Who the hell thought a STEALTH ESCORT MISSION was a good idea?! And not just an escort, this dumb bastard Elise who previously was content to sit and hide from a small group of goblins now thinks it's a Good IdeaTM to lob fireballs towards the fishmen, in their temple, ON THE ISLAND THEY HAVE FULL CONTROL OF! And of course it's full of narrow corridors so the fire is very friendly indeed. You also lose your companions so going loud is far from a done deal either. And you need to actually get the fucker to the exit for it to count. The exit where the reinforcements spawn. Reinforcements which this moron will engage and then flee from instead of approaching close enough to count for the escape. The fish waifus don't stand a chance of fully clearing the place either.
Honestly this would be a fun and interesting quest if we were merely retrieving an item, the stealth gameplay actually is pretty fun. But the inability to make Elise sneak past a guard, even a distracted or KO'd one, makes this an utter nightmare.
Edit: as of 4.3.6 just don't bother. Elise won't even pay for the trip back but will happily let YOU pony up to get his sorry ass back to Noer where the reward seems to be basically nothing. Some xp but who cares, you can get those by taking a nap.