
Sep 1, 2020
Does Juicing enemies to incapacitation not kill them? I thought they did since I always got -1 Mora from using it on normals folks.
Further, while you can't stun enemies, you can always, well, have enough Weak to make them grab you, or just time your Juicing right. For Boars, I just use my Lantern and burn them to death lmao, no ATK stat needed since SURvival is good for food and Ignite scales on SURvival.

I was mostly thinking of capitalizing on the HP and STA gain from Bloodlust's Overkills and proccing it everytime via Bloody Mess rather than the ATK buff. I already get HP and STAmina with Whore of Babylon, so I thought it'd be doubled by adding Bloodlust + Bloody Mess.

Either way, I don't see much of your point in it since Succubus Lona is pretty good as it is with or without Bloodlust or Acolyte Traits, you're already "Stunning" people by letting them have fun with your mouth, gash, or dark star. (both traits of which don't contribute to the damage iIrc, just what else you can do)

On another note, the stealth sections aren't exactly stealth or die; you can go your entire playthrough never stealthing (what I did personally like the brute I am) and your only issue would be how to deal with the reinforcements... which are, well, through good positioning, tunnelling, and/or trap making, or, well, letting 1-2 enemies rail you while keeping your STAmina full of Blue Pots.
You dont stun big enemies if you dont do heavy stamina damage, and if you dont oneshot them, they start hitting you full force, they dont grab you anymore, no matter how high your weak stat is, the littlest hit makes them full hostile. Which is also why, in my experience, you cant actually juice multiple enemies at the same time. One will always get killed before the other, and the one left alive will hit you full force and wont let you grab him, and unless you have where to run and time the grab perfectly before the others notice you or get to you, you are done.

I have no idea how being spotted isnt a death sentence to you. Have you played succubus lona or some other build? In the first Cecily mission, if you get spotted before reaching Cecily's room, you can only run back to Grey Rat and none of you deal damage, and he is surrounded by three enemies and dies, or you try to take aggro, but since he attacks so slow, he doesnt take aggro back and you die. Even if you get spotted and reach her room and position everyone, you have to time your hits almost perfectly or she dies by the 4th enemy. And this is just one example thats pretty manageble. The camp with Bobo is basically impossible if you get spotted. There are like 200 enemies then. Even with late game healer and cecily and gray rat, I could only defeat the ones that spawn at the start and die as soon as you cross the bridge.

I guess I found that the church stealth missions arent instant death if you have bombs to deal with the big guy or full Cocona army, and thank god because the ai of those enemies is shitty and sucks.


May 14, 2018
You dont stun big enemies if you dont do heavy stamina damage, and if you dont oneshot them, they start hitting you full force, they dont grab you anymore, no matter how high your weak stat is, the littlest hit makes them full hostile. Which is also why, in my experience, you cant actually juice multiple enemies at the same time. One will always get killed before the other, and the one left alive will hit you full force and wont let you grab him, and unless you have where to run and time the grab perfectly before the others notice you or get to you, you are done.

I have no idea how being spotted isnt a death sentence to you. Have you played succubus lona or some other build? In the first Cecily mission, if you get spotted before reaching Cecily's room, you can only run back to Grey Rat and none of you deal damage, and he is surrounded by three enemies and dies, or you try to take aggro, but since he attacks so slow, he doesnt take aggro back and you die. Even if you get spotted and reach her room and position everyone, you have to time your hits almost perfectly or she dies by the 4th enemy. And this is just one example thats pretty manageble. The camp with Bobo is basically impossible if you get spotted. There are like 200 enemies then. Even with late game healer and cecily and gray rat, I could only defeat the ones that spawn at the start and die as soon as you cross the bridge.

I guess I found that the church stealth missions arent instant death if you have bombs to deal with the big guy or full Cocona army, and thank god because the ai of those enemies is shitty and sucks.
Yeahhh I think you've been playing Succubus Lona wrong the entire time, as I've found those missions a breeze because of Succubus Lona.

I've played both ATK Lona (didn't take Tough so I can take Succubus Trait for Juicing) twice and am currently playing Succubus Lona, and find that all of the missions are actually easier with Succubus Lona just from Juicing every enemy. I need to lure them one by one to avoid getting overwhelmed and using too many of my Blue Potions, but other than that, it was a breeze.

