Awesome, glad I stumbled upon your post. I'm currently attempting to make a sandbox style playthrough. That mod helps greatly! I already removed carry weight and trait restrictions as well by editing the files directly. Is it also possible to make it so you don't lose your inventory when captured? I haven't been able to find that in the files anywhere. I think that is the last thing I need for sandboxing.
Edit: there a way I can make those changes as a mod? I have to re-edit the files every update. Would be nice to just have them stick.
You can learn Ruby scripting language a bit. In Ruby if you write
You actually define not a method, but what symbol :a means (method in this case) in current namespace (class/module) scope and then you can redefine it so if you do
After executing both of those you now have symbol :a pointing to "2" method instead of "1".
So what you have to do is copy namespace (module/class) definition and define symbol with same name in its scope, and it will overwrite previous definition as soon as it's loaded. If that symbol points to method, all calls of that method will be calling new method. If needed, you can save old method using alias (or alias_method) and call it as well. That's how I make mods.
So yes, you can move all changes you make to mods.
Example from what you quoted: inside namespace definition
class Game_Event
following gets done:
1. Line
alias_method :setup_page_settings_noitemdisappear, :setup_page_settings
is done before redefining to copy original method from setup_page_settings into setup_page_settings_noitemdisappear so that you can call original method by line
Alternatively you can call
alias setup_page_settings_noitemdisappear setup_page_settings
(note syntax difference in : and ,) it's my personal preference to use alias_method to be sure I'm copying method and not variable.
More intuitive naming would be
alias_method :setup_page_settings_original, :setup_page_settings
but if multiple mods do this, it will copy to setup_page_settings_original multiple times overwriting it and causing issues, so less intuitive way to name is used to point to who redefined method instead.
2. (Re)defining method setup_page_settings
def setup_page_settings
3. Method code: call old method with previously copied
and then call
@move_route = nil if[0..4]=='Item'
Or use less stable overwrite (if multiple mods modify same method by overwrite, only last one will be applied possibly causing issues between mods, thus less stable), but simpler method is copy code from original method into new one here instead and modify it. E.g. don't call setup_page_settings_noitemdisappear in example, but instead copy original method's code there.
Losing inventory when captured was changed somewhere in 0.4.3.* versions iirc to move inventory into specific chest in same location. Try redefining 29_Game_Party.rb def drop_all_items_to_storage with empty method. Or maybe def drop_all_equipped_items_to_storage, but it's called from drop_all_items_to_storage so probably not required.