
Sep 30, 2021
keywords: unblocked , how to get all traits, how to unlock all traits, get all traits, tough and mana knowledge, multiple traits, many traits, help traits
Unblocked Traits "Mod"

I wouldn't exactly say this is a mod since it took a few minutes to make, but I guess it technically is. Here's for you lazy people out there (like i would be if this already existed)

This lets you get any trait without other traits blocking it, so you can get every single trait at the same time. Simple as that.
(Having multiple personality traits MAY cause some jank. Haven't tested it out, but I tried and failed to make it so you couldn't have multiple and it didn't work. Just be aware of that)

Simply replace ALL the text in the file at LonaRPG/Data/Scripts/Editables/92_Game_Actor_Traits.rb with this:
class Game_Actor < Game_Battler

    def basic_traits

        #    when 0 #can pick
        #        spr.blend_type = 0
        #        spr.opacity = 255
        #    when 1 #not fit, need more
        #        spr.blend_type = 0
        #        spr.opacity = 128
        #    when 2 #not allowed
        #        spr.blend_type = 2
        #        spr.opacity =50
        #    when 3 #already picked
        #        spr.blend_type = 1
        #        spr.opacity = 255
        #    when 4 #not fit, but closed, need more
        #        spr.blend_type = 0
        #        spr.opacity = 128

            [25,64,self.combat_trait,            123],
            [33,63,self.scoutcraft_trait,        122],
            [41,62,self.wisdom_trait,            121],
            [40,61,self.survival_trait,            120],
            [48,60,self.constitution_trait,        119]