Never in my Succubus Lona game have I needed to smack someone because I have Juicing. t best I just needed to burn Boars and Skeletons alive(?), but that's it.
Juicing an enemy has saved me both HP and STAmina, both of which I have a surplus of because I'm a CONstitution Build. My Succubus Lona gameplay has been a breeze with hiccups that'd be solved if I had some ATK or if I used Awaken, but I never really got a Mission I was bad at aside from maybe Crystal Mine. The only issue I really ever had were enraged "partners" that want to take off her Drip-- she's down to fuck 3 guys at once tbh, but she ain't about to lose 50k TP because she was forced out of them! (Though I did semi-solve it by unequipping them)

On another note, Cecily is one of the WORST combat characters I've ever met because of how stupidly squishy she is. Grey Rat is awesome because he can take a beating and draw aggro, allowing me to Juice or Kill the enemies hitting the Meatshield one at a time. It's only ever a problem when they're stuck to him and you Juice them the moment the general direction of his Shield throws the both of you to the moon and you start seeing stars, otherwise he's a good tank. Would employ him anytime and bench Cecily if I could.

The only time I've needed to use a bomb was when I was a Combat Lona in a situation with little Blue Pots and no Red Pots to raise my 2 digit HP tbh.


Jun 6, 2020
it's generally a good idea to do as much as you can in your current playthrough to store in the bank before getting yourself a mini-Lona and leaving/dying.
IIrc, Rebirths let you reset your build, get you an extra Trait point (though I don't recall getting any in my subsequent runs), and, depending on your offspring, another race to play as.
Does the world get anymore difficult if I do rebirthing or will it have the same scaling? I understand it's nice progressing the game before rebirthing to get as much items to help in the next run, but if there is no difficulty scaling, I was going to rebirth just to get a new experience with the game.


Sep 1, 2020
Yeahhh I think you've been playing Succubus Lona wrong the entire time, as I've found those missions a breeze because of Succubus Lona.

I've played both ATK Lona (didn't take Tough so I can take Succubus Trait for Juicing) twice and am currently playing Succubus Lona, and find that all of the missions are actually easier with Succubus Lona just from Juicing every enemy. I need to lure them one by one to avoid getting overwhelmed and using too many of my Blue Potions, but other than that, it was a breeze.

Never in my Succubus Lona game have I needed to smack someone because I have Juicing. t best I just needed to burn Boars and Skeletons alive(?), but that's it.
Juicing an enemy has saved me both HP and STAmina, both of which I have a surplus of because I'm a CONstitution Build. My Succubus Lona gameplay has been a breeze with hiccups that'd be solved if I had some ATK or if I used Awaken, but I never really got a Mission I was bad at aside from maybe Crystal Mine. The only issue I really ever had were enraged "partners" that want to take off her Drip-- she's down to fuck 3 guys at once tbh, but she ain't about to lose 50k TP because she was forced out of them! (Though I did semi-solve it by unequipping them)

On another note, Cecily is one of the WORST combat characters I've ever met because of how stupidly squishy she is. Grey Rat is awesome because he can take a beating and draw aggro, allowing me to Juice or Kill the enemies hitting the Meatshield one at a time. It's only ever a problem when they're stuck to him and you Juice them the moment the general direction of his Shield throws the both of you to the moon and you start seeing stars, otherwise he's a good tank. Would employ him anytime and bench Cecily if I could.

The only time I've needed to use a bomb was when I was a Combat Lona in a situation with little Blue Pots and no Red Pots to raise my 2 digit HP tbh.
First off, you cant just lure them one by one, its not as easy as it seems without high stealth or high sex damage. Take the 9 inch cock tribe mission for example. If you dont one shot them, they instantly alert the tribe and they start moving, which means even if you manage to get one to be lured by your stone, some other fucker will find you and hit you before you can juice anybody. And they DO NOT attempt to grab you or jerk off no matter how high your weak is, they give no opening to juice and even if you grab someone, the next second an arrow stops it. What I did was trim a few of them and when I got spotted I ran to my companions and after they got the aggro, backstabbed archers and the shaman. I would juice instead but companions have a knack for interrupting my juicing.

Awaken is also useless for juicing other than the con buff, as I previously explained, no matter how high your weak is, the second you juice somebody to death or accidentaly hit them, the witnessess WONT attempt to grab you until they make your stamina get below 0 or they lose aggro and you go in again, but thats often not an option, as running alerts others and you'll get surrounded and most often you dont lose aggro by going to the edge of the map because they get to you before their aggro resets. And pulling off a grab when 3 or 4 enemies move like on drugs and all hit you and dont attempt to grab you is extremelly unlikely, and even then, you better finish them off in a second, or you get interrupted and back to square one.

