Oh my fuck the Nimpho path is hard. I literally dumped all my points in STA and tried it out for the funz, it is literal hell. Does anyone have a nympho path that works well? Apart from being a literal cum vampire that heals by killing people i'm not doing well, i get annoyed because i don't have enough WIS, SCU or SUR.
I did 3 points in SCU, 15 in SUR to grab dark cauldron and trait that decreases dangerous encounter and increase will, and the rest CON. Took blood lust and bloody feast(I think, the leftmost lvl 40 trait) and all traits under nymphomaniac. Get pierce up to high hell(except face and nose one) to boost sexy and weak(this is key) and you are good to go.
Always wear clothes to not aggro townspeople but when in combat against juicable enemies, tear of all equipment and proceed to suck the life(literally) outta the horny fuckers wanking to you. Only use BJ with left or right input with juicing skill to get the juicy juicy 10+ food every juice. And to not risk damage to VG and anal(save those for when you are in a pinch). Keep Stam high, if manage correctly, you will always come out with a positive gain on Stam and food. And congrats you achieve "I am not stuck in here with THEM, they are stuck in here with ME" status. I have never felt safer in LonaRPG with this build. The only times I died is from traps and companions magic.
Some notable enemies,
Skeletons, run away, no good loot and no nutrition.
Female boars, leave them, no cum.
Male boars(they have tusk), use rock to distract and proceed with behind the back under leg maneuver. Profit.
Abominations, I haven't gotten there with this build yet, so not sure. Pretty sure some of them you can juice as well. Same with wolf's, not sure can juice or not, I just avoid them.
Also recommend mapping juicing ability on the same key/button as mouth sex atk. I couldn't count how many times I accidentally hit big enemies out of their orgasm daze. patch made having Semen demon trait immune to cum addiction so no need to worry about being confuse anymore. Orgasm addiction is easily manage if you only juice with mouth. Unless there is other addictions I did know of.