    def gift_traits
        #[]other traits # 200 = nil
    def basic_trait_addable?(tmpVal)
        99 >= tmpVal
    #current_selected =>[selected_gift_trait_id,selected_gift_trait_id,selected_gift_trait_id,selected_gift_trait_id,selected_gift_trait_id]
    def gift_trait_addable?(trait_id,current_selected)
        case trait_id
            when 115;        return trait_Nymph_addable?(current_selected);#true: can add / false: cannot add
            when 116;        return trait_IronWill_addable?(current_selected);
            when 117;        return trait_WeakSoul_addable?(current_selected);
            when 125;        return trait_bloodlust_addable?(current_selected);
            when 126;        return trait_masochist_addable?(current_selected);
            when 127;        return trait_cannibal_addable?(current_selected);
            when 128;        return trait_BloodyMess_addable?(current_selected);
            when 129;        return trait_exhibitionism_addable?(current_selected);
            when 130;        return trait_HunterTraining_addable?(current_selected);
            when 131;        return trait_prostitute_addable?(current_selected);
            when 132;        return trait_omnivore_addable?(current_selected);
            when 133;        return trait_semengulper_addable?(current_selected);
            when 134;        return trait_ManaKnowledge_addable?(current_selected);
            when 135;        return trait_WeaponryKnowledge_addable?(current_selected);
            #when 136;        return trait_Alchemy_addable?(current_selected);
            when 137;        return trait_ImproveThrowRock_addable?(current_selected);
            when 138;        return trait_Succubus_addable?(current_selected);
            when 139;        return trait_Lilith_addable?(current_selected);
            when 140;        return trait_Hitchhiker_addable?(current_selected);
            when 141;        return trait_Pessimist_addable?(current_selected);
            when 142;        return trait_IntoShadow_addable?(current_selected);
            when 143;        return trait_TrapImprove_addable?(current_selected);
            when 144;        return trait_ShadowMaster_addable?(current_selected);
            when 145;        return trait_NunKnowledge_addable?(current_selected);
            when 146;        return trait_SaintFieldSupporter_addable?(current_selected);
            else raise "what are you doing"
    ###  1 can take, but not yet,    2 blocked by trait      0 can take
    def trait_Nymph_addable?(current_selected) #115
        return 2 if current_selected.include?(116) #trait_Nymph_addable
        return 2 if current_selected.include?(117) #trait_WeakSoul_addable
        #return 2 if current_selected.include?(134) #trait_ManaKnowledge_addable
        #return 2 if current_selected.include?(135) #trait_WeaponryKnowledge_addable
        #return 2 if state_stack(116) == 1 #trait_IronWill_addable
        #return 2 if state_stack(117) == 1 #trait_WeakSoul_addable
        #return 2 if state_stack(134) == 1 #trait_ManaKnowledge_addable
        #return 2 if state_stack(135) == 1 #trait_WeaponryKnowledge_addable
        return 3 if state_stack(115) == 1 #self
        return 0
    def trait_IronWill_addable?(current_selected) #116
        return 2 if current_selected.include?(115) #trait_Nymph_addable
        return 2 if current_selected.include?(117) #WeakSoul
        #return 2 if current_selected.include?(132) #trait_omnivore_addable
        #return 2 if current_selected.include?(133) #trait_semengulper_addable
        #return 2 if current_selected.include?(134) #trait_ManaKnowledge_addablege
        #return 2 if current_selected.include?(138) #Succubus
        #return 2 if current_selected.include?(139) #Lilith
        #return 2 if state_stack(115) == 1 #trait_Nymph_addable
        #return 2 if state_stack(117) == 1 #WeakSoul
        #return 2 if state_stack(132) == 1 #trait_omnivore_addable
        #return 2 if state_stack(133) == 1 #trait_semengulper_addable
        #return 2 if state_stack(134) == 1 #trait_ManaKnowledge_addable
        #return 2 if state_stack(138) == 1 #Succubus
        #return 2 if state_stack(139) == 1 #trait_Lilith_addable
        return 3 if state_stack(116) == 1 #self
        return 0
    def trait_WeakSoul_addable?(current_selected) #117
        return 2 if current_selected.include?(115) #Nymph
        return 2 if current_selected.include?(116) #IronWill
        #return 2 if current_selected.include?(127) #cannibal
        #return 2 if current_selected.include?(135) #WeaponryKnowledge
        #return 2 if current_selected.include?(138) #Succubus
        #return 2 if current_selected.include?(125) #bloodlust
        #return 2 if state_stack(115) == 1 #Nymph
        #return 2 if state_stack(116) == 1 #IronWill
        #return 2 if state_stack(135) == 1 #WeaponryKnowledge
        #return 2 if state_stack(138) == 1 #Succubus
        #return 2 if state_stack(125) == 1 #bloodlust
        return 3 if state_stack(117) == 1 #self
        return 0
    def trait_bloodlust_addable?(current_selected) #125 bloodlust
        #return 2 if current_selected.include?(145) #NunKnowledge
        #return 2 if current_selected.include?(117) #_WeakSoul
        #return 2 if state_stack(145) == 1 #NunKnowledge
        #return 2 if state_stack(117) == 1 #_WeakSoul
        return 3 if state_stack(125) == 1 #self
        return 1 if @level < 10
        return 0

    def trait_masochist_addable?(current_selected) #126
        #return 2 if current_selected.include?(141) #Pessimist
        #return 2 if state_stack(141) == 1 #Pessimist
        return 3 if state_stack(126) == 1 #self
        return 1 if @level < 30
        return 0

    def trait_cannibal_addable?(current_selected) #127
        #return 2 if current_selected.include?(145) #NunKnowledge
        #return 2 if current_selected.include?(117) #WeakSoul
        #return 2 if state_stack(145) == 1 #NunKnowledge
        #return 2 if state_stack(117) == 1 #WeakSoul
        return 3 if state_stack(127) == 1 #self
        return 1 if @level < 20
        return 0
    def trait_BloodyMess_addable?(current_selected) #128
        return 3 if state_stack(128) == 1 #self
        return 1 if @level < 40
        return 0
    def trait_exhibitionism_addable?(current_selected) #129
        return 3 if state_stack(129) == 1 #self
        return 1 if @level < 5
        return 0
    def trait_HunterTraining_addable?(current_selected) #130
        return 3 if state_stack(130) == 1 #self
        return 1 if @level < 15
        return 0

