lmao I think there's something wrong with me after playing so many NTR games.


Jun 25, 2020
So I enjoyed a lot of NTR games before. The thought of the main girl getting slowly worked on and stolen by another guy could get me very excited. Watching her fall to pleasure or blackmail is like a guilty pleasure you are unwilling to admit even to yourself.

But after I played so many of them I actually went full circle and now I feel bad for the couple. Like right now every time I see someone trying to steal the girl from the protagonist I get pretty upset because the 3rd guy is breaking a beautiful relationship or marriage, something they spent so much time and effort in. Like why would you do that to a brother, bro? Have you no consideration for others? Like come on, just go jerk off to porn or something, don't steal other people's girls and break their relationship. It's not yours to break.

Now I actually enjoy vanilla love (as in wholesome relationships and no NTR) way more than my previous taste. This is pretty surprising because I thought playing too many of these games will awaken some real-life NTR fetishes within me, but it turns out it's the opposite. I never want to bring this level of pain and suffering upon myself or another fellow brother in real life ever. I just wish everyone would be happy and have an enjoyable life. If you are unwilling to do this to yourself, then why do it to others?

So please, if you are in a relationship, don't cheat. And don't go steal another guy/girl's partner. A short-term dopamine rush is not worth the lifetime trauma and suffering of others. And no I'm not a Utilitarian.

As for guys who intentionally push his girl into another man's arm, I have no words for you, and don't come near me. You are literally Jack Murphy.

I will still play NTR games but now my sole objective would be to beat the game while avoiding the NTR entirely, which is actually a fun challenge, and you get to experience happiness and a wholesome story.
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Active Member
Mar 19, 2021
But after I played so many of them I actually went full circle and now I feel bad for the couple. Like right now every time I see someone trying to steal the girl from the protagonist I get pretty upset because the 3rd guy is breaking a beautiful relationship or marriage, something they spent so much time and effort in. Like why would you do that to a brother, bro? I guess some guys just don't have consideration for others. Like come on, just go jerk off to porn or something, don't steal other people's girls and break their relationship. It's not yours to break.
Can it be called a beautiful loving relationship between a couple if some guy easily steals the girl from her husband/bf.
I'd like to think that the relationship between the couple was doomed from the point, when she decides to let someone other than her partner fuck her with consent.
As long as no one is pointing a gun to girl's head or is being blackmailed I'll say the sole reason the relationship got destroyed in the first place was due to the girl's inability to keep her legs closed, not the random guy who fucked her. The randoguy has nothing to lose and the wife/gf her partner, so she should know better which dick is appropriate to enter her pussy.
Guys who gets pissed and starts thinking on creative ways to ruin the other guy's life should save their precious time and energy and focus on someone who actually betrayed you not the random stranger who had his way with your partner, unless the guy was friends or related to you. If thats the case then you have free pass to do whatever you want to do with the other guy along with you partner.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
Can it be called a beautiful loving relationship between a couple if some guy easily steals the girl from her husband/bf.
I agree, there's something wrong here. There's millions of couples in an open relationship, and they don't stop being in love, nor go away, just because they had sex with someone else. Not even if this someone else have a significant place in their life.
Love and sex are two different things, you can be deeply in love with someone, want to pass the rest of your life at his/her side, and still be sexually frustrated ; by example because you're both submissive, because you have two radically different sex drive, or things like that. Your souls are totally compatible, but sexually it's not that, and you search somewhere else what is missing. You aren't sexually faithful, but love pass before anything else, and need to be near your husband/wife to effectively be happy.

But being stolen "NTR style" is something totally different. You put your sexual satisfaction before love. Everything happen through sex, but what the stolen wife/husband is seeking is in fact the attention that (s)he don't have at home. And can a relationship, where you feel that your significant other don't give you enough attention, be effectively qualified as a beautiful loving one ?

There a saying, I don't remember from which country it come, regarding cheating (quoted from memory):
If a wife cheat once, blame the guy who seduced her, because she is married.
If a wife cheat twice, blame her, because she should now know that temptation exist.
If a wife cheat for a third time, blame her husband, because he don't take enough care of her.

And this apply relatively well here. If your wife/husband is stolen "NTR style", you should have cared about her/him in the first place.


Active Member
Sep 29, 2017
Nah blame the husband if the wife cheats three times for staying with her lol.

100%, girls that are stolen through dick-- If they ever made an epilogue of those games the girl would be miserable after a year because they don't do ANYTHING she used to enjoy doing that made her so happy for years with the original MC.

Fucking 24/7 is fun for only so long, but by then it's too late.


