- Jul 4, 2017
- 240
- 159
thx for adviceI can add what i can.
Succubus build can actually be extremely OP if done right and with some luck.
For Lona to be more effective in engagements make her appear "Weak". This is a stat that is determined by what she wears, what talents she has and her hairstyle. I dress her in rags and if i don't have them yet, just go naked. Being Weak makes the enemies fap to Lona instead. They are passive, for a time. This opens up the window to use the "Juicing skill" that requires a second to grab. You must be the first to start the sex battle. Once started press the right keyed button rapidly. If Lona uses her puss, rapidly press only the puss button. The enemies will fall very fast to you, you can be extremely effective. It is very important to remember that this build is a single target one. Lona can barely drain two lucky guys that fuck her together. Bring stamina potions mainly bought from Elise or the Market. Big Boss Mama sells them for 250+ more gold.
The drawbacks of this build are that firstly it is a single target build in a game where there are multiple enemies in a map. Make sure to fuck them 1 by 1. The other is that Lona gets loosened the more often she uses her organs. For example if you use her puss like i do often, the more you do it the less sex dmg it will do. So in this case use the mouth or ass till puss gets tight again.
Another drawback is that you can't rape skeletons and female enemies. Try to sneak pass them, get a sword and a shield or get a companion. I play solo.
As stats i use 5 stealth so i can bypass some levels and then i put points only in stamina. Deep One Lona most agree that it is the best race for this but every race can be a sex machine. Doesn't really matter.
Also i do feel that i need to mention the main problem for me. When you initiate a sex battle often a CGI appears with the sex scene. It looks nice but the issue is that you can't continue pushing the right button but the enemy instead drains you. When the CGI vanish you have lost at least 40 stamina just like that. Honestly i think it's a bug. And also don't try to be a prostitute that often because it loosens Lona as well. A very good build but you need to get used to it. You can try it, no problem.
Fighter Lona is your average "Me Smash you Die" grunt. A more flexible class than Succubus Lona that uses pointy sharp metal things to kill. You can kill all genders equally fast. As a starter use your Pitchfork (this too applies for Succubus Lona actually, until you get the Juicing skill). Pitchfork has a lot of dmg and hits enemies at range stunning them a little. VERY GOOD as a beginer weapon found in the sewers in a chest. When you feel that you need defence use a sword and a shield. Some enemies have shields, difficult to bypass. You can constantly block or you can parry enemies with the shield which stuns them for a moment. Use shield defence the moment the enemy swings to do that. I usually hit 2 times max and then shield block and repeat. Works very well. Get "higher weapon equipment" talent and with 6k or 8k (forgot) get the cutlass weapon asap alongside a metal shield (4k i think?). The vendor who sells them is a fishkind blacksmith west of Noer Inn. At this point you become a killing machine. You can hit hard, you can defend.
If multiple enemies attack you run away, get to a choke point where you can't get surrounded. Raise your shield and you will kick ass so hard that the spartans and athenians at Thermopylae will envy you. Have some health and stamina potions because the enemies will see you as a threat and won't hesitate to hit you with pointy things as well.
As stats i use 5 points in stealth because why not? And the other is in Melee for melee dmg and few points in stamina to have more stamina to swing. Abomination Lona is insane as a melee. Has tentacle grabs as a bonus + tentacle spawn from corpses to aid you. She eats corpses to fully get her stamina back but gets sick after each nap.
Sorcerer Lona i never played. Most people think it sucks. You have a staff that slowly shoots for ranged combat and a book that shoots fast for close range. That's all i can say about this build.
There is also stealth Lona build with traps but i never played it.
Three final tips that apply for all builds.
1. Use Cooking as much as possible. Having a lot of food that you made instead of bought is a huge boon. Get vegetables and fruits from the forest. Meat from animal corpses or boars which give a ton of meat but are KINDA tricky to kill.
Put 1 vegie or fruit in the pot with 1 meat and you get Good Soup. Very nice item to keep you going.
2. Never, ever, ever get surrounded because no matter how good Lona is, down down down in goblin town she will go.
3. Don't let your stamina get to 0 unless you have some stamina potions to get you right up. What defeats the player is not him dying from lack of health but from lack of stamina to keep fighting.
i went warrior lona since i thought vanila class is more balance and easier to understand but mayb e next playthrough ill try succubus