
Sep 25, 2017
I used cheats, and discovered that the max level is 99.
Maximum stats are also 99. At 99 endurance your carry weight is at 650.0, which allows you to easily carry 75+ frag mines to finish the artillery mission or exterminate the SCP-610 nest. Also at 99 endurance you can kill people instantly by fucking them via "Juicing".
can you teach how to cheat stat? (not the trait point)


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
can you teach how to cheat stat? (not the trait point)
rpg maker save editor= "". or use cheat engine to increase the spendable points to the desired amount. cheat engine search formula is X times 2 + 1 - where "X" is the value that you have. For example, you got 10 potions and u wanna increase it. Then search for 10 times(asterisk on numpad) 2 +1
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Mar 9, 2018
As far as I know there is no parasite that invades the womb via the vagina and makes it's home in the womb. Maybe it will be in the future?
Until now i thought the womb seedbed status could only be obtained from the inescapable abominations lair, but i just managed to get it on a new save from letting Lona get creampied and not 'cleaning privates' for a few days, she gains the 'SB(womb)' health stat, which boosts sexy, max health and pregnancy chances, can be stacked 10 times too. This effect is quite different from its urethral and anal counterparts so it may as well just be a wrongly labelled buff you acquire through pregnancy.

Here is a cheaty save right at the beginning of the game with boosted stats, a few coins and some equipments to go with whatever build you come up with, after playing around with it for a bit you'll realize it's really not that hard to play without cheats though, but for starters i guess it helps getting familiar with the gameplay.


Aug 15, 2017
you can't battle more than 3 opponents before your stamina runs dry, and if you are in an orc cave, good luck crawling all the way to the exit.
Well maybe just dont fight 3 opponents at the time? It is pretty easy to do, using stealth, ambushes, overkills to replenish stamina. Lona faster than all of her enemies except may be for wolves, it is easy to outrun and hide from enemies. Its kinda point of the game, little girl, not warrior type, she is not expected to beat grown men in fair open fight.
This becomes worse if you take into account that you must spend money on buying supplies just to eat making the "get 20 gold coins endgame quest" impossible
Well you don't intend to finish game now. There are some quests which pays a lot of money, but at this point of time there are not much quests like that. And if you have problem with resourses... well, its on you, not on the game. There are zero problems with trade point system actually, at least for me. Money and resources is not a problem, if you know how to accumulate them.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
Well maybe just dont fight 3 opponents at the time? It is pretty easy to do, using stealth, ambushes, overkills to replenish stamina. Lona faster than all of her enemies except may be for wolves, it is easy to outrun and hide from enemies. Its kinda point of the game, little girl, not warrior type, she is not expected to beat grown men in fair open fight.
I'd argue against the "She's just a helpless little girl" you're talking about. The very start of the game puts you in a dungeon on a quest, she's already an adventurer. She has no issue wielding heavy two handed weapons. Is she as physically strong as some npcs? Maybe not, but she knows how to fight, there's a lot more to combat than pure strength. A kid can kill an adult with a knife, her size really says very little about her combat potential and can even be beneficial at times. Also as mentioned, she's already on a quest to kill rats immediately at the very least. She can only go up from there. You're expected to be able to kill like what, 8+ rats right off the bat? You definitely do not have the stamina to do that in one go with the current system.

That the start of the game has you physically straight up fighting immediately instead of being forced to use stealth/explaining stealth mechanics says plenty. If this were meant to be a "You need stealth to survive", that should have been the first thing taught. If that was the devs intention, I'd say the tutorial needs work because it sets the tone that straight up fights are the way to go and stealth is the questionable/optional tactic, being that you need points in the scout trait to be able to hide and the tutorial for it only comes in later quests.

We could also discuss how the stealth tutorial is hidden in certain missions and many people that have played for hours may not have accessed it or know how it functions (Since you can't even stealth immediately). The game doesn't force you into a tutorial/path where everybody will learn how to use that. People not knowing how it works isn't their fault atm, it can literally not be explained to you if you haven't taken the proper quests. Try to use stealth at the start and get spammed with Japanese.