As for aoe juicing, I dont know how you time it so that all 2 or 3 of them die at the same time, but there is no way thats consistent even if you manage from time to time, and when you kill one of them, the other 2 will hit you full force, they wont grab or jerk off and leace you an opening for a second juicing. I've never seen it as a viable strat, succubus lona only reliably works one one one and preferably without being spotted.

I dont know what version of this game you play, because what you describe to me is a game with totally different rules to the game I've played, as i've tested everything you and I talked about multiple times. I played this game probably 60 hours or more, most of it as succubus Lona, and luring enemies one by one isnt easy and often the random ai fuck you over (what works 10 times suddenly doesnt work at all anymore) or you cant oneshot them, they get alerted and you get stomped on.
Last edited:


Dec 15, 2018
I haven't played since v0.7.03 or so, is the current 0.9 version untranslated? What's the most recent translated version?


Sep 1, 2020
I haven't played since v0.7.03 or so, is the current 0.9 version untranslated? What's the most recent translated version?
Last translated version is below 8, everyone uses mtl, dont worry, whats translated stays translated, mtl only applies to new stuff.
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Sep 1, 2020
Does the world get anymore difficult if I do rebirthing or will it have the same scaling? I understand it's nice progressing the game before rebirthing to get as much items to help in the next run, but if there is no difficulty scaling, I was going to rebirth just to get a new experience with the game.
World difficulty resets at 0 or 1.


Jun 16, 2017
Which method gives the best English experience with the least amount of poetry? I wanna get back into this one, but I remember the English was so... majestic, that I just forgot about it.


May 14, 2018
First off, you cant just lure them one by one, its not as easy as it seems without high stealth or high sex damage. Take the 9 inch cock tribe mission for example. If you dont one shot them, they instantly alert the tribe and they start moving, which means even if you manage to get one to be lured by your stone, some other fucker will find you and hit you before you can juice anybody. And they DO NOT attempt to grab you or jerk off no matter how high your weak is, they give no opening to juice and even if you grab someone, the next second an arrow stops it. What I did was trim a few of them and when I got spotted I ran to my companions and after they got the aggro, backstabbed archers and the shaman. I would juice instead but companions have a knack for interrupting my juicing.

Awaken is also useless for juicing other than the con buff, as I previously explained, no matter how high your weak is, the second you juice somebody to death or accidentaly hit them, the witnessess WONT attempt to grab you until they make your stamina get below 0 or they lose aggro and you go in again, but thats often not an option, as running alerts others and you'll get surrounded and most often you dont lose aggro by going to the edge of the map because they get to you before their aggro resets. And pulling off a grab when 3 or 4 enemies move like on drugs and all hit you and dont attempt to grab you is extremelly unlikely, and even then, you better finish them off in a second, or you get interrupted and back to square one.

As for aoe juicing, I dont know how you time it so that all 2 or 3 of them die at the same time, but there is no way thats consistent even if you manage from time to time, and when you kill one of them, the other 2 will hit you full force, they wont grab or jerk off and leace you an opening for a second juicing. I've never seen it as a viable strat, succubus lona only reliably works one one one and preferably without being spotted.

I dont know what version of this game you play, because what you describe to me is a game with totally different rules to the game I've played, as i've tested everything you and I talked about multiple times. I played this game probably 60 hours or more, most of it as succubus Lona, and luring enemies one by one isnt easy and often the random ai fuck you over (what works 10 times suddenly doesnt work at all anymore) or you cant oneshot them, they get alerted and you get stomped on.
Me playing as Deep One Lona with 0 in SCU, always found a way to single out enemies even in cramped areas, and never got enemies angered due to fucking them to death in ver A'ight.

First off, I don't think I ever said anything about AoE Juicing and moreso making use of being gangraped into a massacre. Just did it in Costal Fortress in the Mercenary Camp and it's what saved my Succubus Lona from losing the mission tbh.

Tell you what, I'll post a video of myself playing my Lona in a bit to snuff out your suspicion.

Edit1: Here's the video for proof
Edit2: First got removed LMAO Hope this one works
Last edited:


May 14, 2018
Does the world get anymore difficult if I do rebirthing or will it have the same scaling? I understand it's nice progressing the game before rebirthing to get as much items to help in the next run, but if there is no difficulty scaling, I was going to rebirth just to get a new experience with the game.
Nahh it'll have the same scaling + reset the world difficulty, so you're on the right track if you're looking to fix your build.