    def trait_prostitute_addable?(current_selected) #131
        return 3 if state_stack(131) == 1 #self
        return 1 if @level < 5
        return 0
    def trait_omnivore_addable?(current_selected) #132
        #return 2 if current_selected.include?(116) #IronWill
        #return 2 if state_stack(116) == 1 #IronWill
        return 3 if state_stack(132) == 1 #self
        return 1 if @level < 15
        return 0

    def trait_semengulper_addable?(current_selected) #133
        #return 2 if current_selected.include?(116) #IronWill
        #return 2 if state_stack(116) == 1 #IronWill
        return 3 if state_stack(133) == 1 #self
        return 1 if @level < 15
        return 0

    def trait_ManaKnowledge_addable?(current_selected) #134
        #return 2 if current_selected.include?(115) #Nymph
        #return 2 if current_selected.include?(116) #IronWill
        #return 2 if current_selected.include?(145) #NunKnowledge
        #return 2 if state_stack(145) == 1 #NunKnowledge
        #return 2 if state_stack(115) == 1 #Nymph
        #return 2 if state_stack(116) == 1 #IronWill
        return 3 if state_stack(134) == 1 #self
        return 1 if @level < 15
        return 0
    def trait_WeaponryKnowledge_addable?(current_selected) #135
        #return 2 if current_selected.include?(115) #Nymph
        #return 2 if current_selected.include?(117) #IronWill
        #return 2 if current_selected.include?(145) #NunKnowledge
        #return 2 if state_stack(145) == 1 #NunKnowledge
        #return 2 if state_stack(115) == 1 #Nymph
        #return 2 if state_stack(117) == 1 #IronWill
        return 3 if state_stack(135) == 1 #self
        return 1 if @level < 15
        return 0
    def trait_NunKnowledge_addable?(current_selected) #145 #NunKnowledge
        #return 2 if current_selected.include?(134) #ManaKnowledge
        #return 2 if current_selected.include?(135) #WeaponryKnowledge
        #return 2 if current_selected.include?(127) #cannibal
        #return 2 if current_selected.include?(125) #bloodlust
        #return 2 if state_stack(134) == 1 #ManaKnowledge
        #return 2 if state_stack(135) == 1 #WeaponryKnowledge
        #return 2 if state_stack(127) == 1 #cannibal
        #return 2 if state_stack(125) == 1 #bloodlust
        return 3 if state_stack(145) == 1 #self
        return 1 if self.constitution_trait < 5 #CON
        return 1 if @level < 15
        return 0
    def trait_SaintFieldSupporter_addable?(current_selected) #146 #SaintFieldSupporter
        #return 2 if current_selected.include?(134) #ManaKnowledge
        #return 2 if current_selected.include?(135) #WeaponryKnowledge
        #return 2 if current_selected.include?(127) #cannibal
        #return 2 if current_selected.include?(125) #bloodlust
        #return 2 if state_stack(134) == 1 #ManaKnowledge
        #return 2 if state_stack(135) == 1 #WeaponryKnowledge
        #return 2 if state_stack(127) == 1 #cannibal
        #return 2 if state_stack(125) == 1 #bloodlust
        return 3 if state_stack(146) == 1 #self
        return 4 if current_selected.include?(145)
        return 1 if state_stack(145) != 1 #NunKnowledge
        return 1 if self.constitution_trait < 10 #CON
        return 1 if @level < 35
        return 0
    #def trait_Alchemy_addable?(current_selected) #136
    #    return 1 if self.survival_trait <10 #survival
    #    return 3 if state_stack(136) ==1 #self
    #    return 1 if @level < 10
    #    return 0
    def trait_ImproveThrowRock_addable?(current_selected) #137
        return 3 if state_stack(137) ==1 #self
        return 1 if @level < 15
        return 1 if self.scoutcraft_trait <10 #scoutcraft
        return 0
    def trait_Succubus_addable?(current_selected) #138
        #return 2 if current_selected.include?(116) #ironwill
        #return 2 if current_selected.include?(117) #Weaksoul
        #return 2 if state_stack(116) == 1 #ironwill
        #return 2 if state_stack(117) == 1 #Weaksoul
        return 3 if state_stack(138) == 1 #self
        return 4 if (current_selected.include?(131) || current_selected.include?(115) ) && state_stack(115) != 1 && state_stack(131) != 1 
        return 1 if @level < 15
        return 1 if state_stack(131) != 1 && state_stack(115) != 1
        return 0
    def trait_Lilith_addable?(current_selected) #139
        #return 2 if current_selected.include?(116) #ironwill
        #return 2 if state_stack(116) ==1 #ironwill
        return 3 if state_stack(139) == 1 #self
        return 4 if current_selected.include?(131)
        return 1 if state_stack(131) != 1 #prostitute        
        return 1 if @level < 40
        return 0
    def trait_Hitchhiker_addable?(current_selected) #140
        return 3 if state_stack(140) ==1 #self
        return 1 if @level < 30
        return 1 if self.survival_trait <15 #survival
        return 0
    def trait_Pessimist_addable?(current_selected) #141
        #return 2 if current_selected.include?(126) #masochist
        #return 2 if state_stack(126) ==1 #masochist
        return 3 if state_stack(141) ==1 #self
        return 1 if @level < 5
        return 0
    def trait_IntoShadow_addable?(current_selected) #142
        return 3 if state_stack(142) ==1 #self
        return 1 if @level < 15
        return 1 if self.scoutcraft_trait <10 #SCU
        return 0
    def trait_ShadowMaster_addable?(current_selected) #144
        return 3 if state_stack(144) ==1 #self
        return 4 if current_selected.include?(142)
        return 1 if @level < 40
        return 1 if self.scoutcraft_trait <20 #SCU
        return 1 if state_stack(142) != 1 #IntoShadow
        return 0
    def trait_TrapImprove_addable?(current_selected) #143
        return 3 if state_stack(143) ==1 #self
        return 4 if current_selected.include?(130)
        return 1 if @level < 30
        return 1 if self.survival_trait < 10 #survival
        return 1 if state_stack(130) != 1 #HunterTraining
        return 0
Last edited:


