Need some help.
I have a game with the function of updating the time / day of the week. When saving and loading, the time of the day and week are reset.
I read topics about this here and lemmasoft.
Everywhere, the conclusion is that you need to use 'default' for variables.
But its not help.
Function (day/time):
Wait Button:
I tried to add 'persistence.'. And yes its work, but only for 1 save (if u have 2 save slots with different day/time it will load only last variables) AND if i start new game variables already change. So its not what I want.
Need help. Sry bad eng.
Need some help.
I have a game with the function of updating the time / day of the week. When saving and loading, the time of the day and week are reset.
I read topics about this here and lemmasoft.
Everywhere, the conclusion is that you need to use 'default' for variables.
But its not help.
label la_maincamp:
$ location = "maincamp"
if camplvl == 1:
scene maincampbg with goeff
scene maincampupbg with goeff
pause 0.5
$ show_menu()
$ show_props()
$ show_interface()
call screen click
default day = 1
default nday = 0
default ntime = 1
default weekday = ("1", "2", "3", "4")
default weekcounter = weekday [(nday % 4)]
default time = ("Morning","Day","Evening","Night")
default timecounter = time[(ntime % 4)]
init python:
def updateTime():
global day
global nday
global ntime
global weekcounter
global time
global timecounter
ntime = (ntime + 1) % 4
if ntime == 0:
day = (day + 1)
if ntime == 0: #day change
nday += 1
weekcounter = weekday[nday %4]
timecounter = time[ntime %4]
screen wait():
if ntime <= 2:
hovered [Function(show_notewait, "Wait"),Play ("sound", "audio/Sounds/UI/click.ogg")]
unhovered Function (hide_notes)
idle "Buttons/wait.png"
hover "Buttons/waithover.png"
action [Function (updateTime),Function(show_props),Function (hide_notes),Play ("sound", "audio/Sounds/UI/time.ogg")]
xalign 0.5 ypos 0.88 xpos 0.96
hovered [Function(show_notewait, "Sleep"),Play ("sound", "audio/Sounds/UI/click.ogg")]
unhovered Function (hide_notes)
idle "Buttons/sleepidle.png"
hover "Buttons/sleephover.png"
action [Function (updateTime),Function (hide_notes), Function (SupplyMinus)]
xalign 0.5 ypos 0.88 xpos 0.96
Need help. Sry bad eng.