There's something really odd but super interesting happening with the Juicing skill in the latest version of the game. I'm not sure if it's an actual feature or a bug since there's no mention of Juicing being tuned in the posted devlogs. I wrote somewhere in the past regarding something I found in the older version of the game (I think it was B0.9.4.0.x?) that Juicing sometimes make NPCs around the juiced mob stunned if you stun the juiced mob via the Hand Skill, but since I couldn't reproduce it consistently I just labelled it as a bug. But here in the latest version, stunning a group of mobs via the Hand Skill can now be done at a consistent rate. Not only that, the Hand Skill also does sex damage to the surrounding mobs.
IF this is an actual feature, which I seriously hope it is, then this is very game changing for Succubus build (I need to preface that you need to stun the juiced mob, not kill it, for this to happen, so you can't have too much sex skill level where you basically one shot everything, you need to find the perfect balance where you're doing enough sex damage but not too much where it ends up killing the juiced mob in one go). This basically allows you to deal with a group of mobs using Juicing and not do the usual 1 on 1, which was something that many people, including myself, asked for, and now here it is. I still need to do some extensive test to see how far this can go.