
Jul 8, 2019
Bathing also increases Sexy temporarily, because who'd want to sleep with someone that looks and smells like they rolled around in the dirt outside.
Masturbation is useful if your arousal is about to tick over to 0 and you don't want to get raped.
Relieving yourself helps to stop Lona relieving herself in her pants. This is not pleasant. Severe sexy debuff and max dirty.
Cleaning privates... yes, that's what it's supposed to do.
To break your restraints, you're going to need piles of Stamina and at least 15 points in Attack, I think.

2: Arousal seems to tick faster if Lona's not a virgin any more. Also some of Elise's mods will also get it working faster.
Masturbating on the spot is not as common an event as people like to think it is. I think what has to happen is that her Arousal has to be ridiculously far below 0 for it to fire but I've never managed this. It might be tied to a particular sex state such as Multi Orgasm which essentially gives Lona an addiction to cumming.

3: Well, Hard is the game's version of Normal. I don't think food matters in this version (or it does, it never expires). If she's lactating, her boobs won't auto expel the milk within and probably other things.
I mostly play on Hell. Food and relieving yourself become important here. Food expires, enemies hit harder and faster (this is particularly irritating) and I think random encounter events like bandits or guard patrol are more frequent.
Doom is like Hell only much more severe.

I'm sure I've missed something somewhere.
Something I like doing is wiping a bandit raid and relieving myself on one of their corpses especially if their go into 1000-punches-per-second mode.
Thanks for the answers, any information is much appreciated! (y)


Mar 16, 2018
Relieving yourself helps to stop Lona relieving herself in her pants.
Huh, didn't know that could happen. I tend to ignore needs a fair bit and never got that event. Though I also haven't played too much recently if that's newish.


Jan 17, 2021
Is there a reason to leave noer (other than to complete Noer quests)?

Doing doom mode because I like the challenge, but I'm not seeing a reason to ever leave Noer since it's so dangerous outside Noer and Noer is by far the most lucrative.

Is there a benefit to the other regions? Doomfort and Piratefort, what's the benefit of them? Hard to beat colosseum's 2 large copper a day.
The benefit is that you get to explore the world and expose yourself to danger.
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Squark ⚧❤️

Conversation Conqueror
Jun 16, 2017
Huh, didn't know that could happen. I tend to ignore needs a fair bit and never got that event. Though I also haven't played too much recently if that's newish.
You have to be playing on Hell or Doom, where you have to manage your needs.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
I saw that there were a couple optimization mods (and the D3D one), but are those no longer functional? When I popped them into the latest (or second to latest) version, the game just crashed in the sewers. Or are those mods just outdated and no longer needed?
They're already implemented ingame, no need to add anything else.
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New Member
Dec 31, 2019
This gets mentioned all the time. The forum exists for people to discuss games. How they play, the story, the effects and visuals.

You might disagree with what I said, that's fine. I find the controls cumbersome and choose not to play for that reason. And I have every right to say that
There is a discord for your suggestions.

I felt the same way you did, but instead of complaining I found this place and read through alot of questions.

I did not learn everything in one day or like in other RPG maker games in 1 minute.

Nowadays I setup all my keys at the beginning of the game and thats it.

You've been complaining all this time with no contructive criticism.

What are you trying to achieve here?
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Feb 19, 2018
LonaRPG [v0.5.7.0] Fan Translation Patch*

Hello everyone I translated this in about 2 days so it may not be very good.
Nice, is it MTL or did you translate from chinese yourself ?
In both cases, welcome to the hell that is translating this game, for some reason reading the dialoges without being in game and with the full context makes them even more horrible :D I've almost felt physically sick sometimes, how can Lona keep her sanity after all that ???

About the wiki, I'm working on right now, but I could use some help to detail how works, as I've never used it.
Once I'm done with traits, I will move to quests.


