Unity - LOK: Rebirth [v0.1.8.0 Test] [The Tribe Devs]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Step 1. Open game, be wowed by the UI. Seems nice.
    Step 2. Start game. Immediately hit some bug halfway through UI
    Step 3. Stuck unable to progress. Use skip to village (come on, that's what we're here for, right? Who cares about the ship)
    Step 4. Wake up -> visit chief -> end of content.

    10 minute of bug free gameplay consisting of only walking and dialogue

    Right now, it's not even alpha. It's not even a proof of concept. It's so barebone that there's gameplay. Just an UI demo at the moment of writing. Maybe wait 2 years. (Based on past track record, more like wait 10 years)
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    I am shocked this is over 3 years in development and has a total of like 10 scenes if you remove duplicates, and half of them aren't working correctly. No skip for conversations. The map of the ship is useless and confusing to navigate. Conversations are stilted and boring. Acronyms and history that aren't explained and make no sense.

    Cut out the ship section, the point is she's crash landed. Remove the incredibly tedious amount of "walk A to B". Why does the movement feel so sluggish? Why do scenes in the memories room not layer correctly for H scenes? If you want to make an H game, why are you developing everything avoiding making the H scenes?

    I've enjoyed other variations of LoK games that have been a lot more fun, complete and full of H content with half the development time this has had. I think it's just preying on furries on Patreon.
  3. 1.00 star(s)

    Violet Tucker

    It hurts me to say but at this point this game and all the ones like it are scams don't play aaaand most importantly do not buy or donate for it as it will never come out nor have any meaningful update.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Releases are always unstable, bug riddled messes.
    Animation quality and style are all over the place. Even in their own made gallery some H animations fail to load properly.
    Writing is atrocious, using the same tired phrases every other sentence.
    We get it, you can't write, you can't draw, and you can't code. Just stop.
  5. 2.00 star(s)



    To begin, I do like the old v0.8 better. That game, for what it is, is a 4/5 for me. I'll try to avoid any personal drama, Patreon drama and look at the development of the game and the game itself in what I think is fair.

    Gameplay: 2/5
    The gameplay is lackluster in that you kind of just walk around an empty map slowly and talk to like 5 people. It would be fine if that was how the game was advertised, but the gameplay has been the same for the past 4 years with some mini games. The mini games include pressing on the QWEASD and arrow keys at the right time for the tanning game, and memorizing 12-16 drink combinations whilst walking slowly across the tavern carrying only 2 things at a time. If that sounds fun to you, then I guess that's good? One other problem is that the game glitches, a lot. Like some scenes just don't play or progression gets messed up. For example: when helping Vanlen the quest 99% of the time I played glitches out and the progression never happens. Even after completing a day cycle, which isn't integrated well. Only positive to this would be the gallery feature in the menu screen, which is what saves it from being a 1/5. Again, if it wasn't advertised as some grand RPG but a walking simulator, it would get a higher rating.

    Story: 2/5
    There isn't any. I personally find the dialogue boring and lifeless. It would automatically be a 1/5, but to be fair the game hasn't even developed enough to be able to add the large story the devs want. Does it have potential? Eh. It's personally not for me, but it seems like I might be in the minority based on how people in the Discord seem to be interested enough to have a "lokr-spoiler-talk". I won't knock it down too much since the game is so underdeveloped to have a story.

    Art: 3/5
    The art in this game is nice. As good as the old v0.8 one? Personally, no it isn't. I feel like half the supporters or fanbase still prefer the old one since that one keeps getting visitors after 4 years of being abandoned. Hell, there are some fans ripping the art off the old game to make their own animations. Anyways, art is subjective and a lot of people seem to like this game's art style. Which is fair, I find the backgrounds nice. But it's getting knocked down due to it being one of the main causes of the lack of development. I don't blame the artist, but I don't know why they thought making a 2.5D game or whatever it is with only ONE artist (even the artist admitted he was slow at one point) was a good idea. Why have one guy draw 8 different frames, for different faces, limbs, clothing pieces for EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER. I heard they hired new artists, but the development pace is still the same. I don't expect it to get any faster unless they hire like 5-10 artist. It still gets a 3/5 because the art is nice, but the slow development it caused is such a huge problem for the development of the game. Hell, I think they haven't even finished drawing or animating all of the frames for the characters you meet in the BEGINNING of the game.

