Ren'Py - LittleMan Remake [v0.51] [Mr.Rabbit]

  1. 4.00 star(s)

    The UnHolyOne

    what can i say, this has been a game ive sat on the fence with for a while, often giving up with it.. but I AM GLAD I DIDNT.

    Story: the story is a basic one, nothing to run home about, each character has their mini quest line, and small narrative, but this is one of those games that doesnt put its narrative first, but to be vague enough in order to avoid spoilers. its engaging enough.

    character: theres a moderate cast of characters, some young and some old. but the thing that unfortunately pokes out with me, none of them are really unique or different from eachother. the old characters look just as young as the younger, and all bar like a couple have melon tits. so theres no difference in appearance, and lets its self down due to the lack of variety, as theyre all the same bar racial differences and hair colour. No pube variations, no body type variations, no differences in personality enough to really stand out. they all look the same. and i would advise a potential rework in order for them to stand out, and reflect their ages, or their pube preferences dependant on personality and life style.. theres a good few characters, dont get me wrong, but nothing for me stands out as " that one is the best looking, or ooo, lets explore this fetish (be with age related, or gender/size etc)* there either needs to be a complete rework of all the characters, or a commitment for future characters to stand out. not everyone needs to have melon tits, and some can look young/old.. let their differences shine out, as thats what adds to the unique qualities of the characters charms and personalities, in order for them to be different from one another.

    scenes: this game isnt dreadful for its scenes. but it could be alot more fleshed out and diverse in its options, however its atleast got a good STARTING foundation. the animations are welcomed in a genre filled to the brim with either text only, stills or static robot anims. these are atleast smooth, with the models reacting to you pounding, however theres still more left to the imagination in regards to additional details. the sexual options are strictly straight, with no futa/trans or even gay options, which sucks, but thats fine and i wont fault it for that if its not in the developers or main player bases wishlists. however adding said options as an OPTIONAL choice would definately improve the lack of unique partner options. in regards to sexual deed, there are a handful of decent options, however still much thats missing, that would truly add greatness to this games style. so you'll mostly encounter scenes in the same progression loop. handjob, oral, foreplay, vaginal. and thats usually the brunt of it, and sure it has a few variations of said deeds, to ensure youre not watching the same scene 40 times over, however its just not enough for the level of Small amounts of grind you have to do in order to acheive it. there is some anal and an ass job, and personally anal is my main kink that i would love a TON more of. ass job, ass eating, anal, ass spreading, fingering, creampies, enema etc. i would love all of the above and more to be added to each character as repeatable scenes. but other than that, there is alot of empty space left over and more to be desired. not the worst ive ever seen, it has a chunk of sex content, and some taboo in its nature, however it could explore other kinks and fetishes more so indepth. on the fappable rating out of ten, id rate it a 5.5/10 so far, pushing a 6.

    grinding: there is not a TON of grinding, but there is some. its not to the extent where youll claw your eyes out, or feel as if youre working a full time job, however theres a healthy amount of varied activities you can do in order to progress some quest lines. i do however hope they expand on the exisiting activities more, and branch out to new ones also!

    summary: overall this is a pretty fun game, that ive had a blast playing. with a small but moderately interesting world to explore, with a sandbox-ish style of gameplay in the sense that you can explore the little map in a non tedious way, and intreract with which characters as you please at most points. day and night systems, that also have different interactions. i do really enjoy that style of gameplay, and this is done right. the story is interesting enough, but its quite forgettable, and could definately use a spruce up with its narrative writing. the scenes are at a good starting point, and but unfortunately suffers from a predictable progression loop with every character for the most part, and can get quite tiresome. this game has exhausted the amount of handjob and vaginal scenes there are, and whilst they still should remain for future characters and quests, i do feel other deeds need explored more indepth and more often, say anal and ass related stuff, and other fetishes. the character models need a rework to reflect their ages, differences and personalities as they all look the same. for the most part this game is a good game, with alot of of improvements and expansions needed, but otherwise better than alot of other like minded games that try to do what this game does well. its not a great game, and its not trash either. but its okay. if more fetishes and sexual deeds are expanded upon, and my critiques are acknowledged and worked on, i for sure will edit this review with due credit. i look forward to seeing where this game goes.