Apr 6, 2019
Cleaning privates... yes, that's what it's supposed to do.
To break your restraints, you're going to need piles of Stamina and at least 15 points in Attack, I think.
I'd like to add a little something having passed a lot of time in fishtopia as a sex slave, with the right passive skill Cleaning privates can be used to actually collect the semen inside your holes, probably not very useful in hell and doom but on hard the semen can be cooked to make white sludge (who has a value of 50 tp but a weigth of 1 so keep it as semen, who weigth 60% less, until when you are ready to trade), on the long run it makes for a lot of trade power. Now the break restraints, never really invested in strength even if I should have had but my time in fishtopia teached me that to break whatever is holding you 100 points of stamina are necessary, 80 if you have some stat. at 15 or above, picking the slut personality Hitchhiker was almost mandatory, and so 15 points in survival, plus the stamina for the early days required some investment in constitution, therefore i feel confident in saying that not just strength but survival and constitution, too, are okay to lower the threshold.
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Jan 17, 2021
LonaRPG [v0.5.7.0] Fan Translation Patch*

Hello everyone I translated this in about 2 days so it may not be very good.
If you decide to download it I hope you can enjoy it.

Mods If I'm breaking any rules with this post please feel free to delete it.

EccmA417 Please feel free to use my work in any way you like.

Anyone who wants to use my work or edit it Please feel free do so. Improve it however you like.
Cheers Everyone.

View attachment 1330771

Edit* My first upload had a typo when entering the slave traders house the game crashed. Has been fixed and reuploaded
Can't seem to download it


New Member
Mar 22, 2020
here's some basic tips on how to survive if you're completely new to the game

SAVE OFTEN and in multiple spots
eat food to gain food
hold Q to trade 10 food to 20 stamina by napping
press A to use main weapon
press Z to interact with things
you're playing as a little girl, do NOT brawl with things a normal little girl wouldn't be able to take on (in the early game)

very first tip: do NOT level anything apart from survival until you reach lvl 10 on it, dark cauldron is a must have ability unless you want to be bleeding money out your ass since it allows you to cook raw ingredients into dried rations and fried meat + allows you to make potions, after you have lvl 10 in survival and 1 point in dark cauldron the rest is up to you to decide what you want to level up but do not skip that unless you're doing some special challenge run

on the first map with the rats head to the bottom left corner of the map and open the chest with the pitchfork in it, equip the pitchfork and use it and its 2 square range to wreck the rats you need for 8 tails, make your way to the bottom right of the map where you will encounter some orkin/goblin things (do NOT fight them) instead just make sure you have enough stamina (hold down Q to recover 20 stamina in exchange for 10 food points) save before you do this, hold shift to run and run on top of the sword on the ground, quickly press Z and then juke and run away from the orkin/goblins, after you have successfully snatched the sword and gotten away from them without getting hit bad enough to drop items head back to top left of the map and exit the screen

now you're in the main city of Noer which is one of the few "safe"(there are bandits and hobos in the city so not so safe) places on the map, head to the nearest green ! on the map and press Z to enter, here go talk to the quest giver guy with the green ! above their head, go to the pile of papers slapped to the wall north of him and pick the gathering quest for the white dragon weed (objective is to gather x4 of white dragon weed you will find south east of Noer), once you have taken the notification paper take it to the quest giver guy and accept the quest, take the cooking book behind the counter where the chef is swinging wildly and moving back and forth (this will have recipes for you) exit the establishment

head to the Noer marketplace near the inn (south east of it within the city) and enter there, here you can buy magical items (later if you're going the mage route), hairstyles and hair dyes, new clothes if you misplace your old ones (they're all the same as starter so only really useful if you get stripped and lose the starter gear), buy some crummy food (dark cauldron ftw screw the overpriced food), buy some basic weapons (this is why we're here for) and at night buy explosives in the alley west of wizard equipment guy (we are not here for that), go talk to the man who sells basic weapons on the north east of the map, he will sell you a sickle for 200 (we need this because it lowers the cost of harvesting stuff in the forest we are heading down to 1 stamina per one harvest), buy the sickle from the nice man and head out of the marketplace