    Sex scenes: 2/5
    The meat and potatoes of the game. It's lacking. That's pretty much it. For a game that's been in development for 4 years, the amount of sex scenes is disappointing. The point of porn games is so you feel rewarded or kind of just escape into the game's world to give the sex scenes more context, more weight. But with how glitchy this game is, you're better off viewing the scenes in the gallery. Although, that kind of ruins the purpose of the game. It just becomes a gallery viewer. Comparing the old game to this, the animation is not bad for this one. It's just due to the amount of layers this game requires and how complex it has become, it feels clunkier than the older version. This game does have CGs that were promised to bring more sex scenes faster (development is still slow despite them stating CGs will make it go faster). So, when the sex scenes hold no weight, is clunky at times and glitches (Vanlen's dick just kind of just layers itself through her legs), and the art is still coming in slow despite the promised "faster" CGs, but with decent art: it gets a 2/5.

    Overall: 2/5
    The game is just too complex for its own good. Despite being in development for 4 years, the devs promising to code the groundwork to be more stable and allow them to bring out content faster, there isn't much to show. It is a small team that has big ambitions, but with the resources they have, development will be incredibly slow for the foreseen future. The overhaul seems to have affected the support for it as well as from 2021 to 2023, the Patreon has lost around 1000 Patreons. I personally wish they just went back to the old game to develop it, but it seems like some fans are doing so already. I hope for the best for this team, but maybe they'll see their success one day. With the scores tallied up and divided, it's a 2.22/5 or just 2/5.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Just came here to rate this beautiful game two (or maybe even 3) years after I last checked it, seeing how the devs promised that they will in a few months release a better version of LOK v0.8, which was made by the same team, except for one "small" programmer, who got replaced by a AAA games development guy. 2 years ago, they were saying that they have to delay content releases because they are making a very stable and flexible code, that will allow to do all the remaining work much quicker. I even believed them when one of the guys started to post some WIP game screenshots. Then i forgot about this game.
    more than 2 years have passed, i come back. and I see... maybe one new update
    So yeah, come, join the patreon, get a single snake's dickpick, and then pay them $ every month and hope for another WIP screenshot on next Christmas
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    More as a consensus with the rest of the reviews here than my usual in-depth reviews.

    To say that the development of this game is lackluster is rather putting it nicely. To still be stuck at ACT 1 for 5 years is unprecedented for such game to receive such high budget. To do so is to appear in KiraTV's "overpromised and undelivered" series, teetering between Identity RPG and Chronicles of Elyria.

    Next is the gameplay. It's not completely awful, but for a game that has now accumulated half a million dollars in donations, this is extremely underwhelming. 2 years they have to fix over the transition from 3D to 2D, and it feels like a demo in the making on their second draft. Thankfully, there aren't as much bugs as before, which would've been a positive if they had just started out a month ago. 2 years, however, demands a reason for the tardiness of ACT 1.

    Is there even a story to begin with? Layers of text of potentially interesting plot hampered by its development progression since it's still ACT 1. I'm not sure where act 1 even ends, as there seems no confirmation to begin a new chapter.

    The porn scene could be considered its least worst part of the game, if you were to only take the cutscene animation. The in-gameplay animation stands no different than its flash predecessor, which actually has a better frame rate over this reboot.

    And then, the patreon. The fact she had to set her revenue privately already gave speculations to many. The patron subscription numbers, however are still visible and are the only thing that we can estimate. From a peak of 2600 last year, they dropped far below 1700 as of writing this. For one to lose around 1000 patrons should be an indicator of even the insider's opinion of the game.

    Overall, it's overpaid, overrated and overspent in relevance.

