HTML - Locked Down [v0.20] [AnonDux]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    So there are a lot of 5-star reviews here, which means folk are enjoying it, so giving it benefit of the doubt and giving it 3 stars. I just played the beginning, meh, and couldn't go further. Not that its 'bad' or anything clicked me off, just... lots of text that while written fine, it doesn't really 'feel' like it impacts anything.

    No choices on anything or reactions (so basically its not a game, its a.. whatever you want to call it, comic book, erotica with graphics, vn, whatever). Maybe it happens later but if I kept going for as long as I did with no choices, I'm not going to spend hours digging and hoping for a single choice.

    And that might be fine I suppose but.. I don't know what some reviewers are saying about 'slow corruption'. Because dude moves in, sister's panties drop (this isn't a spoiler, it happens in like.. the first handful of pages), and the MC instantly goes from "I hate this guy who stole the love of my life" to "omg I love seeing big black dick fucking people I care about". I mean there's some pretend reluctance after that, but with the mc just weirdly cumming in his pants twice from seeing this (again, not a spoiler, it happens almost instantly)... yea, there's no actual 'reluctance' there.

    And that's the thing... if there had been some player choices (actual ones, not 'look or don't look') it could be blamed on the big evil player ('its not that the MC is unrealistic, its that the player forced him to go on an unrealistic path'). But since its just illustrated erotica... Yea, past that point I just couldn't bring myself to care any further what happens. The models didn't catch my attention, the text was just straight forward and ham-handed... Eh.

    But hey, that's just my take. Other folk are scoring it high so what do I know.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    10/10, Darren starts out as a bad guy but at this point he's pretty nice to me!

    Good writing, good choice of porn, quick with the updates and we should be 1-2 chapters away from done now. Can't wait to see what Anondux cooks up next!

    Also, remember to rename "Landlady" to "mom" and "Roomate" to big/little sister.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Outstanding game. On 0.14 now the slow corruption of the GF is getting very hot, looking forward to next couple of updates.
    Plot is the strongest point of this, alongside well chosen clips. I would like MC to get a bit more directly involved sometimes, at least a bit more femdom.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    DISCLAIMER: Did not finish the game.

    Highly linear slideshow-style VN where you mostly just click next . There are some sections where you can roam a bit, but it's only temporary and does not offer any for of choice or consequence as far as I could tell. It shunts you back on the linear path fairly quickly. Story-wise, the game telegraphs what's coming within the first 5 minutes and the rest of the game is just seing it in incredibly dragged-out slow motion, where instead of enjoying the ride all I was feeling was "bleh just get on with it". At a certain point, I just didn't care enough to keep playing anymore.
    I'm a NTR, fan but the way the player character is written as a complete helpless imbecile cuck with zero player agency, mostly ruined any sense of tension and investment for me here. I guess it's kind of the point of the story though, so if that's more aligned with your kinks, it might work better for you. I would sum it up as decent, but lacking that "something", to make it pop.

    On the technical side, it's a pretty well presented HTML game. Nice styling, pictures look nice, good videos. However:
    - It would be beneficial if it only autoplayed the first video in a passage, as you sometimes get the audio of three videos playing at the same time here.
    - Linux and Mac users be advised: You will need to either patch the HTML or create a handful of symlinks to get the images working properly, as the author clearly only tests on windows and does not pay attention to filename case sensitivity. I see some comments about this dating back to 2023, so I'm guessing it ain't getting fixed any time soon.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Very interesting and stimulating, nice narrative scheme, of course we sincerely hope for a prompt evolution of the game, even with a fee, come on Anondux don't give up now! You've come so far, it would be a shame not to finish, give us a nice update soon, please!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    the game is incredibly solid for a patreon with relatively few subscribers compared to similar games with more subs that are much worse than this and really try to drag the story out for months if not years. I also just genuinely love how sadistic and devious a lot of the female characters are written.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    This game has lots of problems and I would not recommend it until/unless they are corrected.

    In the code, there is a movie that doesn't match the file name; ilfs6.webm is in the code, but the actual file name is ilfs6 (2).webm and it loads as an empty/broken video in the game. You can either change the filename to match (recommended) or change the code to the proper filname.

    Capitalization is still an issue. If you reference a file as images/milf/milf1.webp in the code, but the actual name on the filesystem is Images/Milf/milf1.webp, it will only work on windows. If you remain consistent with file name capitalization, it will work on all systems, especially the linux webservers that run 80% of the internet, and would run this game if it was put on one.