    wishlists: character model rework/improvements, More ass/anal related content thats repeatable. Bi sexual content, or trans fetish content, a spruce up for the narrative, as its quite forgettable. random NPC encounters and events, as other than scripted quests, theres no reason to visit say the beach and so on. e.g. (sun bathe my byself on beach and a random npc bends over, or sucks dick bla bla, just something to add to its word and unpredictable H scenes).. more references ( i noticed the summertime saga reference at the drink stand, amongst many others, would be cool to have even quick dialogues say with the summertime MC and how he speaks about events of that game, be a cool lil easteregg) more interesting characters too, that dont all have baloon tits.

    overall out of 10 rating, 6.5. its a really fun game, but theres just too much predictable progression loops with each character, and every model bar a couple looks identical enough to not really stand out on their own. scenes are good, but theres just too much left to the imagination and wanting more. the content updates are not regular enough, and when you do get them its drip feeds. either commit to smaller and more frequent updates, or do my preference which is longer wait times, but BIGGG ASS updates.

    this will remain on my radar, however im coming to the end of my build, with a few quest lines left. however im burnt out with the same sex progression, and im craving some anal content xD
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Dont pay attention to most of the reviews.

    After reading the reviews I expected a hard core grind, when in reality this game's grind is around 4/10 compared to many other sandbox games I've played. Some characters have more different activites than others so, for those with less .. more repeated events are required but, you will still have other things to do during the day so its not that much of a bother.

    -The art is even better than it looks from the screenshots.
    -The story is more than ok, and many conversations and will make you cringe (in a possitive way:)
    -There are many locations and characters to find, so looking at the map, I cant wait for this game to be done.
    -Even the "horse dick" MC which I generaly dont like at all.. in this game it seems well ballanced. (since the MC is small and most ladies are big and thic)
    -There are many small details and easter eggs in form of famous cartoon characters around.

    I only think the scenes could be a bit better since the potential is definately there. (for example I would at least add an exta phase for cumming so you dont just end the scene when you press the "cum" button)

    Overall this game among the best 2d games I tried(& I tried most) and has much to offer
    For all 2d fans like me its definitely worth checking out.
    Hope the devs consider my advice and complete the game in which case this will be a 5 star no doubt.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Can't say I'm a fan of the art for one, it looks like a kid drew it. The navigation is OK at best, the "map" is fine, but navigation within homes/etc could be better. The "objectives" are a disorganized mess and take up way too much of the screen when open. There should also be better hints on how to unlock story, the message "there is nothing to do with this character for now. Focus on improving your skills and your relationship with other characters and explore other places" doesn't help when every other character is completed and you've already been to all the locations.

    Beyond that the game is insanely grindy and repetitive with very little variety in events you have to repeat between 3-6 times. It feels like it was done to make the game longer without actually adding more content. This is made even worse when you have to wait for a specific day of the week. The one good point, in my opinion, is the funny but warped story.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent animation, excellent story 5/5
    It is a fantastic game, I have loved all the new versions although it changes very little.
    Despite the fact that every time I repeat the game, it has not become tedious, on the contrary, it becomes easier each time, the animations are spectacular.
    It is one of the games that I would love to buy to support the creator when it is finished.
  5. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1769437

    v0.30 review

    No real story to speak of other than be nice to lady, ask to see their tits, ask them to jerk you off, ask for blow job, ask for titfuck, ask for sex. Officially the plot is that you're an adult transported back into your childhood except that your mom is different and hotter than she was growing up which... like... are you sure it's even your mom? None of this ever comes up again after the intro, though.

    Gameplay is miserable. Get 10 points with lady so you can rank up, rinse, repeat. You get points by interacting with them but a typical interaction is 1) Go to school in morning and talk to teacher to set up tutoring session for that afternoon. 2) Go home and skip to afternoon because you've run out of things to do in morning. 3) Talk to teacher and do tutoring session. 4) Pass quiz (or skip if you've already beaten it) and enter sex scene which consists of hitting faster three times and then cum. Congratulations, that's two points so now you just have to skip to the next monring and do that five more times for this level, then you can do it five times with a new sex act. It's a lot.