now it is time to set out in the wilderness east of the city, make your way to the gate and interact with it by bumping into it (press Z if that doesn't work), the gatekeeper will tell you to identify yourself to pass (you start with the ID papers so you can pass fine, should you ever lose these for any reason you will have to take a alternative route through the sewers which is hellish route so keep the ID safe, you can buy a forged ID in Noer but reloading is cheaper), follow the road to east until you see forest tiles south of you, beeline to the forest and and enter the forest area, in this area your biggest (and usually only) threat is boars, boars are easy to avoid when you know what you're doing but don't underestimate their ability to stunlock you if you decide to try to fight them, DO NOT try to fight boars.. yet, gather yellowish/whiteish/moccaish plants from the ground (protip if you press shift while harvesting them with Z you will eat them and waste them.. don't do that), harvest the banana trees, berries and tomatoes on the walls and berries on the ground, these are your main source of food and later on with dark cauldron you can chef them into dried rations (the food you started with, excellent poor mans choice for food and sells for okay amount of coins), harvest every food in the region, exit and re-enter the forest, keep doing this until you have at the very least 4 white dragon weed things that the quest requires (you will be doing this a lot to level up early on and to save on food bills / make dried rations etc later on), this forest is your new home and your safest place to farm food and a bit of money by selling dried rations / fried meat later on when you can take on boars, if you're ballsy you can try to get two boars to fight each other and then loot the meat from the fallen one while avoiding the other one, this is not very useful at this point of the game before you have dark cauldron, after you've farmed enough stuff in the forest it is time to head back to Noer and deliver the quest

there should be a glaring green ! a bit north east of the X road near the inn where you need to go drop off the white dragon weed x4 (note that the place is only open during the morning so try to time your travel there properly, if you botch it you can just press ctrl or walk around to waste time waiting for daybreak, talk to the person behind the counter until you lose x4 white dragon weed and then take the book on his counter to have more recipes this time for potions (dark cauldron required to make use of these), return to the inn in Noer where you got the quest and talk to the man behind the counter to finish up, congratulations you did your first "supply run" you will be doing these a lot in the early game to level up safely, now you can either trade for a key to the inn from the fat lady behind the counter or go straight to retake the quest and go for another supply run keep doing this until you get dark cauldron unlocked, after you have gotten dark cauldron you should go to marketplace or wilderness to cook dried rations / fried meats, the basic for sellable / long term meal is 1x wood (you get this by hitting trees((costs a lot of stamina)) ) + 2 vegetables or 2 meats, 2 vegetables = 1 dried ration, 2 meats = 1 fried meat, you only need to add 1 wood per vegetable pile or 1 wood per meat pile, make sure the amount is even you can cook for example 3 tomatoes, 6 bananas and 1 berry with 1 wood and it will still give you 5 dried rations, gather up fried meat and dried rations from the forest until you have enough copper coins to buy your wanted class gear and enough experience to feel comfortable taking on boars and exploring further

this is just a guide on how to get you started, any interaction with bandits, undead, orkind/goblins and so forth you should run from in the early game, do NOT fight them you can't beat them and will just end up getting raped, only after you have your class equipment and few levels under your belt should you even think of challenging anything bigger than a rat and even then you should gauge how likely it is that you can beat them without getting wrecked, even the most basic bandits and orkind/goblins can stunlock you if you get cocky so don't do that, if you want to enjoy sex scenes that aren't god awfully ryona you should follow the quest line sex scenes and avoid losing on purpose, i believe the maker of the game intended you to play the game properly to get the nicer scenes most of the downed scenes are very gruesome and kind of vile so you don't want to see those (right?..)

a challenging game that is very rewarding once you get on your feet and start your path down your chosen class route, my advice would be to go for the rapier + throwing knives they seem to be the "best" at least for my own personal playstyle, you will require weapons expert (needs default lona or tough lona to be able to pick that) and of course the items themselves, the weapon smith that sells the rapier sword can be found west of the inn, playstyle will be throwing daggers at people from afar until the enemy gets too close then finishing them off with the rapier, good build for when you want to have a good poke dmg from afar and not be completely fucked if the enemy manages to get near you, if for some reason you find yourself in melee range of enemy whack away and pray like hell until you can get an opening to move away, always keep your stamina high when you have a chance to take a quick nap (yes, sometimes even mid combat if enemies are far enough)

at about level 30 you should be in shape to take on some small bands of enemies and you should be the bane of boars, throwing knife's interrupt the charge of the boars which is excellent when you spam it on them since they will keep trying to charge you when afar while you keep interrupting it and damaging them (about time they tasted their own medicine of stunlock), never underestimate ANY enemies close range attacks stunlocks are common in this game and you'll end up getting raped if you get downed most of the time + you'll lose the items they rip off of you to the ground, getting hit can make you lose items you hold / wear

edit: added a basic build picture for visual aid, also the blue potions you can brew with dark couldron from 2x white dragon weed restore stamina but better than sleep and can be used during combat so keep a few of those in your inventory if you ever get downed due to stamina loss basic build.jpg
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New Member
Jul 27, 2021
I have compared this patch to original ENG folder - Not bad.

