Well as someone who was abused as achild by a neighbour I have something to say about rape.
Being raped is indeed a terrible experience: I had a terrible fear of being hurted, and I pissed myself more than one time, the sensation of things that you dont want to happen punching your mind and your body, the sensation of someone dont like or want you to go away is near you, the pain that you want to end, and after all happened, is the worst thing, the shame, the fear for happening again, the thing that this person is there, you cannot feel safe,the mixed sensations of your own sexuality of what happened, the pain that you could give to your parents, the dreams, giving you pain, mixing feelings, srtrange thoughts, that make you an impact all day. All you want is forget and go forward, but the dreams makes you remember the trauma,(for me is the same dream in class,where I could not go forward, and this dream happens from time to time months, years etc)
Finally I went to the doctor, and all the experience attached to that.
Right now I am a nurse that work on an Hospital and I am good, but I still have the trauma that probably never go away.
On facing my fears I watched what is the meaning of rape, more than an a horrible action, so I watched the nature. For me rape even if is a horrible action, is something that happens time to time because is something natural, in nature happens, is a form of breeding that the humans acquired instinct.Rabbits rape their females,roosters too, of course there are some animals that make some type of bonding, others not, there is a variousforms of breeding that indeed one of them is rape.
The only thing that in society rape is something horrible, is the empathy and the power to know what are you thinking, and made it in words, feelings and sensations.
The rape will never fade away because it is in the nature, the meaning of rape and the effects on society will change over time.