    Now, it would be disingenous to say it's a terrible game without a standard what an "average Legend of Krystal" game is. Unfortunately for this game, we have both Playshapes and ShineSL's version of LOK, both overdelivering, underrated and underpaid. To make a comparison by comparison would be too off-topic, but it's best to play all three versions to see which LOK actually is better.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    This is a S-C-A-M
    There's no other word for it.
    Don't waste your time with this one.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    I've been watching this game since the beginning and can confidently say over the years there has been no real content added in respect to the time which has passed and proposed gameplay. Incorporate in this same idea the funding they have at their disposal and it becomes clear there's something not quite right. The discussion section here has more development than the actual game and is the only real reason I rarely come back at this point. Admittedly, I had forgotten about this game for a good 6 months or so, but thankfully I didn't miss anything. If this game somehow manages to roll out a solid 2 years worth of playable updates in the near future I will gladly give this a much better rating, but if those 2 years here have shown anything for itself it's that nothing will change with this review.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    team leader should take a step back and see how the development is horribly flawed seems to be milking patreon for all the money they can get with minimal development. better rating when progress is up to par many other games get 100x more done in the time these guys have spent doing nothing
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    A lot of time has passed and in this update the game has become even worse. There is no optimization, the graphics have become worse. The first part was the most interesting. And this is just a miserable copy of the game LOK
    In the first part, we could explore the world, the interactive was in the game, it is here but it is not needed. Too many lags. The plot is strange, the heroine has become dumber or the dialogues are written crookedly. It's a pity but 0 star would have been given. And so terrible
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Been "worked" on for over 2 years now by a team people. Nothing to show for that time. Booted Abelius off the team and his game now has more content in half the time. Don't bother with this in its current state.
  13. 1.00 star(s)

    Careless Cloud

    Can someone remind me how this is better than the original?
    The original was a glorified VN with solid presentation and super sexy scenes, what little was there anyway.

    This is just...what? I understand the first project had to be scrapped because of dev politics and the code needing reworked, but this is objectively worse than the original, and I think it's far enough along in its development to make that assessment.

    Why does this need to be an RPG with combat? Why stats? Why does everything feel so clunky? Huh, I can't get out of the starting room, guess I'll skip ahead to the village from the in-game PC option. Oh there's two dialogue scenes (dialogue is clunky too, did they playtest this at all?).

    I can't help but get the impression this is made my people that don't play H games, or they have really shitty taste. It's not to say there isn't talent or skill that's gone into making this, it's just incredibly misused.

    Devs, if you read this, you REALLY need a director. Whatever you're doing now isn't working, and I doubt it will work. This far along in development, this demo build should have felt smooth, the walking shouldn't be so awkward, there shouldn't be loading screens for every little thing, yes I know I'm babbling.

    Nothing about this feels good. The good part was when I was customizing Krystal (why do we need to do this even?), and I just went with the default because why would I want a green Krystal?

    I don't really care how coherent this review is, I'm just here to vent my frustrations. I don't have to take the time to make sure this is a smooth and enjoyable experience, unlike the devs of this game, who failed to do that.

    This game did do ONE thing really well, it made me remember how good the original game was and how total dogshit this one is by comparison.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    I've played the previous builds shared here and I can say that it'd be best for you to wait until every foundation of this game is laid perfectly and solid. At this state, with how the forum thread goes, it's a good enough foundation though maybe needed more than three to four patch releases to be considered as a semi-solid one.

    Would consider the branding into Kay's Adventures or something so that it does represent what the product offers to the potential customers and avoid confusion for the newbies going forward since this is Kay, not Krystal...

    or a way to avoid the banhammer hitting the devs' heads on the Star Fox franchise, which is more than likely to be the worst possible case. Whichever the case might be, who knows?

    Visit the forum thread every once in a while for more info and some consideration if you're stuck on whether to support the game or not.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    A bugged mess with no content after years on work, normally I prefer not to rate games so early in development but the LoK curse has claimed another attempt and some are still milking it.

    the little content there is somehow managed to be worse than the original LoK flash game, controls are laggy and movement slow, no clear direction of where to go or what to do, just get throw into an empty village where you can noclip and fall off existence. Honestly just go play the original unfinished playshapes version.
  16. 1.00 star(s)

    landon brice

    It's an fan development game, so there is no need to ask for an game award or a complete game XD. But I'm gonna be honest, this game...... is a total disaster, I know people doesn't wait for this so they can't be dissapointed. But game really disappoint even if it's a demo. Game and sex scenes doesn't even make sense, mechanics are too heavy, slow movement, dislikeable character.... well oterwise hope have a good luck with development, but gotcha write your ideas first in the paper cuz demo isn´t good or give hope of an enjoyable game.
  17. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3356960

    Going to have to contradict the poor reviews here. I wasn't expecting after such a long absence to come back to this abandoned then revived project and see such progress.

    Make no mistake, it is still very bare bones, there is much work to be done, and the devs seem to know this. I still question the need for a combat system, and it does seem a bit more complex than it ought to be, but the progress made so far from where it was, as well as the quality of the assets that are available have changed my mind.