Sep 30, 2021
Guide keywords: Walkthrough, need help with quest, how to do quest, confused on what to do, earn money, stuck, what to do, main quest, side quest, too difficult, too hard, impossible, cheats, modify, cheat codes, easier, explanation, a guide written by yours truly

A (Unofficial) Guide To LonaRPG

To be continued soon, give it less than week (Nov 11 as of writing this)

If anyone has better methods/guides or any quests/jobs I missed please tell me and tag me in the comment (like this: "ZedTed") or reply to one of my comments/guide, I'll update the guide if applicable.

Recommended to read 'General Tips' if you are beginning the game and need help.

Useful links:
Teravisor's Mods and Code Guide
Latest LonaRPG English Translation

Guide Sections:
Quest Guide
One-Time (Story-Line, Mostly)
Pirate's Bane
Doom Fortress
Pirate's Bane
World Map
Job Guide
General Tips
Misc [TBD]

Contributors to the Guide

Disclaimer: This guide was written using version It will be updated using version in the coming weeks.

Ratings: Horrendous (1/10), Awful (2/10), Bad (3/10), Poor (4/10), Debatable (5/10), Meh (6/10), Decent (7/10), Good (8/10), Great (9/10), Fantastic (10/10)

Quest Guide

One-Time (Story-Line, Mostly):

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Pirate's Bane:
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Doom Fort:
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Pirate's Bane:
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World Map:
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Job Guide [TBD]
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Press 'F10' to enter the console and type the cheats in, copy/paste is not possible (replace 9999 with the value you desire).
Adding ' >z' to the end of the command allows you to input it multiple times, it will give an error sound but should work.
Here is a mod the adds a cheat menu.

