Bug Report: Just like with the church guys before
If you get abducted by slavers in Noer, in the cell, if two guys rape you in your cell and you still have stamina left, they will beat you and rape you until you hit -100 stamina
Don't know how to do screenshots on this forum and don't want to bother atm.
They usually do beat you untill you reach -100? I don't think I understand the bug..
Also, I still need screenshots. "ndomNpc/MinerTrader_WhoreWork_win_new" doesn't really help since I can't find anything wrong with those lines in the textfile.
Another vertical text.
Crystal Mine, the torturer beating on Lona after she fails to deliver the requisite ore
Same here: "/HumanPrisonCave/RapeLoopMeattoilet_end" looks alright in the text file. Is it "Me next!" or all text? Eitherway the previous fixes I've made to vertical text won't work in this section by the looks of it.
He isn't playing an outdated version, it happened to me as well when I tried to use an older save (yes I have the save fix and the race fix) with the new game version. Randomly breaks some event triggers like the bone wall raised by Death in the Evil in the mass graves quest not disappearing, completely fucking up my progress and leaving me stuck.
Really fuckin' annoying how the dev breaks saves every time he updates.
It says in the title window.
To my knowledge save breaks have only occured two times since I started playing Once when 0.3.X.X moved on to and Eccma made core changes. And now with, if you can even count that since Eccma included the save fix. I am really happy he did since I am on level 69 and that with no cheating what so ever.
But, yeah, geting stuck by events like that is quite tiresome.
Edit: If anyone is wondering how the transcrying is progressing. I feel kind of lost at many, many places. Like, WTH am I supposed to do with:
"Look! As the prophet said! She is on the endless lake in front of her chest!"
"is it true? Nothing? And it's from the lake?!"
"Lorna: What does it mean to check the chest? Will the chest be fake?"
"Prophet: This is the way the ancestors can distinguish intruders."
"Prophet: Those ugly \c[6] murlocs\c[0] will pretend to be us Come in."
"Prophet: But you are definitely not, you are the endless lake in front of your chest."
"Lorna: Huh?"
Yeah, "Huh?" is correct Lona.. Huh, indeed.