lmao I think there's something wrong with me after playing so many NTR games.


Sep 16, 2022
So I enjoyed a lot of NTR games before. The thought of the main girl getting slowly worked on and stolen by another guy could get me very excited. Watching her fall to pleasure or blackmail is like a guilty pleasure you are unwilling to admit even to yourself.

But after I played so many of them I actually went full circle and now I feel bad for the couple. Like right now every time I see someone trying to steal the girl from the protagonist I get pretty upset because the 3rd guy is breaking a beautiful relationship or marriage, something they spent so much time and effort in. Like why would you do that to a brother, bro? Have you no consideration for others? Like come on, just go jerk off to porn or something, don't steal other people's girls and break their relationship. It's not yours to break.

Now I actually enjoy vanilla love (as in wholesome relationships and no NTR) way more than my previous taste. This is pretty surprising because I thought playing too many of these games will awaken some real-life NTR fetishes within me, but it turns out it's the opposite. I never want to bring this level of pain and suffering upon myself or another fellow brother in real life ever. I just wish everyone would be happy and have an enjoyable life. If you are unwilling to do this to yourself, then why do it to others?

So please, if you are in a relationship, don't cheat. And don't go steal another guy/girl's partner. A short-term dopamine rush is not worth the lifetime trauma and suffering of others. And no I'm not a Utilitarian.

As for guys who intentionally push his girl into another man's arm, I have no words for you, and don't come near me. You are literally Jack Murphy.

I will still play NTR games but now my sole objective would be to beat the game while avoiding the NTR entirely, which is actually a fun challenge, and you get to experience happiness and a wholesome story.
My guy just started a war with this one post


Active Member
Jun 27, 2020
interesting perspective, usually ntr players will usually yearn for the feeling of another man taking mc's gf even more but its the opposite for you, almost like so much ntr has made you sick of it, cuz usually the ntr person becomes so into it that they could vry well be a cuck irl too


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2018
There's definitively something wrong with you if you enjoy NTR.
Just a notice that this dude was fine with terrorist attacks on a studio because they put ntr in their game. He is also known for attacking and harassing devs in order to try and sabotage them if they make ntr.

If there is anyone that has something wrong with them it's him. Just letting yall know for clarity.


Oct 2, 2021
Just a notice that this dude was fine with terrorist attacks on a studio because they put ntr in their game. He is also known for attacking and harassing devs in order to try and sabotage them if they make ntr.

If there is anyone that has something wrong with them it's him. Just letting yall know for clarity.
Thanks for the info, and for your Netorare favorite games :sneaky:

p.d. a for you


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2018
At the end of the day, as long as your fetish isn't harming real people or having a negative impact on your life/mental well-being, you shouldn't feel bad for or reconsider enjoying it. Unless you are Icarus Media, in that case, you should feel bad about what you like.
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Icarus Media

F95 Comedian
Game Developer
Jun 19, 2019
At the end of the day, as long as your fetish isn't harming real people or having a negative impact on your life/mental well-being, you shouldn't feel bad for or reconsider enjoying it. Unless you are Icarus Media, in that case, you should feel bad about what you like.
...he typed, the heavy chlorine smelling fingers intermingled with encrusting finally lifting up from the keyboard.
"MUM!!! I posted it again, can I haz sum chicken tendies now?" He shouted, the reverberations making it to the bedroom his mother was currently in. "Y...Yes...ahh...you can...you'll have to...ahh...yes...heat them up....yourself...my friend Tyrone is....just helping...mommy right now...."
He got up from his gaming chair, the globules of buttcheek sweat left a circular puddle upon the leather, making his way to his bedroom door, it being slightly ajar, he paused momentarily only to pick up and embrace a pillow emblazoned with a caricature of an obese farting monstergirl. When his tight embrace was a little too much and inner fluff spurted forth from a suspiciously placed hole in the pillow he picked it back up and placed it back in, momentarily giggling at the imagined act of fisting a monstergirl that in all actuality was only a pillow.
Such was the comfort, for it could be said there is a class of men and women who would prefer the comforting lie to the harsh truth, alas such thoughts stood as but empty air within the mind of such as he made his way through the precipice of his doorway, scratching his arse and bringing it up for a sniff.
Making his way to the kitchen, he heated up some chicken tendies in the oven, jumping ecstatically and clapping his hands like the most sublime of windowlickers. Not understanding nor noticing the drool from the corner of his mouth hit and split like snowflakes upon the kitchen counter.
Maybe I'll update the necro thread
he thought to himself, once more in that comforting lie...the site was his friend, his friends were there...weren't they?
My friends....Sam...Icarus....Succubus Hunter...Avaron....I like friends...
Such dear reader....is but one glimpse in the tale of Chalker.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2018
...he typed, the heavy chlorine smelling fingers intermingled with encrusting finally lifting up from the keyboard.
"MUM!!! I posted it again, can I haz sum chicken tendies now?" He shouted, the reverberations making it to the bedroom his mother was currently in. "Y...Yes...ahh...you can...you'll have to...ahh...yes...heat them up....yourself...my friend Tyrone is....just helping...mommy right now...."
He got up from his gaming chair, the globules of buttcheek sweat left a circular puddle upon the leather, making his way to his bedroom door, it being slightly ajar, he paused momentarily only to pick up and embrace a pillow emblazoned with a caricature of an obese farting monstergirl. When his tight embrace was a little too much and inner fluff spurted forth from a suspiciously placed hole in the pillow he picked it back up and placed it back in, momentarily giggling at the imagined act of fisting a monstergirl that in all actuality was only a pillow.
Such was the comfort, for it could be said there is a class of men and women who would prefer the comforting lie to the harsh truth, alas such thoughts stood as but empty air within the mind of such as he made his way through the precipice of his doorway, scratching his arse and bringing it up for a sniff.
Making his way to the kitchen, he heated up some chicken tendies in the oven, jumping ecstatically and clapping his hands like the most sublime of windowlickers. Not understanding nor noticing the drool from the corner of his mouth hit and split like snowflakes upon the kitchen counter.
Maybe I'll update the necro thread
he thought to himself, once more in that comforting lie...the site was his friend, his friends were there...weren't they?
My friends....Sam...Icarus....Succubus Hunter...Avaron....I like friends...
Such dear reader....is but one glimpse in the tale of Chalker.
t-thats going to far...