Btw pretty sure they meant 3 consecutive enemies, not 3 at once.
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Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
Not the face! > its on skill list, whats the name? surrender?, u stun urself, and stun will rise weak and sexy.
I do use Surrender but it doesn't really work the way "Not the face!" would work.

Lona was pregnant with no injuries. Maybe her pregnancy made the bandit angry? He seemed particularly intent on trying to make Lona miscarry. With "Not the face!", grabbing with intent to injure would not happen. Would only have a chance of face injury if oral sex, groin injury with vaginal/anal sex, and no chance at all of getting such copious injuries as seen in the screenshot.

Slow Digestion >> Weak personality is with this effect
Through testing it only seemed to reduce Food usage of sleep/day passing by 2 points.
Slow digestion would be a much bigger, and more concentrated effect. I can understand though if you think this would be too great of an effect, as it could potentially make food a moot point. Traits like this should really be available at moderate to high levels though, to encourage players to adventure, fight, and treasure hunt more than having to continue the survival game (which will and does impair such endeavors).

begger and Big Stomach is worth to think about. but it wount take that much effect.
I believe Beggar would be a fun roleplaying aspect, while Big Stomach would help players to store more food in their bellies for longer journeys (and make "room and board" options such as the tavern rest/key even more valuable options). Considering how healing works, I imagine having over 100 food in Lona's belly (with Big Stomach of course) would result in an even higher healing bonus when resting.

otherwise isnt fit.
No problem. Whether you find anything of use or get some good ideas for other things, that's all that matters. Hopefully the ideas are ultimately of some use and not just a hassle to read/respond. xD


Aug 15, 2017
I'd argue against the "She's just a helpless little girl" you're talking about. The very start of the game puts you in a dungeon on a quest, she's already an adventurer. She has no issue wielding heavy two handed weapons. Is she as physically strong as some npcs? Maybe not, but she knows how to fight, there's a lot more to combat than pure strength. A kid can kill an adult with a knife, her size really says very little about her combat potential and can even be beneficial at times.
I can agree at some of this points. She is not helpless, but I never wrote that way. I wrote that she is not big and strong as grown male, so it kinda make sense that grown male would use spear faster and better than little girl. About her combat potential, it is not very high at the begining. She can use only basic weapons which not make a lot of damage, she cant hold realy heavy weapons like halberds or iron shield. Her only advantage is her speed.

Also as mentioned, she's already on a quest to kill rats immediately at the very least. She can only go up from there. You're expected to be able to kill like what, 8+ rats right off the bat? You definitely do not have the stamina to do that in one go with the current system.
And you are not intended to beat it in one go. You are supposed to beat some rats, then rest (to learn system) and beat some more. And you are also supposed to find another weapon at this level which makes things easier. If you’re not, well bad for you, that you are not explored level good enough.
That the start of the game has you physically straight up fighting immediately instead of being forced to use stealth/explaining stealth mechanics says plenty. If this were meant to be a "You need stealth to survive", that should have been the first thing taught. If that was the devs intention, I'd say the tutorial needs work because it sets the tone that straight up fights are the way to go and stealth is the questionable tactic, being that you need points in the trait and the tutorial for it only comes in later quests.
First of all you kinda can think for yourself as a player, Am I right? If straight up fight is not working, you always can reload and implement different tactics. But I can agree on that tutorial could be done better, dev could gave a little bit more points on what expected from player. Basically there is 3 tutorial missions: 1) First mission with rats; 2) When you looking for caravan with goblins in forest; 3) When you helping big rat dude to find his mistress. And this missions a little bit far from the beginning of the game, because i believe player would explore different things and missions at the start.
Still you can learn how to play yourself, it is not that hard.