May 14, 2018
I haven't played since v0.7.03 or so, is the current 0.9 version untranslated? What's the most recent translated version?
Which method gives the best English experience with the least amount of poetry? I wanna get back into this one, but I remember the English was so... majestic, that I just forgot about it.
Contrary to what the 1st page says, and the current actually have a english option at the start of the game! Not MTL too.
Now go, play the game in its glory as others are currently.


Sep 1, 2020
Me playing as Deep One Lona with 0 in SCU, always found a way to single out enemies even in cramped areas, and never got enemies angered due to fucking them to death in ver A'ight.

First off, I don't think I ever said anything about AoE Juicing and moreso making use of being gangraped into a massacre. Just did it in Costal Fortress in the Mercenary Camp and it's what saved my Succubus Lona from losing the mission tbh.

Tell you what, I'll post a video of myself playing my Lona in a bit to snuff out your suspicion.

Edit1: Here's the video for proof
Edit2: First got removed LMAO Hope this one works
I dont understand. At several points, other enemies saw you kill someone and didnt interrupt the jerking off action and get aggressive. That never happened to me in all the time that I played. And when you didnt oneshot an enemy, they stayed dazed way longer than they stay for me.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2017
Contrary to what the 1st page says, and the current actually have a english option at the start of the game! Not MTL too.
Now go, play the game in its glory as others are currently.
The English is still no where near complete though, so the solution is a combination of the latest game version + the latest commit from the LonaLang project's ENG path + processing the resulting combo with the MTL tool


May 14, 2018
The English is still no where near complete though, so the solution is a combination of the latest game version + the latest commit from the LonaLang project's ENG path + processing the resulting combo with the MTL tool
Not saying it is, but it's got enough of the game translated that I'm able to replay it.


May 14, 2018
Idk what to tell you but that it may be an issue with your gameplay or your game version, they'd only ever interrupt if I struggled/escaped a sex battle they're initiating (causing an ATK) but that's it.
Might be the type of enemies you're fighting but Idk really. At best I'm playing HARD difficulty, the Booba Mod, Max Level, and Nun Outfit enabled, but that's it.
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Sep 1, 2020
Idk what to tell you but that it may be an issue with your gameplay or your game version, they'd only ever interrupt if I struggled/escaped a sex battle they're initiating (causing an ATK) but that's it.
Might be the type of enemies you're fighting but Idk really. At best I'm playing HARD difficulty, the Booba Mod, Max Level, and Nun Outfit enabled, but that's it.
Ill try maybe to mess with weak and sexy stats more. But even when I tried awakened Lona, which gives you 1000 of both, after I juiced someone, they all got aggressive. as far as I remember.


Nov 6, 2023
Me playing as Deep One Lona with 0 in SCU, always found a way to single out enemies even in cramped areas, and never got enemies angered due to fucking them to death in ver A'ight.

First off, I don't think I ever said anything about AoE Juicing and moreso making use of being gangraped into a massacre. Just did it in Costal Fortress in the Mercenary Camp and it's what saved my Succubus Lona from losing the mission tbh.

Tell you what, I'll post a video of myself playing my Lona in a bit to snuff out your suspicion.

Edit1: Here's the video for proof
Edit2: First got removed LMAO Hope this one works
Like many others here I got problems making a succubus built work. You seem quite experienced, could you give me some early game tips?

2 enemies usually means defeat, as stamina drains rather quickly.

How to get enough weakness? What traits and stats to focus on first?


Sep 10, 2022
Idk what to tell you but that it may be an issue with your gameplay or your game version, they'd only ever interrupt if I struggled/escaped a sex battle they're initiating (causing an ATK) but that's it.
Might be the type of enemies you're fighting but Idk really. At best I'm playing HARD difficulty, the Booba Mod, Max Level, and Nun Outfit enabled, but that's it.
It's actually the low difficulty (HARD) that makes the Succubus run a breeze. There's actually lotsa stuffs that are made pretty easy in HARD mode compared to higher difficulties, like food/ingredient not spoiling, breastmilk never spilling out when it becomes full, etc etc. I'm not really sure if things have changed since the last time I played during v0.8 of the game, but try to raise the difficulty to HELL or DOOM and you'll notice that the ennemies will start attacking you once one sees that you killed its pal through juicing, and in DOOM mode, once an enemy sees you as a threat, it will always see you as a threat, even if you clear the aggro that made you be seen as such, until you exit the map. Also there's some unique ennemy AI reaction in DOOM mode where, for example, in that place where the goblins are having an orgy with the prisoners, if you so much as alert one of them, all of the goblins group will start killing the prisoners instead of fucking them.

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