This time it is not some third user patch that adds whatever random STUFF he pleases (cainane) but its actually looks like a proper mtl translation merge... But... Just stop using that "CANCEL" everywhere! And there where some wrong typo things in code that can lead to bug (not sure, though, maybe not?) why even change files that is already fully translated in english?

So I removed all unnecessary files while left only those, that contains CHT translation, 37 in eng and 2 in mail folder:

A whole ENG folder to overwrite if someone already used merge - to remove that "cancel" and some not fun stuff:
View attachment merged.rar
Patch with only 39 files inside, for those, who still use original version, that they downloaded:
View attachment single.rar

If you gonna continue, might be a good idea to take reference from .txt that has "-" prefix in ENG folder.
Those is translation files, that is still in development, probably you can copypaste from there.
And, please, create not only merged but a separate archive as well in next time - that contains only those files, that been translated form CHT. Also, this site is karma farm machine for addicts - you have the link now, run the hell out of here before it's too late
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Squark ⚧❤️

Conversation Conqueror
Jun 16, 2017
I have compared this patch to original ENG folder - Not bad.

This time it is not some third user patch that adds whatever random STUFF he pleases (cainane) but its actually looks like a proper mtl translation merge... But... Just stop using that "CANCEL" everywhere! And there where some wrong typo things in code that can lead to bug (not sure, though, maybe not?) why even change files that is already fully translated in english?
View attachment 1333732

So I removed all unnecessary files while left only those, that contains CHT translation, 37 in eng and 2 in mail folder:

A whole ENG folder to overwrite if someone already used merge - to remove that "cancel" and some not fun stuff:
View attachment 1333752
Patch with only 39 files inside, for those, who still use original version, that they downloaded:
View attachment 1333754

If you gonna continue, might be a good idea to take reference from .txt that has "-" prefix in ENG folder.
Those is translation files, that is still in development, probably you can copypaste from there.
And, please, create not only merged but a separate archive as well in next time - that contains only those files, that been translated form CHT. Also, this site is karma farm machine for addicts - you have the link now, run the hell out of here before it's too late
Regardless of your bash, I think "Bluff" is less unwieldy than "Lie to get in". As for putting "Cancel" "everywhere", anybody with a measurable IQ would be able to tell its purpose. It's short for "Cancel Action" which for all intents and purposes is the same as "Do Nothing" while using less screen space. Why use two words where one would do?
Looking at the last paragraph in your post it seems that English isn't your first language though the rest of your post is just fine.
So you berate someone doing what they like and then proceed to do the same thing yourself? Oh, the irony.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
here's some basic tips on how to survive if you're completely new to the game

very first tip: do NOT level anything apart from survival until you reach lvl 10 on it, dark cauldron is a must have ability unless you want to be bleeding money out your ass since it allows you to cook raw ingredients into dried rations and fried meat + allows you to make potions, after you have lvl 10 in survival and 1 point in dark cauldron the rest is up to you to decide what you want to level up but do not skip that unless you're doing some special challenge run

this is just a guide on how to get you started, any interaction with bandits, undead, orkind/goblins and so forth you should run from in the early game, do NOT fight them you can't beat them and will just end up getting raped, only after you have your class equipment and few levels under your belt should you even think of challenging anything bigger than a rat
The rest of the guide is pretty good, but I disagree pretty hard on these. Survival at 10 before anything else means it'll take 10 levels longer to reach important traits. In higher difficulties, fine, having food last longer can be worth screwing up your combat potential for quite a while, but that's not really a newbie tip. Mages also HARD want full wis builds or your damage with frost spells (The quickest/most reliable) will be abysmal. Not having full wis kills a mage build unless you're extremely overleveled. Stealth builds will suffer for quite a while with weak scu too. They're one of the earliest builds to be able to solo difficult stuff, so that's not great either.

