No, i actually bad in Engrish so i think that if i dont understand something better to ask than not ask and misunderstand. I thought it is clear by look at my insane grammar skillz. Do not be offended when no one tried to offend you.
1. Enter to location
2. Hit "slip and fall" skill
3. Got sta -100
4. got error
1. Go to Doom fort
2. Take quest about killing Willson/Woodson (?. Dont quite remember the name) family
3. Go to the location
4. Talk to the fellas and get invited to dinner
5. Got drugged and lose sta
6. Go into rape sequence fully clothed
7. Animations didnt working as intended
8. All stuff still in inventory
Hope this is more clear.
Ah, I see. I'll try not to, even more.
Okay, so -100 STA and code looks for the normal dialouge but there are only "Nap/failed_onCecilyQuest0_Maani" and "Nap/failed_onCecilyQuest0_Bandit". That should be reached by eccma upstream. So, people with discord should get in touch with him. They could also relay the other two bugs I have done text fixes for..
Huh, I never did the Woodson rape situation... But isn't Lona tied to a bed? Or they let her out sometimes and that's when you still have all your inventory? Well, maybe they don't see her as a threat an dlet her keep it, I don't know.
Just a bit of nitpicking from my part, but can be used if you want as well.
You can use \n to force line breaks so that the "Dialogue" is not in the same line as Person name.
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Since there there is exactly 4 spaces in every sentence (at least with your translation).
You can mass replaces these 4 spaces with \n pretty easily it will took lass than 5 seconds.
Anyway, as I said it's just nitpicking from me, thanks for your work! If you need any help, translating or whatsoever feel free to contact me via PM.
Thank you for your tip. I try to stay as close to the original format as possible so I usually keep the four spaces. Many times I diff with the CHT files as well and those do all have the four spaces. Plus some of the ENG files only have two spaces. Those that have been MTL:ed by others than me at some point in time.
And then there are some files and places that are meant to have two spaces. So to first swap all those twos to four spaces, but not where they are supposed to be, and then do a \n on just the dialouges could be done. But I won't do it

And since they do translations upstream at some point I don't see the benefit of me doing it.
Even if it does look better I think.
I do use \n when linefeed / carriage return makes text look bad. Usually in /mail but also some other places like items and skills. Mainly becasue I think they forgot to upstream since most items had it, but not the new ones. So I uniformed that to some extent. If you want to help with text just let me know what you're up to/if you're up to, so we don't do the same stuff.
Also i heard about quest with monkey, it exists? Where i can find it?
Arise village. First place east after East Seven sentry point.