Welcome to the start of a long climb to become a free person again! Here’s what you probably ought to do:
1) Elise’s clinic will remove brands for 10 or 20k ( probably 10). However, you’re probably dirt poor at the moment. Additionally, you’ll need another 3k to remove the shackles at the blacksmith. Your movement is probably severely hindered at the moment too.
2) One option available to you is to escape east of the city to the forest with round trees to enter. You can enter and exit repeatedly while exploring to look for white dragon weed and food to gather and sell later.
3) Another desperate but potential option is to visit the square building within the city limits above the east entrance. It’s filled with bandits that will capture you if they knock you out, but MAY (untested) remove your shackles for you and lock you in a cell instead. You’ll get fed, and the cell is easier to escape from. Escaping from the building however, will probably take a fair amount of patient effort.
4) Prostitute yourself to hobos at night for chump change.
5) Incite violence in the barrel inn by having patrons assault you near the innkeeper. The innkeeper will jump over the counter and start beating the crap out of everyone. You can loot their dead bodies, but remember to exit the building if mama engages in a fight with gray rat or his master or one of them will die
6) Escape outside through the sewers —-> orkind nest. 90% chance of death and capture without a light source or without knowing where the exit (north) is.
I recommend options 2 or 5