Hmm, last time i tried juicing with and without the the trait, I didn't get any HP damge (red) as you said, nor do i see any changes in my pink damage. I was spec 0 at combat skill though, maybe that's why. But even on my curent playthorugh which specs heavily on combat skill, my sex atk doesn't have any red damage. So maybe it's a bug? NVM saw it. But, with a combat skill of 30 and constitution of 10, all dmgs on the big fat deepone is only 1. Idk man, with 30 combat skill, the sex atk with bloddlust is still 1? Kinda don't make sense.
Btw my game crash 3 times in a row, on the same deepone when he was trying to grab/rape Lona. Attaching the logs. Anyone know what causes it?
Edit: Other deepone's too. Also seems like it's not all grab's that trigger the crash, some doesn't crash the game.
Edit2: Ok even orkinds too. Which didn't happen on the last patch. This only happens after I apply
Edit3: Reverting back to patch seems to work.
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