So I seem to have cleared almost all of the quests in the game so far, with just some last wasteland town/Lisa quests to go, plus some possible sidequests hidden in random offroad maps. Really enjoying the stealth archer gameplay, though I carry a sword&board as backup.
I'm finding the abomination enemies a real challenge, since I went tough and the big hive defenders have a ton of defence, to the point where I'm finding both musket and saber/shield works way better than sniping with my bow. Lack of crowd control/AOE is an issue too since I don't have the carry weight to add a halberd to my kit, so my usual response to getting swarmed is to just book it and restealth.
Gotta say though, the lore is the one thing I've been most surprised and impressed by. The couple of conversations you can overhear between the three gods, Storyteller, Sea Witch and JUSTICE, really widen the scope of the world by adding to the background details. The first conversation between Storyteller and Justice for example (first I saw anyway, but it makes sense chronologically) has Storyteller stongly implying she's the source of the abominations, but that the current outbreak was some kind of accident. Justice holds this over her head and uses it to insist on having control over the next "storyline".
Then there's the conflice this outbreak seems to have triggered between the Sea Witch and Storyteller, which Sea witch alludes to once you've fed her, claiming to have gone all out and used up most/all of her power in the process. This seems to be the cause of the deep ones swarming the swamps in the east of Noah Island. After you lead Justice to the Sea Witch you can overhear another conversation at night in the oriental commerce, this time between all three gods. Justice seems to broker a peace/ceasefire between the other two gods, before it decends into squabbling about Justice's shitty storywriting.
Honestly, I kind of love the dynamic of having the gods be a bunch of dumbasses who play campaigns of DnD using reality as the setting.
Justice is particularly interesting, he clearly seems to be the more powerful of the three, or at least seriously threatening to the others. In the first oriental commerce conversation between Justice and Storyteller, Justice is clearly laying down the law, and as seen when you lead Justice to her, the Sea Witch is outright terrified of him. I'm also halfway convinced that Justice is linked to the saint of the Saint's church.
The saint is described in Lona's conversation with the Sea Witch as having killed off most other gods. Justice has a habit of writing storylines with overpowered mary sue characters according to the other gods. Justice also often appears to assist Lona and other humans, and seems to be confused when humans are scared of him or consider him evil. Then of course there the fact that the airstike control he gives Lona is calls the Saint's Relic. I'm guessing the Saint is one of his Overpowered characters from a previous "Storyline".