    Also the art isn't my cup of tea. After about two hours of grinding away without it really doing anything for me, I called it quits.

    If you like the art, download the game and use the gallery unlocker and you won't have missed much.
  6. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1666680

    Beautiful art yet, but this thing is waaaay to grindy. No jokes, I had to sleep 8 times or so for 18 hours ingame and meet the neighbour woman in order to make a race with her every morning, and I had to see the exact same scenes with the exact same text every single time. It takes way too long to get relationship levels up, or better phrased: There needs to be more content inbetween. It feels uninspiring to click through the same activites for 10 times before something happens.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    The game seems pretty balanced, it can become intuitive to advance without going through the hint system. The sexual content is gradual and has different approaches without too much grind.

    It still doesn't deserve a 5* first because once again why should you talk with someone take the whole afternoon, some activities I understand, mainly when after a bit you have actions locked in a specific day and time of day, Then I also would enjoy more model variability but that is my taste speaking. Has most of my complains and matter of preferences there my 4*
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.23

    I gave up before finishing the current content.

    The good:
    • art and girls

    The bad:
    • images look pretty smeared
    • grindy sandbox with excessive padding, thanks for the "afternoon" tasks for almost every single female in the game
    • most features aren’t implemented
    • writing, it can be real chore to sit throgh some of it
    • missing tags
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game, a lot of progress is done with each update. Your classic corruption game of multiple big-breasted women with many scenes for each girl. I kinda like the artistic style of the game. It's not too detailed or flashy like other games but it fits well with the theme of the story.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    In this game you get to view the same scene again and again until you reach a relationship threshold, then you get to move to another scene, where you get to view that scene again and again until you reach another threshold. Rinse and repeat. I kind of like this game and it's not one of the worst offenders in term of grindiness, but by god I absolutely abhor this type of content padding design.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    This is a pretty standard sandbox a la urban demons or summertime saga, with a particular focus on milfs. The art is hit or miss, with notable improvement as the game progresses (or as old scenes are remade).

    The game doesn't do anything spectacular, but it has a good amount of content. I wouldn't bother if you're someone who needs narrative or characterization because there's basically none. Characters are quick to be corrupted and even the mom quickly falls for her son. Too quick for my taste but if you just want to get to sex scenes quickly then maybe that's a plus.

    The progression is basically the same for every character: the standard handjob -> blowjob -> titfuck -> sex type progression. Where this game loses a lot of points is that you have to repeat scenes quite a bit to level up the characters. This would be fine if the dialogue was unique each time but it seems like there are basically two variations for every scene, the first time you do the scene, and every time after. You still have to repeat each scene (and even mundane conversations in the early stages) like 5 times to level up though.

    Another big issue is the time slots. normally I really like the morning, afternoon, night time system because it makes it easy to ensure you have plenty of choices for each time slot if you have enough routes. This game has more than enough content to pull this off but for some reason 75% of scenes take place during the afternoon, leading to situations where you have 3-4 different routes competing for the afternoon slot, while your daybreaks, mornings and nights are empty.

    Other nitpicks are the removal of rollback, no choice to only skip already read text (which is a very useful feature to have in games with a lot of grinding). No idea why these useful features that are a given in 99% of other games aren't present here.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    The mom content alone makes this game worth playing. Love the simple, straightforward corruption going on and the amount of content so far. The navigation is a bit of a grind sometimes but not too much. The grinding scenes for unlocking the next stage is a bit tedious but I have a personal preference for repeating scenes( and the scenes themselves are hot) so works for me.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Lots of content, though the gameplay side of things is a little bare.

    The early art is a little rough, but progressively improved as the game has developed. Almost, if not every scene has animations. There is definitely a focus on big tits and asses/milfs, and if that is your thing, you're in luck.

    Gameplay is pretty much click and click more with stats grind that is skippable (though scene replay grind is not). Porn is obviously the focus.

    The premise is that a middle-aged MC is sent back in time after touching a demonic cube and is now a teen living alone with his mother. There is a focus on incest and shota themes and the beginnings (as of .21) of a storyline involving Lucifer's influence and demonic powers/transformation. Not the quickest updated project, and the team barely interacts at all, but they are certainly above board and not the money sucking whores that seem to generally populate the devs of these type of games. 5/5
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    LittleMan does what it set out to, Unapologetic porn with light story.

