
Sep 16, 2017
I used cheats, and discovered that the max level is 99.
Maximum stats are also 99. At 99 endurance your carry weight is at 650.0, which allows you to easily carry 75+ frag mines to finish the artillery mission or exterminate the SCP-610 nest. Also at 99 endurance you can kill people instantly by fucking them via "Juicing".
Yeah, I wouldn't go making game balance based on cheating. You can't have 99 even on one stat naturally. If 99 is the max level you will only have 98 points to assign and you also have to spend them on the traits. It would also probably take hundreds of hours of game time to reach level 99.

All I'm saying is that I wouldn't plan for many level 40 traits if people will never reach that without cheating.


Sep 27, 2017
If you read her diary, Lona's backstory is pretty sad and depressing.
Makes me feel bad making her prostitute herself and letting her get raped by monsters. Cecily best girl though.


Mar 16, 2018
Cecily is indeed best girl. Nobles who actually do the whole noblesse oblige thing are just the best. Kinda wanna be able to hook up with her instead of (just) gtfoing out of the area.


Dec 24, 2017
TLDR: Sleep outside the tavern if you have 40+ food. You're wasting money!
Also wash until -100 stamina for easy exp.

I have found the easiest way to make money early on is dancing at the bar. Only wear pants. You'll probably want exhibitionist trait so that Lona won't constantly be depressed. Every time they ask you to strip, do so and then put her pants back on and save. If you get hit by a bottle or whatever then reload. You can also allow them to cum on Lona if you don't mind it (it will help with tips and Lona's sex stats without any penetration). Just don't let them cum more than twice as Lona's stamina will probably run too low, and always just refuse and reload if they ask her to masturbate (say yes and you lose a LOT of stamina, say no and they get angry ~ lose/lose). They always ask you to just strip though if Lona is wearing her pants.

If you start with 65+ stamina then you should be fine if you only stripped. Anything less is iffy, but possible at 50 or so (ymmv). When the coins and crosshairs stop appearing then wait until the timer is almost done and save your game. This is very important. After the dialogue and you get paid, you'll either need to try running to the left or down, depending on the loiters. Either way you'll need to make your way upstairs. The adventurer with whip is the worst of the lot (despite having 50 morality he is the most rapey guy there).

If you're particularly clever you could trick a guy into grabbing at another one (wait until he grabs at you, then lead the other guy into it) and they will start fighting and take attention off of you. Don't hit them! You can use arrow keys to try and escape but any attack will lower your morality. Temporarily it will be like -160, but once you leave it will take a permanent hit. Always just dodge the patrons and go upstairs.

Now, it's important to note your food. If it's 10 or less then buy a key. As others have noted, you'll need to use 4 coins and buy a beer with the extra - which is good for Lona's mood (drink it or lose it). If Lona's food is 70 then you don't need to use a key. This is a waste of money! After you dance just save, leave the bar, and then press the ctrl key until the day ends. You'll sleep for free! You might get an encounter with guards but it's of no danger to Lona with good morality. You won't have as much stamina but you got to sleep for free and can dance again. It's a great deal! You can also do this again at 40 food. Again your stamina will be reduced, but it's a small price to pay for free sleep. This way you can dance 3 times a day in exchange for one key / 4 coins.

Once you save up enough money you should go to the street vendors just 2 blocks over and buy the glasses. Always wear them when selling coins and buying a key, and now you will only pay 3 coins per key.

I've saved up enough money to buy the complete golden outfit (that only prostitutes can wear). It seems effective for prostituting Lona in higher class areas, but the pay still isn't that great. As it stands currently, dancing is the best way to make money as far as I can tell. I really feel like prostitution should pay AT LEAST one small coin. It doesn't make sense that random guys would pay Lona with barter points (and unrealistic). If what she offers is not worth at least one coin then I feel the client should refuse her. The barter points system should only be used where appropriate (like with vendors). It doesn't make sense to use it for everything. Especially sex encounters.

Another way to make money, and a much better use for the golden sexy outfit, is to appear very weak and sexy at the bar. The key to doing this properly is to wear Lona's normal clothes then go up to the bar lady, change clothes, wait for some guys to start grabbing at Lona, then switch clothes back. They will de-aggro Lona now, but the Lady Boss will be mad and try to kill the bar patrons. Just stand aside and watch the carnage! Be prepared to pick up coins when they drop, and save your game after you get anything good. The guy with whip can drop his whip, bag, and shirt (maybe other clothing too). Other patrons tend to drop mostly the small coins, as well as random food items. Some can even drop the large copper coins, which is a real treat! If you care about the NPCs to the left (the girl and big guy) then exit if Lady Boss ever gets in a fight with them (they can usually deal with the other patrons). This happens pretty often when you're doing this, and the girl gets killed easy. IF, however, you don't care about them then let the girl get killed and pick up her swords. If you don't get 2 swords then you're getting ripped off so reload. Those swords are worth 4000 each! The big can drop a shield worth 2000. I think it's worth more to keep them alive (namely the girl, as she kills patrons quickly.. the big guy is stupid slow).

