apr and may is busy on move place. NO MAJOR UPDATE.
gonna move to somewhere wont drip when raining.
also upgrade my server during move place. server will shutdown for weeks until everything setted.
will use some other host for file share. discord and game last relase link will be free when i still busy.
-*added, CompNinjaKiller. temporary placed in NFL_BridgeBunker.
-*added, npcData json now with a new tag to add default state, and apply to following npcs.
Humie Hobos => chance with HSV,HPV.
Orkinds => high chance with Wart.
Aboms => 100% chance with parasite.
-*added, spread_when_sex json tag. when common sex, states with tag can spread between characters by chance. this also effect to npc sex.
battle sex => spread reciver to fucker at end of begin stage, fucker to reciver at end final stage
common sex => spread reciver to fucker every stage. fucker to reciver at every stage with 50% chance.
-*fixed, apply spread_when_sex json tag to HSV,HPV,FeelsSick,AnalSeedBed,VagSeedBed and all parasite states.
-*buggy, EffectWet missing "sexy" attribute_name.(0905)
-*buggy, NPCs missing death animation(09010), and remove weird loop on animation_overkill_melee_reciver since early beta.
-*buggy, in storage menu, now wont trigger switch between bag and box if u pressed same direction.
-*fixed, NPC health and sta debuff&buff from state now works.(test,core, yes. its not since alpha)
-*fixed, remove all abom parasite infest effect from prostitute events and remake it based on spread_when_sex system by add parasite states to those NPC.
-*fixed, show_npc_info function now display their sexy and weak and states.
-*added, BasicNeed skill now with "show_npc_info" function to check NPC's basic stats. cost 1 STA if success.
busy on move place. dont think i can do major update this month and next month too?
file server will shut down for weeks someday in may2024 or this month?