    The folder "Images" (with a capital letter I) is referenced everywhere in the code as "images" (lowercase letter i).
    Within that Images folder, many of the folders are capitalized in the file system, but referenced in the code with lowercase.

    BigD != bigd
    Cilf != cilf
    GF != gf
    Milf != milf
    Misc != misc

    There may be others that I haven't found yet. This presents a broken image within the application, and since people are looking for this application to have specific types of images, they might not continue after seeing broken image links.

    And please, add the "muted" property to all videos? It's fine that they autoplay, but at least start them as muted. Since they all also have the "controls" property, it allows the users to unmute if they want to instead of blaring porn noises whenever a page loads.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    The enforced isolation combined with the ever-present tension creates a volatile situation. The game does a great job of building suspense, leaving you guessing about your nemesis's true motives. is a well-written and thought-provoking game that explores the human condition under duress. It's a game that will stay with you long after you've finished playing.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    - The content is decent
    - The storytelling is fairly in depth.
    - The flow of the story is pretty good as well.

    - I hate kinetic novels, which is what this mostly is with "side paths" that give some flavor but don't really add anything to the story.
    - The amount of clicking to progress the story can get infuriating after a while.

    All in all 3/5. My bias against kinetic novels withstanding it's a decent start. The only thing I would suggest is to choose whether you want this to be a kinetic novel or not, because the design so far seems like the author is struggling on which direction they want to take it.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I think it's crazy how my mind changed on this game since it's release. 0.1 was... not impressive. Normally, I find funny/silly dialogue a bit of a turn off in porn games, and being a html with IRL clips... my expectations were in the gutter due to past disappointments.

    At 0.6, this is aiming to be the peak of cuck cinema, or at least to be part of it.

    The sheer fucking degradation in this one is pretty actually amazing for something that hasn't gone completely insane with the scenes yet like some more rushed titles (though I think it won't take long now for every girl to start wearing blacked underwear around the house) It isn't a slow burn by any means, there's some wild shit in here, but by NTR plot standards (admittedly, not very high standards at all) The pacing seems really well put together.

    I still dislike the porn clips, but at least the girls are consistent and the choices aren't too egregious. I just wish there was more text to compensate, but I guess some people dislike that.
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Alea iacta est

    Great game, it is ironic, funny, good sex scenes.

    Game is easy to navigate with little or no grind.

    Story won't win an award but it is an ever green enjoyable topic.

    Well done Dev, no pretentious just smooth and nice.
    I hope the dev won't drag it for too long, I would like to see other games with a more sophisticated corruption plot.

    Great game, great Dev
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    For the all devs who makes html games, This game is great example to how to do perfect html game.
    No stupid sandbox
    No grindy quest system
    No repetitive bullshit activities

    Just pure narration <3

    I like the game story is good , models picks are very hot. Im looking for new content asap. I got one message for game dev. Please dont change the gameplay. Pls dont add any sandbox nor minigame shits.
    Game has potential. Keep it up

  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Looking over the reviews, it seems they are way too harsh on this game.

    I'll start with the bad and justified criticism:
    • The writing is not great. English doesn't seem to be the dev's first language, and it really needs to be proofread. This is more an issue for the prologue than smaller bits of dialogue later in the game.
    • The style is not great. The dev thinks he is a little funnier than he is. As people have pointed out, there is a strong weeb influence here that takes you out of the story a little bit (ex. when the younger housemate magically appears behind you, or when the two sisters "kill" their mom).
    • The "travel" system is a kind of menu that you navigate by clicking key words in text. It is not always clear how to navigate back to an earlier menu, nor is it clear if an option leaves you past a point of no return. A better system would be like the one in Friendly Wife, OR to just keep the game a straight up VN (as it was in the prologue).
    Those are my only complaints. Now for the good:
    • The choice of models is great. There are many high quality images and videos almost from the very beginning.
    • The plot, contrary to what others are saying, is not "overdone." It mixes the "confined" plot of various corruption games with an NTR plot. Sure the bad guy is cartoonishly bad, but that is true of just about every NTR game. I think this is what the dev had intended when he calls the game "hard NTR". If that's not your thing, fine, but to me it's refreshing to see an HTML game that jumps right in with the heavy stuff rather than announce that it will be a "slow burn" and then abandon the game after three updates.
    • There is a lot of content so far! There's been only one update to the initial release and the game took a good long while, with a great picture or video to text ratio.
    tl;dr Game is great, ignore the hate. There are some real problems (awkward navigation system, all videos playing at once) but they can be fixed in later updates.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Decent, if not very original premise, but unfortunately it doesn't take very long for the problems in this game to start showing themselves.

