I've never written anything on this site ever but I have to I have to express the absolute dread and horror that I felt throughout this game.
I believe whoever made this game was a psychopath because this game gave me goosebumps. never, never, in my life have I been more terrified than when I play this game I'm no exaggerating or lying when I say that this game brought me close to tears.
So why? this fucking porn(?) game of all the damn thing in this world strikes fear through my godless heart more than death and eternal damnation?
The game starts with a small window. A great framing tool used by the person behind this to induce a sense of claustrophobia to the player. And in the main menu are simply japanese words upon a dark background which I assume is the title however, it's typography induce a sense of oppression, huge messy strokes with dark-upon-dark color that paints a bleak picture.
Then you notice it... there is no sound.
Pure RPGM sfx as you use the menu and if you were anything like me you used the cursor to click on config but ended up starting the game because you aren't used to it.
Then immediately DREAD
You're thrown into a surrealist landscape with a darkened sky and most horrifyingly of all the ambience constantly, constantly puts you on edge because of the hollow and distant quality it has the rain hits the ground but in it other sounds like something falling and something "resembling" a footstep. As with everything I've written I'm not lying to you when I actually got scared of my own shadow when I'm just walking around in the game. There is no threat, no monsters chasing you, not even a puzzle to solve but still it haunts you the feeling of dread.
The 1st map is... scary... Why you ask? A row of houses... empty houses and besides "you" a church. Like me you probably walked to the church unfamiliar with the movement control when *clack* *tack* *thump* *blam* echoes through the hollow ambience again. And then you're in an empty building so small, you can't imagine what it's actually used for and a huge statue, no, statues on an altar that by itself is as tall as you and if you interact with it... bad english text about something that just enhance the surreal atmosphere.
By this point you should notice that the game is not normal it's not made normally my logical side claims that it's the result of an amateur developer and bad english translations but my id screams that I have been trapped in the fragmented mind of something abominable and incomprehensible.
So you walk into the village... and this is the part that made me sure that the creator of this game must be insane because...there is a pillar of dirt in the middle of the road and when you step aside she's there a pixel sprite upon a low-poly world, and here's the fucked up part, she always faces you why? just why? why would you make something so unsettling for your fucking porn game. AND THE HOUSES ARE FUCKED UP TOO! The giant teddy bears inside a house and in a backyard locked with metal gates, a house that's JUST a jail cell.... AND THE LIGHT THROuGH ALL THE WINDOwS FlIckERS whY? WHY DO THEY HAVE TO DO THAT??
And then there's the maze, area 2, the labyrinth minigame and I could go on and on about the fucked up surrealist horror design of the map. But there's an important thing to clarify, why does it scare me so much?
Honestly, all of those stuff I mentioned are tropes of various horror games, and I can say that I've played them and wasn't scared, even all those analogue ps1 types horror games. So why am I so scared?? The premise is about a girl who has sex with her sister you the player is a rapist, nothing new under the sun several games have that premise already, but what just keeps cutting me apart the detail of the height of the player character and most importantly where are you? all the areas are the sister's name nayuville, toyotown, and so on... you're in the mind, the fantasy, of a child and it's... it's bad... it's claustrophobic, it's unintentionally terrifying, it's...just scary.
In a horror game you typically play the victim, because obviously you relate to the survival instinct of the character, but that's just it, now you're in the mind of the perpetrator, not just in it you almost feel trapped within it. You know what this game most remind me of Harvester the point and click adventure game, yet somehow scarier because now it's first-person.
I'm in tears and shivering writing this remembering the details of the game, and I honestly have nightmares about. I seriously got trauma from a fucking porn game.