ZedTed I found something very useful and interesting about the 'Rescue Refugee' quest, in which you can side with Milo and get a total of 15 Gold Coins or Cecily and get only 3. Actually, it's possible to get 13 Gold Coins when siding with Cecily : all you need to do is to talk to Milo AFTER you've liberated the slaves. You'll get 3 Gold coins at the end of the quest on Cecily's side as normal, and you'll actually be able to talk to Milo about Cecily's plan and get 10 Gold coins. While the quest marking won't appear on the map, if you enter Rudesin slopes and then the club after the 'Rescue Refugee' quest has been finished, you'll still be able to talk to Milo and sell Cecily's plans out, without any consequences for Cecily and you'll still get 10 Gold coins for doing so. You'll need Milo's 2nd invite in order to do this so this is incompatible with sparring Adam.
Note: This has been tested on the currently available version of this game on the website, and not sure if it matters that much, but I talked to Milo a day or two after completing the Quest.
Note: This has been tested on the currently available version of this game on the website, and not sure if it matters that much, but I talked to Milo a day or two after completing the Quest.