Btw pretty sure they meant 3 consecutive enemies, not 3 at once.
And it still not a good idea to fight enemies in open fight even one on one if you wanna save stamina. Except for small goblins, they are actually easy to kill in open fight if you get timing right.
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Aug 15, 2017
fully agree, except "I'd argue against the "She's just a helpless little girl" you're talking about. "
my game is bad at UX design. and without good hint to expain the system.
but no matter how you hint. its will never enough and remake the tutorial is unnecessary for now.
I have suggestion. May be you can put notes with tutorial at the start of the game? So players could read and learn about stealth and trap systems in the beginning?
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May 9, 2017
Well maybe just dont fight 3 opponents at the time? It is pretty easy to do, using stealth, ambushes, overkills to replenish stamina. Lona faster than all of her enemies except may be for wolves, it is easy to outrun and hide from enemies. Its kinda point of the game, little girl, not warrior type, she is not expected to beat grown men in fair open fight.
First of all...replenish with overkills...those happen rarely(unless you cheat to get the bloody mess trait or somehow grind to lvl 40 without fighting ever) it replenishes next to no stamina(just 2-3 hits worth of it) and needs you to be at least lvl 10 again I must somehow reach that without fighting while balancing the stamina/food/money/mood mechanics.
And the ambushes give you what? 1 hit against the enemy before he starts mauling you like nothing happened or chasing you around you can escape most certainly(unless there is an alarm mechanic) but then what?you get no expirience and lost some extra stamina that you simply can't afford to loose

Second I mean 3 opponents without resting, and even then well good luck going through the rescue gray rat's lady running around that way.
It's easy to stealth your way to the room where she is guarded but after that you have to fight through not one not two,but five human enemies at that point you are lucky if you have a bit more than half your stamina to spare(always if you are not cheating by saveediting stamina/health potions). there is a tight corridor you have to pass and it all ends up in sheer luck.If most of the guards attack grey rat you might just make it crawling to the exit after fighting one of them,unless the blond woman decided to get surounded and die, and at that point the game is lost anyway. But wait there is more the door is guarded by exlosive mines and you can't trigger them unless you are close enough to throw a rock at, if you are still in the stealth section then the guards are alarmed and you are screwed so it has to happen on the fighting section of the mission preveting you from "just running away".
Same thing happens when rescuing the Merchant's daughter from the orc lair where you MUST fight at least 2 big orcs and 1-2 smaller ones in order to save her,because if you activate her "escape" mode, she crawls slowly and if living orcs capture her they simply rape her to death and you loose the quest.

As for the trading and resource balancing system I insist on that(and besides I'm not the only one to do so in this forum alone).
Also you forget that you have 100 days to finish the game, days that pass by like water on a stream,and each day increases the danger meter so you don't have the luxury of going at it slowly, the micromanagement aspect of the game as such is really poorly implemented and needs a lot of work because as is, it is just ruining most of the game's fun for most people.
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New Member
Jan 5, 2018
God this game is frustrating AF.
Are there any cheats? If f10 is pressed a console like prompt appears, but don't know how to use it.
Already tried with my low cheat engine skills, and got nothing. I also tried a save editor and there was no way to change stats, only money.
HALP plz!
It's basically ruby console so you can cheat/debug on it, eg.
for a little start game balancing or even make functions eg.
def @zzz; $; end
then call it as needed (with f10 > zzz). You could probably even bind it to a key from console but I don't know enough about ruby nor rpgm engine to do that.

Stamina balance is absolutely atrocious from gameplay/design perspective (waaaay too grindy), and frankly so is the barter system.

Also consider changing the controls so as pressing direction key in combat towards adjacent enemy that the PC is NOT facing will only turn the character, and attempt to move/displace only when already facing that direction - for more intuitive combat.

Finally, optimize - combat is choppy af, you are overriding so much of the engine with interpreted code, and one that is very slow at that (ruby), you'd have much better results in js (rpgmv).


