HTML - Loa: A Mirror Darkly [v0.1.16] [Legba]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The best mind control game I've played! It does a great job of letting you shape the people around you. I appreciate how many different options there are. Spacing the outcomes of your choices across multiple days makes save scumming less easy, which I think is important for a game like this where you want your choices to feel like actual choices and not something that you try, back-out, and try again. The robust descriptions of what impact your choices will have cuts out the fear of accidentally making a choice you'll hate. It just feels like solid game design!
    Likes: Legba
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Decent quality for HTML game? Yes.
    Changing people into sex-crazed pornstars? Yes.
    Having an option (one of two, but nonetheless) on how exactly you want to change people's bodies, so it fits into your sexual tastes? Yes.
    Pictures and videos of hot women? Yes.
    Pictures and videos of hot men (only one male NPC - at this point, but still promising)? Yes.

    Giving this 5 stars is a pretty rushed decision. I just want to give my hopes that one day, this game will be finished, and it will become the bisexual dream I hope it's going to be.
    Likes: Legba
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    lots of potential with a unique premise though I wish there were slight character customization options, just race mainly but aside from that, this may be one of the best and possibly most unique corruption games so far. especially if enough time is put into it
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    I feel like the biggest asshole killing your Rock'n'Roll giving this 3 stars, while all the others gave it 5. But I really have something to say.

    First of all, the game itself... is not really about sex. You can't call it a simple interactive porn. There's a lot of magical/voodoo/esoteric/etc texts in it and only few sex scenes. Not really my thing. I had to skip all that stuff by clicking and clicking and clicking... just to get even more of that. Tldr, what can I say. Although I understand that maybe it's the whole point, world-building or something, but I just couldn't make myself care.

    Also, speaking of clicking... Damn, why should I make a dozen of clicks to get something I could get by just a single click? The city exploring is annoying, it barely has any content, but you always have to go 'outside > bus stop > city center > oh shit that location isn't here > bus stop > downtown > shop > talk > do this > do that > yey I finally got something to progress a little bit > oh wait... fuck... here we go again > do that > do this > talk > shop > downtown > bus stop > etc etc etc etc...'

    The UI kinda... sucks. It's not that bad to make my eyes bleed, but enough to find it poor, ugly and unhandy. Too much of empty lines, for example.

    Girls choice is... weird. And it's not just about taste, but also... about image quality, for example? Meh.

    Why 3 stars, you may ask, if I mentioned so much problems? Well, first of all, I'm not a douchebag, I can see that the author is given to their project, I see effort, and that should be rewarded. Also I do understand that Loa just wasn't made for players like me. I'm not in it's target audience, let's just say. But I see people enjoying it!

    Also I liked the therapy part. I've played Inner Bimbo many years ago, and if we consider this game is somewhat it's inheritor, then, from this point, it does the job well. The problem is before you reach this part, you have to do a lot of... boring stuff.

    In conclusion, the game is... okay. It feels old, it uses a lot of legacy gamedev rules from old days, it looks worse that in could and it gives you a weird a very specific experience. But there's a real chance for you to like it. You just have to try.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has a lot of promise. It is a corruption and bimbofication game and those are relatively rare here.

    I want to complement the author on using Voodoo. It is a fun idea and it seems like they did some research to make sure the religious and psychadelic discussion were acurate. Kudos for getting the details right in your porn.

    My only complaint is that the game is a bit clicky so far. More content will solve this as it spaces out the clicks by having stuff do to at multiple locations. Currently, I went a bit batty trying to grind out the money I needed for components.

    I look forward to seeing what the author will create next!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    A great game with a lot of ambition. Mechanically its shaping up to be a worth successor to inner bimbo which I mean as a huge compliment. The scenes are hot actresses chosen with care and the scenes well written and evocative.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    (0.1) A promising start to what could be a very good HTML game. There is simple progression, the story is interesting, good choice of models, and it's easy to work out what to do or where to go next. I will definitely be checking back on this one after more content has been developed.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good writing, above the usual level in html games. Curious to see where this game is headed.
    A few issues with the user interface, but nothing that can't be easily fixed.
    The game works well as a "monster of the week" type of thing, if we can call girls who want to go bimbo "monsters" (we really shouldn't). But would be interesting to have more of a narrative, as well as the introduction of more characters that aren't simply clients.
    All in all, interested to see where the dev takes this.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Great start of a game! It does have a "Inner Bimbo-like" experience. Good gifs - your choices have great impact on them and the scenes/side stories.
    You can change yourself, but that has no use right now.
    For such a early stage, I enjoyed it a lot.
    It holds a promise to be a great game --> especially if your choices will have meaningful impact throughout the "main storyline".