Interesting game with a lot of potential but I have issues with a few details.
Is it even possible to take any job without it devolving into world war III?
You try to be a dance a bit. Suddenly you get gangraped... ok fair enough the lady warned me but since you were paid exclusively in trade points and you faint. You basically lose even your pay.
So the next time you try dancing, you defend yourself (using sex attacks so you're not even hitting them, you fuck them to death). Hell no! When a group of rapist try to take you (and your pay) in a freaking public place and you defend yourself, you get branded the worst criminal in the world and every damn guard starts trying to kill you.
Ok so... dancer is way too dangerous as a career in this crasy town. Lets try being a waitress, what could possibly go wrong?
Worst mistake in your life. The guys slaps you on the butt, classic behaviour, a bit crass but expected. Only the other NPCs will detect that as an attack and suddenly the entire bar has become a slaugtherhouse.
So the guys are fine with gangraping the dancers but a slap on the butt was THE LINE. The hell is wrong with this city?
The only way to stop the massacre and not lose an important NPC is o course ot leave and come back but... heh, you lost everything you earned again since these were trade points.
Fine let's try whoring at least if it get sour it will be one on one... well it works, mostly, but try negociating a bit too much and telling you to piss off is not enough of course. Noooo! People here will try to kill you for it. Not to mention that, again, defending yourself from a murder attempt in a public place will earn you the eternal wrath of the city guards.
Weapons and equipment.
As far as I could find there are only 3 sets of clothes. Beggar for stealth, civilian by default and golden strings for whoring. That's a bit few. Having some alternative equipement would be nice.
But I understand that would take some effort since equipments are reflected on the art. (which is great by the way, although a bit too graphic for me sometimes)
No my big issue is with the weapons.
70% of them are high quality, 15% of them are mana. The rest is trash.
It makes playing a nympho almost impossible since the only thing they have for them is the juicing skill but that only works on some enemies IF you have the possibility of a stealth approach.
Cant we have some trainers somewhere that can teach you mastery of 1 weapon for a fee (that would be one worthwhile way to spend mony because, so far, aside from saving for the golden set and paying rent, there isnt much to do with money) so whe can have some fexibility? Or have low quality bows/daggers/mana? Or having stuff/magic specific to a nympho build... I dunno maybe a debuff oriented skills that can weaken/sleep so that you can actually do something in battle.