RPGM - Completed - Little Loki & the Yggdrasil Maze [v1.2] [sugar*plum]

  1. 4.00 star(s)



    Dungeon crawler exploration with turn based combat. Battles require you to unlock and equip a specific skill to win. If you don't you'll receive a combo attack from the enemy forcing you into a defeat scene. It's a bit disappointing since it's wrapped up in a UI that makes you think it's a battle fuck RPG but the actual battle game play is far more shallow.

    Exploring the map feels somewhat odd as your character shifts oddly about if you don't come to a complete stop before your next directional input. Text is sometimes inexplicably laggy.

    H Content:

    Static CGs with enhanced with some slight movement of the CG, emphasis lines, and syncing with appropriate sound effects. You'll get a few different CGs in the enemy's default "combo defeat scene" which is really nice and makes up for the lack of animation. A few of the CGs were drawn with a strange perspective that obscures most of the action or are just a dick floating in space because they couldn't figure out how to incorporate MC's body into the CG. Those are very odd. The rest are great.

    You get lots of flavor text during battles and the h scenes which really elevate the CGs. There's a big emphasis on masochism, humiliation, and SPH throughout most of the scenes and it's written pretty well.

    Full scene viewer unlocked after defeating Odin.


    Seems like cleaned up MTL. H-Scene translations are generally really good. Translations outside of non H content is acceptable. Only a handful of weirdly translated things

    Good but not great scenes wrapped up in an average game