In case you can't be bothered to go through the game to complete the CG gallery, edit the [LonaRPG_Rec] section as such OR if it doesn't exist add this:
RecHevTellerSakaGBoss = 1
RecHevCargoSaveCecilyRape = 1
RecHevScoutCampOrkind3CG = 1
RecHevCoconaBath = 1
RecHevFishCaveHunt2CG = 1
RecHevLisaAbom = 1
RecHevCoconaPriest = 1
RecHevCecilyHijack1 = 1
RecHevLisaAbomHive3 = 1
RecHevTellerGoldenBar4some = 1
RecHevSeaWitchReverseRape = 1
RecHevFishKindDockSlave = 1
RecHevUniqueEvent_CoconaVag = 1
Not many particular unique H-scene ingame, but I hope you actually played to experience the dark souls of H-Rpg and not fap to it like the filthy degenerate you are.
P.S: Gonna add the words full save 13th CG unlock CG so that all you lazy people will hopefully find it lol.
P.P.S: Also forgot to mention you need Cocona in your party to view the 13th scene and not crash it mid-scene.
Nvm, here is a fix courtesy of
P.P.P.S: The gallery change wont take effect if you load a previous save on the merchant house. Get out and reenter.