    I was struck with the similarity it had to the prior LoK game, which is what I was looking for all along.

    When you're wrong, you're wrong. I will be keeping a closer eye on this one, and consider pledging to their patreon. Before you judge this game too harshly (as I did), give it a try yourself. You might be surprised by what's there.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    Faith is a terrible thing to waste. In 2016, an artist named Kuja had a dream. He saw the endless flood of unfinished games based upon the coveted Legend of Krystal demo by Playshapes, and decided that a fresh attempt with new art assets might break this seemingly endless trend of unfulfilled dreams. In stepped Abelius, a strange programmer from Spain, and the two set out to begin the project that would be known as LoK Rebirth.

    Things seemed promising at first, as they often do with ambitious projects such as this. The initial updates lacked content and the gameplay was padded with obnoxious busywork, but progress was slowly being made. However, as time went by, Kuja grew silent while Abelius continued to post more about his personal life instead of the game itself. Someone named Vlad was mentioned in passing. The exact funding that the project was getting on patreon was hidden by Kuja one day, never to be seen again, leaving people to wonder how well things were actually going with it all. Then, near the end of 2018, something major happened: After two years of work, the project was going to be reset.

    The exact reasons for this sudden change of plans are still unknown, owing in no small part to the conflicting testimonies from all of the involved parties in this debacle. From what can be pieced together, Kuja wanted to bring in a bigger team for the project, including the aforementioned Vlad, and Abelius refused to share his work with these people. To circumvent this issue, the new team simply started over from scratch, leaving Abelius to meander on the sidelines. He would eventually try to start up his own project, with art assets by Kuja once again, but this too fell apart once Kuja completely severed ties with him around the dawn of 2021.

    Back at LoK, ambition took the helm once more. The rebirth of Rebirth was going to be bigger and better than anything the previous version was aiming for: 3D maps, eight-directional paperdolls instead of the simple two-directional models of yore, a KOTOR-style combat system, and less of an emphasis on the pornographic side of things. After nearly three years of work, the 3D maps were completely thrown out, the extra directions for the models have utterly bottlenecked the progress on animations, the combat system is nowhere in sight, and there’s less explicit material available in-game than ever before.

    As stated earlier, the seeds of this project were sewn by Kuja in 2016. This was going to be the game that broke the trend; the one project that didn’t ride on the coattails of the now decade-old demos by Playshapes. Now, it’s just another unfinished brick in the wall of half-baked demos, sitting shoulder to shoulder to High Tail Hall and The Rack. Some curses were never meant to be broken.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    So, another remake of Legend of Krystal filled with the same empty promises as the last but with even less content? Remind me why the previous game was abandoned? The previous game had better art and animation compared to this. The walking speed is slow, level design is godawful, and bugs galore. I don't know why, but the game devs are also tip-toeing around penetrative sex scenes like it's the plague. Unless there is penetrative sex in a PORN GAME with heterosexuality as a focal point, what is the point? On the dev's Trello page, they have 8 animations for a male character that are lined up, but none of them are even close to penetrative, vaginal sex. Listen to the audience, we really don't care about lesbian scenes with the lizard girl or blowjobs and handjobs, we want penetration, whether it be anal or vaginal.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    Thats a 1.0 version?

    -Movement is way to slow
    -The auto scrolling got me stuck and I could not get anywhere neither left or right.
    -Sometimes hairs, and clothing miss from a certain angle.
    -The map is shit. I could not even find the chiefs tent because of the awful level design. You dont know where you can go, heck you dont even know where anything is and no fast travel that could prevent me being stuck.
    - Everything feels like being stuck in mud. The game does not flow, you feel yourself crawling through it searching for the reason why you play it.
    -The rooms and enviroments feel dead. Nothing except chests.
    -Boring generic music with no connection to where you are or what is happening.

    +This game is making progress
    +The art design is good.
    +Character Costumization is cool yet nothing to be found in a 1.0 version.

    Calling this a 1.0 Version is dumb in my eyes, it feels like 0.226 version of the previuos one with the awful 3D background.
    So 1 star you get for the maybe good future. I cant play it. Even the dead version was more clear in where I can go and where not. There needs to be a lot of polish to grind yourself to the maybe sex scenes that are there somewhere.