Bit of an exception to the "don't kill anything", undead aren't that scary, especially if aiming for stamina damage over HP damage. Using the 2 handed spear or the lantern can kill them pretty quickly. It's not super efficient, but undead really never need to be feared with any build now thanks to the lantern. You can also bait two boars into fighting each other and beat on the winning boar during the scuffle to even out their hp loss so even the surviving one ends their fight nearly dead for you to finish off. Boars are a gamble and require some skill, you can easily be injured but their meat is worth it with practice. You probably don't want to try soloing a fresh boar though unless you really know what you're doing.

Even a newbie can at least get the meat from one of the boars in the 2 boar strat though with very little risk. Smacking them and potentially reagroing them on you is the part that might get a new player fucked up (So just aim for the 1 boar unless the 2nd naturally ends the fight limping).
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New Member
Mar 22, 2020
The rest of the guide is pretty good, but I disagree pretty hard on these. Survival at 10 before anything else means it'll take 10 levels longer to reach important traits. In higher difficulties, fine, having food last longer can be worth screwing up your combat potential for quite a while, but that's not really a newbie tip. Mages also HARD want full wis builds or your damage with frost spells (The quickest/most reliable) will be abysmal. Not having full wis kills a mage build unless you're extremely overleveled. Stealth builds will suffer for quite a while with weak scu too. They're one of the earliest builds to be able to solo difficult stuff, so that's not great either.

Bit of an exception to the "don't kill anything", undead aren't that scary, especially if aiming for stamina damage over HP damage. Using the 2 handed spear or the lantern can kill them pretty quickly. It's not super efficient, but undead really never need to be feared with any build now thanks to the lantern. You can also bait two boars into fighting each other and beat on the winning boar during the scuffle to even out their hp loss so even the surviving one ends their fight nearly dead for you to finish off. Boars are a gamble and require some skill, you can easily be injured but their meat is worth it with practice. You probably don't want to try soloing a fresh boar though unless you really know what you're doing.
can't say i ever tried full wis mage builds mage builds seemed way too risky for my taste, i might give it a go maybe my downfall in the build was the 10 survival and why the build felt so underwhelming, do you just buy the food / potions you need or how do you compensate for that, wisdom does give you cheaper prices so i guess it could work maybe


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
can't say i ever tried full wis mage builds mage builds seemed way too risky for my taste, i might give it a go maybe my downfall in the build was the 10 survival and why the build felt so underwhelming, do you just buy the food / potions you need or how do you compensate for that, wisdom does give you cheaper prices so i guess it could work maybe
Nah, full wis build drastically improves herb drops. You hang out in the forest and farm herbs/food/meat from the boars until your inventory is full, then you head into town and sell most the herbs and do the graveyard quest until you reach mana weapons (Best to hire the whip dude, he does a ton of stamina damage. Even with his nerf, he's still pretty great there).

You'll want to make sure to grab the glasses before heading to the forest too, which requires a bit more farming in the starter rat den and maybe selling the starter sword and such (And buying the sickle of course). Eat the boar meat first over the fruit, it restores more stam.

That strategy gets fucked on higher difficulties with the fresh food spoilage, but again, that's something to worry about later if you want that kind of challenge. Most the recommended stuff and builds get fucked up in higher difficulties. Last I checked the game/various builds weren't super balanced for higher difficulties and you were forced into like one or two paths. Maybe that's improved though.

P.S: The mage build is currently pretty unbalanced. It's fine against weaker enemies, but you'll hit a wall that other builds won't and there are enemies that your frost aoe will only do 1 damage against unless you're extremely overleveled. The basic frost bolt can also be so weak that you'll run out of stamina before you can kill the stronger mobs. I don't want people thinking the mage build is op or reliable or anything, but it is fun for a while and there are ways around its weaknesses, at least for a while (Or with a shit ton of additional grinding, lol.).

You can also lead with a fireball to help a lot with the weak damage of frost. If you're lucky, you'll stun or cripple enemies with that. I haven't really found a use for the lightning staff yet, kind of feeds into the same weaknesses that the frost spells have. Another big issue is that enemies can charge through or jump over their floor traps like the whirlwind from the frost offhand, even at 2 or 3 layers. That doesn't help.
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4.10 star(s) 190 Votes