
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I just dont understand in what wicked way people rate games and what's happening in those little heads of theirs. This game is a dimond in the rough, play it and you'll never regret. At least it's a real game, not a collection of pictures subtitled with lame BS as the majority of content of this site.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    I just finished the game. This game isn't worth playing. Only if you have many spare time.

    -graphis are not bad
    -dialogs are good, some made me grin

    -bugs, clitches, ...
    -save system is terrible, because many dialogs are unskippable. So when you die you have to rewacht many dialogs
    -combat is boring
    -sex scenes are long and unskippable, some are boring and you have to watch them full

    The game would have need 3 to 6 moths of fine tuning. In this stat it isn't fun to play.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    I liked that one, much better than I thought.

    First it's original, it changes compared to all these VN and games we're used to see here.

    Then the graphics and animations are nice, the heroin is sexy.

    The story and dialogues are funny, the game doesn't try to be more serious than it should be. it's entirely voiced also.

    Maybe too much, even if the voices are funny (the actresses probably laughed a lot recording that) damn she's a talker, it can be annoying sometimes.

    Some bugs here and there, but it's pretty decent work for an indie game.

    If you're bored and look for something different I recommend to try that one. You willl quickly know if you like it or not anyways.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Straight forward game. Graphics are nice, animations aren't bad. Short but to the point. It delivers the 'story' well and has enough content to enjoy. It does get a bit repetitive but stable and enjoyable.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Okay, long story short, this game is hot garbage.

    The Good:
    -The graphics aren't bad, in fact they're pretty good all things considering.
    -The dialogue is pretty funny at times, though a bit cringy at others.

    The Bad:
    -The combat is boring.
    -Lack of subtitles.
    -Lots of unskippable dialogue makes replaying sections tedious if you die.
    -The sex scenes are long and many are unskippable. Get tired of the first scene (spankng) when it's only half over? Too bad. Don't like watching handjobs? Oh well, here's a full minute of it!
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Unique little RPG. Pretty decently put together.

    The gameplay leaves you a bit wanting, as it's quite simple. The voice acting of all female characters is pretty good, but really would benefit from a skip button during some events.

    Worth the time, not a masterpiece but worht it.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    The good:
    - Game seems to be content-complete
    - Visually stunning and good performance on midrange PCs

    The bad:
    - At of 2020-05 the gameversion is called "Final", but is actually in an alpha-state.
    - Bugs all across the spectrum: Clipping through objects, people and even landscape because of missing collision-meshes. Sound bugs. Interface bugs, AV-Sync issues in animations
    - Clear lack of polishing and user-testing: Annoying long screenfades and transitions. Dialogues that go on forever without contributing anything important to the gameplay. That is, chars take 2 minutes to say something that could be done in 30 secs.
    - Single saveslot, and you can only save at checkpoints.
    - 10 gigabytes unpacked

    TL/DR: A game that could easily be a 4/5 or even 5/5, but is in such a rough and unpolished state, that it's at best a 3/5. I'm subtracting another point for lying about the state of the game (don't call it "Final", when clearly this is at best a pre-beta product, and realistically alpha)
  9. T
    4.00 star(s)

    The Doom Slayer

    I played the pre-release version up until the last boss fight so i can say i almost finished it. The whole game is animated sorta-like an rpg. The quality of the animations was suprising judging from the low popularity of the game here in f95. I wish it had more kinks like footjobs,futa,mom incest, rather than just spanking,threesomes with 2 dudes. It also had a lesbian path along the way but it wasn't enough imo. I give 4 stars not because it didn't include the kinks i like but because it feels like it could be polished a bit more.