    The scenes/girls are pretty ok and it have a pretty good content at the moment. while it lacks on things like UI (is kind of rough around the edges) I think if you interest it on the tags it have you will be please.

    Things like being teleporting to the girl in question are a Godsend, and personally I played on the cheat difficulty, because it some mini games may get in the way of enjoy this to the fullest.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is very repetitive and there is a lot of grinding. Also, a huge pet peeve of mine in sandbox games is where a dev will set up the majority of the tasks at the same time of day. So for this game - most of the tasks are triggered in the afternoon. You will have 2-3 LI's who's story can only be advanced in the afternoon. So you fast forward to afternoon, complete a task for one of the LI's, then go home and sleep until the next afternoon. Rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat .........................
    Then to make this boring ass grind even more boring - some of the tasks can only be completed on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday afternoon. Others can only be completed on Sunday afternoon.
    Additionally - in many most cases you are completing the exact same scene 3-4 times. The only dialogue that changes is - from the 1st time to the 2nd time, the word 'again' gets added.
    1st time: so you want me to jerk you off
    2nd time: so you want me to jerk you off again
    3rd time, 4th time, 5th time: same dialogue as the 2nd time
    It's just so fucking stupid!!!
    What is the point of making players do 1 task per day, then fast forwarding to the next day?
    So I can't talk to my teacher in the morning, my neighbor in the afternoon and my mom at night? Sometimes you are able to do that, but most of the time you are stuck in this bottleneck where most of your tasks all occur in the afternoon.
    In addition to the grind - the artwork isn't really all that great. Sure it's cartoony but that doesn't make it bad. It's just not great cartoon illustrations. Also the characters look completely different from scene to scene. In some drawing the mom looks super hot in other drawings she looks totally different.
    The only reason I went with 2 stars, instead of 1 is some of the dialogue is kind of witty. The witty dialogue was just enough to keep me playing.
    This is one of those games where I kept asking myself 'should I quit and delete this game?'. I kept telling myself 'keep going, maybe it will start to get better as it progresses'
    Here, I will save everyone that hasn't played it the suspense - it doesn't get better.

    I totally respect that everyone has different interests and likes/dislikes, but I am really trying to figure out how so many people reviewed this game as 5 stars.

    I am really not trying to piss all over this dev's game. If the dev were to go back through and alter the tasks, so that like 75% of them don't have to be completed in the afternoon - this could actually be to somewhat fun game. It still wouldn't be a 5 star game, but it could be a solid 3 star maybe even 4 star game.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Ok let me say I had played this from its original inception, I have seen so many changes in it, always going towards the bettering of the game. I was skeptical of typical repackaging to stretch patreon proceedes out longer. this is not one of those type games. everything has improved from UI to plotlines and artwork, nice stable of milfs, might want to incorrporate smols somehow, (not sure how that would be accomplished) I mean he is underaged himself so shouldn't be a hard thing..... so.. is the game worth a download definately
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    man this is one of 2D games truly a hidden gem good story unique art beautiful animations not typical gameplay mechanics get it enjoy it for hours . all the girls r so damn sexy the writing is also good its in my top 5 2D games for sure
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    The only thing I like about the game is the art, which is really good, then the typical story, but finally the worst and what will take you away from the first one is the badly made sandbox and that you have to grind points like crazy, that's why I play some mmorpg.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    The graphics are great and the story is well developped. You can feel that the team behind the game is enjoying working on this project. It's hard to stop when you start it. The hero is the typical guy we can all identify and this feel this game even more great. Updates have a lot of content.
    I hope this will continue in the future updates
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    Garbage gameplay, I stopped playing midway and went to work on an assignment because it was more fun.

    -5 Gameplay
    +1 unique art
    +1 soundtrack

    Why on earth we get stuck in some sort of time loop doing the same scene 5 times before moving to the "next stage"? and a lot of the characters interactions are in the morning so you have to keep going back to bed to skip times after each scene...

    The only way to play this game is just pick having everything unlocked at the start of the game, but then it's not a game anymore just browsing scenes.. Good luck to the dev, this will be on my ignore list though.