Dec 24, 2017
i think i already found the pattern how to survive. But no stamina regen is what makes the adventure so troublesome
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Deleted member #2204703

Game Developer
Apr 10, 2020
anyone know how to cure injury?
red potion, and root herb also does. forget to put it in description

uh oh~ u put cheat codes too early.... i m still reviceing feedback without that.
direction > alt+direction
Stamina balance > some fix soon?
barter > not now...
mv> too late for me. basicly... i m artist. i made my choose on ruby. and i should use it until the end. theres no time to learn another lang.


Aug 15, 2017
First of all...replenish with overkills...those happen rarely(unless you cheat to get the bloody mess trait or somehow grind to lvl 40 without fighting ever) it replenishes next to no stamina(just 2-3 hits worth of it)
It is actually pretty easy to do with dagger, because it is allows to do backstab which is attack that makes big amount of damage. I’m not mean you would succes every time but it is helpful to use less dragon grass and potions.
and needs you to be at least lvl 10 again I must somehow reach that without fighting while balancing the stamina/food/money/mood mechanics.
Still you can accomplish quests. Gathering dragon grass quest is easy, you dont need to fight (except running away in encounters), you can farm food and dragon grass. Cemetery quest is easy if you hire some help. You have 2 big copper coins after first quest, invest at least one of them in food and help from another mercenearies (you need just 200 trade points, to buy two beers and give it to Outlow mercenaries) they would kill undeads for you. Also you can do jobs in tavern.
And the ambushes give you what? 1 hit against the enemy before he starts mauling you like nothing happened or chasing you around you can escape most certainly(unless there is an alarm mechanic) but then what?you get no expirience and lost some extra stamina that you simply can't afford to loose
Exactly. That was ambushes do, and if you lucky actually you can strike more than one additional hit. So you Ambush enemy, you attack, you run away without getting hit, you make another ambush. Kinda like Skyrim. Whats point killing enemies? Bandits can drop coins, monsters can drop food.

Second I mean 3 opponents without resting, and even then well good luck going through the rescue gray rat's lady running around that way.
But it is easy quest. You do stealth stuff > you rescue noble lady > you go to room with explosives (they will notice you because of rat guy) > you need throw rock at explosives (yeah you need to do it fast) and yeah run to the exit. Of course they would hit you a few times, maybe you even would need to fight one of them but almost all guys before exit door would be wounded by explosion (if you throw rock fast enough). And yeah, I complete this quest with one stamina potion and some dragon weed , but I never cheated during the game.

Same thing happens when rescuing the Merchant's daughter from the orc lair where you MUST fight at least 2 big orcs and 1-2 smaller ones in order to save her,because if you activate her "escape" mode, she crawls slowly and if living orcs capture her they simply rape her to death and you loose the quest.
Yeah it is tricky one, you basically need to clean out the whole room before saving merchant daughter. And I agree that she crawls too slow. But still it is possible with help of couple of stamina potions. And yeah, you can kills ogres (or trolls or whatever) without being hit too much. You need change you location alot and strike ogre when he coming at you. He is not fast, so it is managable. With good weapon, like saber of course.
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Sep 16, 2017
It is actually pretty easy to do with dagger, because it is allows to do backstab which is attack that makes big amount of damage. I’m not mean you would succes every time but it is helpful to use less dragon grass and potions.
How do you manage hitting any moving enemies with the backstab? The charge time is too long and even slowest moving enemies move out of the way.

The most stamina-efficient weapons I've found are the bow and fire staff. Bow has a snipe skill that doesn't break sneak and fire staff is just badass if you have time to lob fireballs from distance, both do about 100 damage.
Nov 7, 2018
It's basically ruby console so you can cheat/debug on it, eg.
for a little start game balancing or even make functions eg.
def @zzz; $; end
then call it as needed (with f10 > zzz). You could probably even bind it to a key from console but I don't know enough about ruby nor rpgm engine to do that.
Perfect, great info for anyone frustrated with the current game balance. Would you mind going into how you can you find the proper value to edit maximum health, stamina, ect? The game would be much more fun with a higher initial stamina capacity.
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4.10 star(s) 193 Votes