Final tip, when you have 10 food, 10 stamina, and they key so you can sleep.. don't! It's time to level up! See that bucket? Wash up. Wash again.. and again.. and again. Washing will give Lona free experience. I'm not sure if it varies based on level or what, but it's the best way to level up as far as I am aware (that doesn't involve being brutally beaten while starving and climaxing constantly thanks to weird mods). Wash all the way to -100 stamina and Lona will automatically sleep in the bed after that. When you want to sleep outside you could also go into a street, find a corner and wash until Lona passes out.. but this is more dangerous and Lona's stamina will be bad when she wakes up (possibly negative).

Edit: Forgot to note that all raw food will disappear if you exit any area, if you're playing Hardcore mode. (I suggest turning it off at the start, and if you wait and turn it on/off later then you'll get a sex trait that says you abandoned hardcore.. dunno about you but that page is cluttered enough as it is. lol).
The best way I've noticed of getting GOOD food, is getting the Lady Boss at the tavern to kill her patrons (as I mentioned earlier). The patrons will sometimes drop rations and sausages, which both will keep indefinitely. The sausages are best as they give 32 food each! Rations suck by comparison, so trade up for more sausages when you can, and save them for long trips and quests of importance. If you go gathering herbs in the forest later (the glasses help a lot), then I suggest a few points in survival for the free food, BUT you will also need omnivore so that all the fruit won't cause Lona to puke her guts out (so annoying...). This will prevent you from taking the tough trait, so decide which is more important.. being tough or being able to eat. lol (I think it's better to eat than be tough and starve to death, but that's just me)
thanks this is really useful for me !


Jan 25, 2018
How rough is the increasing world difficulty? I'm just screwing around for a bit and world difficulty has gotten to 30 already, it seems.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
Is the game dev gonna include transformation and mutations like in Trials in Tainted Space or CoC in the future? That might be too much work but it would be awesome.
Jul 21, 2017
The worldbuilding is pretty solid in this one, which is great.
The world seems to be plagued by three great evils : rape goblins orcs, deep ones fish people and SCP-610.

Lona is a refugee from a place called Sybaris, which is utterly fucked. Since Lona didn't know anything about the deep ones infestation in the east and that she wanted to get a ship out of there, we can assume that Sybaris is located to the north/north-east of Noer. If that's true, then Sybaris probably fell due to either war or SCP-610. Possibly both.

SCP-610 grows in bloody and filthy environments, which means that the orcs are fucked on the long-term. Good riddance.
The fish people are weird because there seems to be two variants : the monstrous ones found in the swamps and the civilized ones found doing business in Noer. Why is that? We'll never know.

I used cheats, and discovered that the max level is 99.
Maximum stats are also 99. At 99 endurance your carry weight is at 650.0, which allows you to easily carry 75+ frag mines to finish the artillery mission or exterminate the SCP-610 nest. Also at 99 endurance you can kill people instantly by fucking them via "Juicing".
How did you cheat?


Jan 8, 2018
Honestly my only gripes with the game is that the bug with the scat option and i wish i could turn off/tone down the dirt mechanic. Pretty fucking impressive otherwise.

Deleted member #2204703

Game Developer
Apr 10, 2020
How rough is the increasing world difficulty? I'm just screwing around for a bit and world difficulty has gotten to 30 already, it seems.
0 > bandit encounter only spawn with hobos
100 > bandit encounter spawn bandits with sword,shield,bow,metal spear.
max is 100
increase chance of encounter no matter its good or bad events.
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Dec 24, 2017
after i got raped by those people in rat sewer (they spawn in 15 world diff) did my equipment just disappear ???


Oct 11, 2019
You might either need to kill the big one to satisfy the quest requirement (I assume it's an ogre you're fighting if it's giant and fat, which is VERY tanky, or a hobgoblin which is tall and less tanky, but still annoying), or restart from a point before you entered the forest with the quest npc. If it's hard for you to kill, try luring the orkin to the quest npc so that the npc aggros the tough orkin you're fighting, then help kite the orkin around the npc in an open space while he's trying to cast artillery magic at the orkin. The spell the npc casts has a 3x3 range, so be careful not to get hit by friendly fire too much since it can also stun. The npc can't cast the spell if the orkin is too close to him.