Game Developer
Apr 19, 2022
I think it depends of the ntr, I hate to admit it but I started to enjoy it but only when I look at it in third person or I'm the NRTman, like in NTRhomestay game.
But If it is in first person where I get a connection with the heroine, it is fk. I think, only people who like to share their girlfriend and opened relationships could like that.

The Rogue Trader

Active Member
Sep 12, 2021
Well, I guess you just had to flush that fantasy out of your system.

On a more serious note, familiarity is the key to feel sympathy.
It's a well-known key factor in racism and other prejudice.
Maybe sat the start, the mr. NTRedGuy was nobody to you. Somebody you didn't relate to, so you were able to shrug off his problems and go down to have fun with his wife behind his back. But the more you played NTR games, the more you got to familiarise with those guys, the more you started feeling that their problems are your problems.

Also, probably you started playing NTR games where the writer wanted you to loathe the MC and then, as you explored the genre, you happened to play ones where you were supposed to familiarize with the MC


Conversation Conqueror
Sep 5, 2018
The whole point of the genre is to use the NTRed guy's misery to emphasize how fucked up and depraved the corruption of the female is. It's very unwholesome. You get off on how much of a whore she becomes. A minority might actually identify with the cuck and get aroused by all the second hand negative emotions, but it's much more common to just be detached and fap to the corruption arc.

And please, for the love of god, don't bring fucked up fetishes that thrive in the realm of fantasy into your real life world view. How many NTR fans are gonna hear about his friend being cheated on and be like, "Dude... that's hot man. Your GF became such a whore." Let's hope that number is close to zero. And god forbid, if you actually get cheated on yourself and find it arousing, you need help.

NTR is not real. It can't be real because no one likes to be literally cheated on and humiliated without their consent. That's different from the cuckold fetish, hotwifing, open relationships, and all the multitude of sharing/poly lifestyles that are consensual.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
Like right now every time I see someone trying to steal the girl from the protagonist I get pretty upset because the 3rd guy is breaking a beautiful relationship or marriage, something they spent so much time and effort in.
trump fake news.gif
I'm pretty sure there are also stories where the relationship or one of the partners was trash. Or all involved characters.

I've always wondered who plays the non-NTR route in NTR games. Guess I found him.
That gave me the mental image of someone obsessively playing all NTR games to avoid the NTR endings. :ROFLMAO:

But you sometimes see also NTR fans request games where it's avoidable, they typically say it makes it more meaningful for them if it's avoidable. Dunno if that's a common liking.
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Active Member
Mar 19, 2021
There's millions of couples in an open relationship, and they don't stop being in love, nor go away, just because they had sex with someone else. Not even if this someone else have a significant place in their life.
I thought I was talking about monogamous relationships not open ones.
Love and sex are two different things, you can be deeply in love with someone, want to pass the rest of your life at his/her side, and still be sexually frustrated ; by example because you're both submissive, because you have two radically different sex drive, or things like that. Your souls are totally compatible, but sexually it's not that, and you search somewhere else what is missing. You aren't sexually faithful, but love pass before anything else, and need to be near your husband/wife to effectively be happy.
I am failing to see what you are trying to imply here. Are you just simply stating facts or justifying the fact that all is fair in a scenario where a wife/husband loves only his/her partner but not being sexually compatible with each other they try to find to someone else who is compatible and have their itches scratched in secret. Yeah the relationship can sail smoothly and beautifully if they talk within themselves and come up with a solution (like open relationship). But On the other hand it will only bring heartbreak, guilt and living in constant fear down the road if done secretly.
But being stolen "NTR style" is something totally different. You put your sexual satisfaction before love. Everything happen through sex, but what the stolen wife/husband is seeking is in fact the attention that (s)he don't have at home. And can a relationship, where you feel that your significant other don't give you enough attention, be effectively qualified as a beautiful loving one ?

There a saying, I don't remember from which country it come, regarding cheating (quoted from memory):
If a wife cheat once, blame the guy who seduced her, because she is married.
If a wife cheat twice, blame her, because she should now know that temptation exist.
If a wife cheat for a third time, blame her husband, because he don't take enough care of her.

And this apply relatively well here. If your wife/husband is stolen "NTR style", you should have cared about her/him in the first place.
It's funny to see that in your saying, every wife is at fault only at the second time she cheats. Every other time, even she being a serial adulterer is her husband or someone else fault.
Shouldn't a wife choose the sensible path and leave the hubby for good if he is not taking care of her or not giving any attention she deserves. I mean what the hell is she trying to achieve having sex with some rando guy. Does she think that hubby finding out strangers banging her sweet wifey will make him jealous and will start thinking on giving her the so called attention that she needs. She lucky he doesn't shoot her cheating ass


Active Member
Aug 11, 2016
Maybe it's that thing where you become desensitized to something after practicing it ad nauseam and instead become attracted by its opposite.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
I thought I was talking about monogamous relationships not open ones.
If couples in open relationship do not fall apart while having sex outside of the said couple, then there's no reason for a monogamous wife/husband living a beautiful loving relationship to be stolen "NTR style".