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General Tips
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Misc [TBD]
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Contributors to the Guide
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Saw some things missing from the guide, so here's some stuff I found:

You don't need the Missing Daughter quest completed for the Orkind Research quest, It seems to just be time based not quite sure how long.

#145 is the Acolyte trait, and #146 is the The Low Priestess trait.
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Sep 30, 2021
Wait where did the Dancer Clothes get Transfer to?
not exactly sure what you mean by dancer clothes, but the golden set has been renamed to the Sex Doll set and is purchasable at The Oriental Commerce now renamed The Golden Bar (the guarded area in the north part of Noer)


Dec 15, 2018
Saw some things missing from the guide, so here's some stuff I found:

You don't need the Missing Daughter quest completed for the Orkind Research quest, It seems to just be time based not quite sure how long.

#145 is the Acolyte trait, and #146 is the The Low Priestess trait.
The guide is super outdated, would be better to try and update the wiki.


Active Member
Nov 13, 2020
not exactly sure what you mean by dancer clothes, but the golden set has been renamed to the Sex Doll set and is purchasable at The Oriental Commerce now renamed The Golden Bar (the guarded area in the north part of Noer)
Not that Golden Set. Somehow the Dancer Set is now somewhere else by another NPC or im just blind.

Squark ⚧❤️

Conversation Conqueror
Jun 16, 2017
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If you're paying the guy, please use his personal file server instead. Preferred connection method is through a VPN.
You can get the address for the file server on Substar or Fanbox.

If you like this game, please consider supporting EccmA417 on either or !
You can, if you want, buy the game through if that's more your jam.


New Member
Aug 7, 2022
keywords: unblocked , how to get all traits, how to unlock all traits, get all traits, tough and mana knowledge, multiple traits, many traits, help traits
Unblocked Traits "Mod"

I wouldn't exactly say this is a mod since it took a few minutes to make, but I guess it technically is. Here's for you lazy people out there (like i would be if this already existed)

This lets you get any trait without other traits blocking it, so you can get every single trait at the same time. Simple as that.
(Having multiple personality traits MAY cause some jank. Haven't tested it out, but I tried and failed to make it so you couldn't have multiple and it didn't work. Just be aware of that)

Simply replace ALL the text in the file at LonaRPG/Data/Scripts/Editables/92_Game_Actor_Traits.rb with this:
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Your paste fucked up, it tagged the user Level a bunch of times instead of saying
You should've used the code tag.

Squark ⚧❤️

Conversation Conqueror
Jun 16, 2017
Not that it matters to many but as Racaty has been removed from the approved server list, I'll be switching it out for KrakenFiles for the time being.

Overlord85, which version of the game are you running?
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Sep 7, 2016
That set is part of a quest now, which I think you start talking to some boy right outside the eastern Noer gate.
Which is bugged or unfinished. You can't accept quest from him, only "let it go" option works.
And where seciurity hq supposed to be in noer?


Jun 1, 2019
Guys, is it possible to remove the limit of 99lvl? Maybe a mod or change the configuration file?
It's very easy to remove, you just change the 99 max define to 999 or whatever maximum integer you desire. I believe the XP required scales as necessary until it hits the roll over limit, which could be 4.2 billion or if it's 64 bit effectively unlimited.
Mar 29, 2021
It's very easy to remove, you just change the 99 max define to 999 or whatever maximum integer you desire. I believe the XP required scales as necessary until it hits the roll over limit, which could be 4.2 billion or if it's 64 bit effectively unlimited.
The fact that it's easy to do is great! But I have no idea where to change it, name the file/line/command please.
4.10 star(s) 189 Votes