So I've spent a bit of time playing and also reading the source code. Here's some things I've found on my slutlona (+5 scoutcraft, +20 constitution) play through (v0.
Sex attack: The damage Lona does is the pink numbers popping out during sex. Sometimes it pops out 1s and only hits with a massive stack when their penis leaves Lona's body. Note that even if she kill a rapist, she still lose morality (-1).
If Lona morality is less than 30, the guards in Noer will take her to the prison, where she can regain morality at +2 per day, until she hits 50 morality and she will be released with the slave restraints. Lona can break those if she has 100 stamina and also +15 in any trait.
If Lona gets taken to prison, the items she stores at the bank won't be stolen, only the things on her body. Surviving Noer Prison is relatively easy, if she can sex attack to kill any rapists, and keep enough stamina to pick up the bread. If you want a quick way to restore morality, simply store items at the bank (sneak inside the bank as well so the guards don't attack you), and get caught naked by the Noer guards.
It is better to buy the golden garb/set from Milo's shop for 15k each than paying 17k each at the Merchant's store.
To spare Adam, Lona need to do his tasks.
If Lona gets full piercings, her weak goes through the roof if she is naked. She can sneak around naked without attracting attention otherwise keep her clothes on. You can always take off the clothes before interacting with a NPC. With full piercings and golden set Lona maxes out around 200-300 sexy (after masturbation), dancing at Doom Fort yields one large coin and one small coin. Dancing at the inn (allowing them to cum on Lona) yields around 6 small coins.