    -The relationship between the MC and his girlfriend is portrayed as sweet and loving, and the dialogue between them is actually pretty good. The fact that this shows the dev CAN write good dialogue is honestly what makes some of the other parts so frustrating thought.

    -The MC is, for lack of a better word, pathetic. I don't mind him being traumatized by Darren stealing his first crush away from him and hating his guts for it, but it's overdone so much that it stops being a point of sympathy for him and just starts to be annoying.
    -"But you're friends, aren't you?" I fucking hate this shit. I hate it with a burning passion. I understand the dev wanted to amplify the feelings of being frustrated, not able to rely on your loved ones, and that Darren is a snake, but come on. All this does is just piss me off whenever they act like they can't see what's going on. Even though the MC hasn't told them what Darren did to him, it really isn't hard to see that he shuts down every time Darren is in the same room as him and is super uncomfortable with his presence. Maybe the older sister would be willfully oblivious since she's probably going to take Darren's side in this, but the mother and younger sister both act like morons in this regard.
    -Aiko's family is... a bit too anime for my tastes. Aiko being cutesy, hyper, and energetic is fine, but her entire family acting like that is too much.
    -The entire scene where Darren came in and just info dumped on the MC about how he's fucking all the women in his friend's lives was pretty bad. Might as well have given him his own Disney villain song at this point.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    I believe dev is a newbie to NTR genre, so he/she picked the worst plot of NTR story. Pretty much the basic plot that everyone first heard of NTR think off: where MC just cannot think of anything (even though there are 1000+ ways) and get "force" cuck (voluntarily basically).

    A good NTR, is able to show love between characters or at least the individual who is about to get cuck. The cuck either clueless or trying hardest to prevent it from happening and this dynamic is what make NTR good.

    I do hate bring up this example since it is abandoned but prime example for a good NTR is "big brother", where dev literally shove Eric NTR down player's throat and player really have to work for it to get out of NTR path. If you want more recent example then: "condemned town" (HTML), "mother NTR training" (Renpy), "horton bay stories" (Renpy).

    An NTR story where the cuck cry and beg all the time while our antagonist/bully somehow takes ages to dominate is like . . . watching an NTR story where there are 2 cuck with no antagonist (this is what the current story of this game is). Hell, even a basic swinging story would be so much better than this
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I feel like when writing reviews for the games of this genre, and in this general medium, it's important to consider the broader state of affairs.

    On initial release, this game has good pacing and degenerate (and good) enough writing without coming off as a parody of itself or devolving into a grammatical mess.
    The aforementioned good pacing is also doing a wonderful job from turning it into a chore of just clicking and hoping to get to the next interesting scene.
    Really looking forward to updates as-is. It will be the updates and the scope of the content within them that will make or break this game. The author promises a pivot away from the kinetic novel structure of the 1st chapter, and I really hope the game doesn't become drastically worse because of it.

    Some nitpicks:
    1. Gf's family writing is a bit too weaboo cutesy. It is obviously intentional by the author, but it's still annoying (to me).
    2. Media has audio AND there is no volume slider AND some scenes just have 3-4 clips playing at the same time with volume on. It's a bit absurd.
    3. There is one particular AI-generated jpeg of the antagonist that is reused a few times, and it's got horribly fucked up anatomy.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    I find kinetic novels pretty dull since it's just a bunch of clicking for porn (let's face it, the plot is rarely bestseller author quality) and I can do that on redtube if I wanted.

    The game for what it is, is fine. Nothing special at the moment (it's a first upload, so..). I found the constant scrolling and clicking to get through the story dull and uninspiring, but the actual content itself was okay.

    Specifically a game for people who enjoy/don't mind NTR. If you dislike NTR, you should 100% give this game a miss, you're not going to like it.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty fine start for a good VN, but not really good for a GAME

    NTR IS NOT AVOIDABLE! But if you like it and, well, BLACKED theme, its fine. Of course for the game i personally want some more choices, but its a fine start