If you're thinking of 1 vs 1 battle against it, the only few things I can think of is getting a better weapon than the club (preferably a short sword or spear, spears seem to do more damage when there is one space between you and your opponent), press ctrl to enter stealth mode, and sneak directly behind it before stabbing it once to stun it and letting loose on it before walking away off screen to try and deaggro it. Rinse and repeat. If you have a magic staff (which costs 8000), you could try dealing with it from a distance as long as you have enough stam and stam pots (costs 500). Magic seems to do reasonable damage even if a foe is heavily armored. If you have the trap skill, you can prepare some rock traps (takes 1-3 stam) on the ground and luring the orkin onto them (either with your throw skill or by attracting its attention) for 10-20 damage each. Might be tricky.

If you're truly desperate to kill it, visit the Noer regular market next to the port at night, and look for the npc that sells bombs for 500 each. Set the bombs onto the ground with the Ex Item skill after equipping the bombs, lure the orkin next to it, then strike the bomb with a rock or spear. It'll do 80 damage, and hopefully not hurt you in the process lol. I'd imagine it would be really tedious though.

Alternatively....try hiring not-goblin slayer from the inn on the 3rd floor for one bowl of soup (probably the 350 one) and bring him with you. Not sure if he'll follow you into the quest though, and it's pretty likely that he'll fight everything he sees....including the orkin baby.


Now as for the slave thing, I'm just going to assume that you've escaped your captors but still have chains on. If that's the case, visit the building to the left of the barrel inn. This building is the advanced weapon store owned by a fishman, and he has an option to break chains. Not sure how much it costs though! As for removing a slave brand, visit the doctor for treatment.

If you haven't escaped your captors and still have chains on,'ll be extremely difficult to break them with low stats AND stam. I'm going to assume that by physical strength, you mean stamina. So, the 15 basic skill would most likely be the strength stat in the trait page I believe. Don't take my word for it for this part though, since I've never tried to break out of chains through brute force. Assuming you're still in captivity and got chains on though, I can only recommend saving up stamina strength and repeatedly forcing the chains free/cell door free before attempting to sneak out (use ctrl!)
Wow, a detailed how to, gee thanks that's what I need honestly I kind of stuck with the goblin nest, the goblin nest is the one that I come across when I go to the black crack inside the sewer as that lead to the goblin's place there are two exits the one that I come through and another at the top I haven't try the top yet to see where it goes. I did use a sword that I found on the corpse near the goblin that camped out near that black crack on the wall inside the sewer though but yeah certain someone is big and nasty only take little damage to it I ran out of stam all the time I had to bail.

also another question for the captive at the said goblin nest can we rescue them ? or being evil can we just enslave them and sell them for extra money ? cause money is hard to come by in the game lol.

The quest to specifically get the orckin baby I haven't discover yet maybe I need to do the collecting herb thing first perhaps ?

Yeah and the developer should add in my humble opinion for the mc to join in on the slaving business as in to provide slaves cause when I get the mission to clear out squatters in the sewer I just thought so many lives are wasted I mean they can work in the mines right ? and there are few women there that can be used for something else ?

because you can be evil cannibal , succubus even but can't be a slaver come on ? it's lesser then two evils.

Overall the game is very fun, I never had my adrenaline rush while playing a game like this one. my cute mc got tough personality tehhee wonder how long she will be like that ? lol
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Sep 16, 2017
after i got raped by those people in rat sewer (they spawn in 15 world diff) did my equipment just disappear ???
Yeah, they'll take everything you got if you lose and most give you something little extra to remember them by, like slave shackles, piercings or a bun in your oven. The game is pretty hardcore like that.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
Is there any parasites that invade the womb?
EDIT : Never mind I found the abomination nest way up north
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Mar 9, 2018
Is there any parasites that invade the womb?
there's a womb seedbed effect you can get if you get trapped in the abominations lair after a certain amount of tentacle fun, when they inject stuff in Lona's belly, not really sure if it lets you birth parasites like the two other seedbed effects but eccma confirmed it's impossible to leave the lair once you've been captured, the door is only decorative :/
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Deleted member #2204703

Game Developer
Apr 10, 2020
there's a womb seedbed effect you can get if you get trapped in the abominations lair after a certain amount of tentacle fun, when they inject stuff in Lona's belly, not really sure if it lets you birth parasites like the two other seedbed effects but eccma confirmed it's impossible to leave the lair once you've been captured, the door is only decorative :/
u breed the worms when peepoo, make sure ur fetish option is on
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