It's funny to see that in your saying, every wife is at fault only at the second time she cheats. Every other time, even she being a serial adulterer is her husband or someone else fault.
No, what is funny is to see you totally miss the point of this saying.

Shouldn't a wife choose the sensible path and leave the hubby for good if he is not taking care of her or not giving any attention she deserves.
You know that sayings come from the age, and that the world host a bunch of radically different cultures, right ?
If it originated from a modern Western country, yeah, it would perhaps include a part saying that the wife is a slut if she don't divorce. But well, if it come from the 75 other percent of the world, or for the ~5.000 years before the modern age, it could perfectly be something different.

There's two kind of people, those who can extrapolate incomplete data...


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2017
But you sometimes see also NTR fans request games where it's avoidable, they typically say it makes it more meaningful for them if it's avoidable. Dunno if that's a common liking.
It kinda depends I would say, it's meaningful if it's gameplay based, but on visual novels I don't see any reason to add the "harem path" and the "NTR path", like seriously, that's truly attracting opposites for no reason.

But when you have for example a strategy, management or RPG game it can make the game more interesting, because failure had a cost albeit it isn't permanent and you can recover from it. A typical example would be a strategy game in which you can hook up with your female generals, however they can get captured and end up joining the enemy if defeated, bonus points if you can also do the same (capturing enemy female generals and recruiting them with... "love").

Even more in some games it could actually add a whole new dimension for example if the girls can get influenced by her sexual experiences, for example if a girl is an elf and if she gets raped long enough by demons she could become a dark elf, becoming more kinky.

To end I don't define myself as NTR fan, I want to win and get a harem for the hero, in fact I would say that those that like avoidable NTR shouldn't classify as NTR fans, I for example don't enter the NTR path of any visual novel, dislike the MC being humilliated and absolutely dislike that you always have an idiot as antagonist.


Jun 25, 2020
I agree, there's something wrong here. There's millions of couples in an open relationship, and they don't stop being in love, nor go away, just because they had sex with someone else. Not even if this someone else have a significant place in their life.
Love and sex are two different things, you can be deeply in love with someone, want to pass the rest of your life at his/her side, and still be sexually frustrated ; by example because you're both submissive, because you have two radically different sex drive, or things like that. Your souls are totally compatible, but sexually it's not that, and you search somewhere else what is missing. You aren't sexually faithful, but love pass before anything else, and need to be near your husband/wife to effectively be happy.
I definitely agree that Sex and Love are 2 different things and I have no problem with open relationships. If you and your partner agreed that you can have sex with different people, then so be it. And if the wife is a cheating whore in a monogamous relationship, then it's on her, it's probably got little to do with the 3rd dude. "She's in heat and he's available, and she's fine with it" type of situation.

But being stolen "NTR style" is something totally different. You put your sexual satisfaction before love. Everything happen through sex, but what the stolen wife/husband is seeking is in fact the attention that (s)he don't have at home. And can a relationship, where you feel that your significant other don't give you enough attention, be effectively qualified as a beautiful loving one ?
That would imply the wife is a whore who can't keep her legs closed. But what about the NTR guy who blackmails her or uses drugs on her, say, aphrodisiacs (which are very probable scenarios in real life as well) to force her to have sex with him and she can't refuse, until it's too late she gets completely corrupted. We all have our limits after all. A path she wouldn't have to walk if not for the NTR guy. Then I think the NTR guy is solely the one to blame here. And I hate people who do that. I get it, it's pretty arousing to steal other people's partner, but fuck man have some sympathy for others.


Jun 25, 2020
I think it depends of the ntr, I hate to admit it but I started to enjoy it but only when I look at it in third person or I'm the NRTman, like in NTRhomestay game.
But If it is in first person where I get a connection with the heroine, it is fk. I think, only people who like to share their girlfriend and opened relationships could like that.
I think that's why NTR games are popular nowadays. You can enjoy it from the NTR guy's perspective to experience stealing other people's gf, or you can play it with a 3rd person perspective and enjoy the girl's corruption arc, or god forbid you actually enjoy getting your girl stolen by other men. But hey, the option is there. I think most people play NTR games to enjoy the corruption arc. At least that's what I did. But I definitely see some posts online that people enjoy seeing their girls getting slowly corrupted and eventually succumbing to the pleasure. Which, I can never understand why.


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2018
There is nothing more beautiful than a loving wholesome netorase relationship...
Well other than some sweet cunny. :devilish: