You won't be banned for that (probably). Guy lives in his own country and loves his own land, I find this is commendable. Taiwan built their factories, wealth and well being, without CCP lifting a finger for that, without any help from them. Now when Taiwan wealthy and developed on their own, CCP think they can just come and grab everything for free. Nice plan, huh. I call it a thievery and can relate to dev's concerns on this topic. Overall dev can do whatever he like, say whatever he thinks right, and if someone don't like game, what dev say or do, it's their own problem, who cares. Guy deliver content! And that's all what matter in the end. If someone don't like it, they should suck it up and deal with it, not spilling their butthurt all over board and telling dev or anyone, to be less/more "political" or try to shut up people for giving their opinions. Hate those little wannabe tyrants, who tell people what they should and shouldn't do or say, or whatever. I was born in USSR, still remember this stench of worthless snitching busybodies and this particular breed of slimy tiny tyrant leeches. And what's wrong if dev being political? Who cares? Me? Nope. You? Doubt it, most people who play game don't care. And the ones who care to bring politics to discusion are ones, whom even doesn't play, know nothing nor care about a game! All I read from them, I hate game, it's political, dev a bad, he should shut up... Yeah right, but maybe it's them who should shut up and cease to bring up this topic. So don't mind those little tyrants, who wan't to control (You), by controlling what they allow you to say.