Dunno I always just repay my loans, he accepts explosives so it should be easy.
So just for the heck of it I spared the happy merchant to see what would happen. Then after finishing the majority of all available quests I wondered what was taking these debt collectors that, according to the source code, were supposed to come after me. I never actually encountered any, or so I thought, until I actively started looking for them and finally ran into some.
I wasn't expecting the debt collectors to look the same as regular bandits and play out pretty much like a regular bandit scenario would, even spawning the same enemies. It made me wonder just how many I've encountered yet failed to notice uptil now (including all the times where I blew up the happy merchant).
I was a little confused for a moment because not only do these debt collectors look the exact same, what they want from me and will do to me is also the exact same. Other than what they say these debt collectors are completely indistinguishable from regular bandits, which made me wonder what the point of the loan was because knowing EccmA417 and his keen eye for details there's just no way this could be-
Ah I get it now...
That was such a beautiful moment it tore me from my gaming trancelike state, and fully reminded me why I like this game so much despite
its many shortcomings my defective taste for what makes a fun and challenging game.
Of course I had to go back to this happy and trustworthy looking fella to
have a close look at all the fine details I failed to see find out just how incredibly in-your-face this one was. I don't interact with this npc much at all, but this is only one step away from multicolor animated spotlights and a popup dialogue asking me whether I'm interested in what is meant by "Staff".
If anyone wonders whether this is a good deal, I have some bad news for you...