Ok thank you man, I was under the expression that 1..1 = 1 day..1 day, not 1-1=0.
I don't really code, no exp on it at all, I'm only following what other people have done.
Yes, it is array of one element 1..1 == [1]... But what is seedbed reduction? it's 1. Always.
So you take 1 from array. You reduce it by 1 from seedbed. You get 0...
How can you even misunderstand what he wrote in that way? You obviously didn't read what I wrote.
It's not about coding, it's about simple understanding and searching through this topic because I've explained it all before, ZedTed explained it before, so it's multiple hits already.
Wow you are probably the smartest man in this forum, you could have just pointed out that part instead of boasting it. I'm asking for educated people's help here not some asshole answer. Also you did not help anyway, you are just repeating quiboune's reply
Yes I am, because I actually went and did some help to this game. Yes, I'm boasting about it because I want others to be helpful as well. And yes, I am educated person, I actually know how to read and change code. I explained why quiboune's reply is like that. And you aggro on me for choice of words? How about you actually read code yourself then and don't post things like "I don't understand this" with code that will crash game if you're "educated" person?
And you shown that you didn't read what I wrote anyway, so thanks man, should I ask eccma to not include my optmod in game for a while just in your name?

Having 15 FPS instead of 60 must be nice if you hate me
that much just for stating an opinion.
Didn't know where else to put this.
Update to
Here's another one, to be clear this isn't specific to the item that dropped. Any time I consume one thing, another, seemingly random thing drops out of my inventory for no reason, of course I go to pick it up but if it's a consumable and I go to eat it, this bug happens.
EDIT: confirmed that it's a bug, happens if you set keybinding of Confirm to Spacebar. Item dropping code actually checks for Spacebar ignoring binding of skill9. Will report to eccma.
Guys, do you know what could be the reason behind everyone attacking me on sight? I didn't kill nor attacked any citizen, but as soon as I enter a building I get attacked. Could it be a trait or equipment?
Edit: if I go to sleep it stops happening the next day, but randomly it starts happening again
Check your weakness stat. When it's high, people will want to hit and rape you.
Check your morality. If it's below 0, you're a criminal.