You can make Lona a prostitute which is not rape. Also she can snu snu with a fat slob of a priest and she kinda does it willingly, out of faith. There are probably some other cases that i miss but when it comes to bandits, goblins and fishfolk it goes "hippity hoppity now you're our property".People probably asked about that, but I'm still gonna do it.
Is there moderate stuff or it's only rape and more hardcore rape? I heard there are interesting plot and gameplay, but I'm not sure if I should go for sexual content or try to avoid it fully in my future run
You can try doing a No Sex run without save scumming but i asure you Lona will get sexed one way or the other. Things can get out of hand very quickly. I mean, right at the beginning i tried to work as a waitress but some guy grabbed her ass, others joined and yeah... NPCs here are like those in ES: Oblivion. They are Chaotic to say the least.