I am having trouble integrating the latest roleplay-s mod into the game.
also a quick 2 questions about desu mod.
1) Do you remove the # from both the “description” and “bitmap” line of an option, or just one to disable an option?
2) trying to use the “modded desu mod” files from tilde or vk…to change hair and eye colors. I put the act files in desu mod /other pals. Just the act. Not the jpeg for each. Won’t activate.
Also have Lona booba mod. any jsons in LBM palette changer do enable.
gspot removal but linked glands. Wth. Linked glands is pointless then? Neither reduce dmg. Any point to having both?
edit - After testing it seems the description line needs to be disabled, while the bitmap line should be enabled.
resorted to using the act file from a 5 vibrant hair colour mod. I moved the aqua .json from inactive to active jsons, Placed the vibrant color .act in palette changer/cyan pals, made a copy of aqua, and renamed the vibrant hair .act to the aqua hair .act name.
game thinks it should use aqua hair pallete, and Aqua json uses aqua.act. The aqua .act is replaced with the Color I want. game thinks its using aqua, while aqua is a different pallete. No stylist needed. It’s just overlaying. works good. some active scenes dont change the color though. kinda want those to also have the palletes color.