
Sep 16, 2018
At 80 pink icon number, you have 0 arousal, when pink icon hits 0 (Arousal meter in menu reach 800) Lona "discharge". Wet status happens after 2 consecutive climax (or more precisely, when Lona orgasm with the Horny debuff).
I'm pretty sure the wet status appears after just one orgasm, at least from masturbation, and disappears after a while. But I'm definitely sure it appears once you reach 500 or so arousal as a permanent status until you bring your arousal back to nominal levels with an orgasm (don't know if there are other means to lower your arousal). From what I've seen you then start to lose stamina at around 1100 arousal. Again, I'm not sure if it works differently with other traits.

What you're thinking of I'm guessing is ahegao, which usually appears after two climaxes.

The main purpose of Orgasm I can fathom is to make fun of the life of a prostitute Lona and to make early game players who think they can make it rich whoring Lona out BTFO. Otherwise it would be very hard to lose due to orgasm since your arousal meter rarely go up unless you order Lona to masturbate or you are inflicted with nasty debuffs the like of parasites or MODs.
Wait a minute, I'm not following. How would get a mood boost from orgasms make things too easy with prostitution? From what I've noticed mood doesn't have any impact during sex, and you'd also still have to deal with stamina loss. A fighter Lona is probably the one who would benefit the most from a mood boost due to the damage bonus.

To balance it out and make things more realistic I think rape and prostitution intercourses (according to the personality trait) should just make it impossible for Lona to reach orgasm, while consensual sex (?) and masturbation should allow it, giving you in turn a mood boost. Everything else, from the stamina loss to the various debuffs, is more or less fine as is.

Only problem is Will would lose most of its purpose since it just makes orgasms harder to reach.

Correct. Your mood is heavily affected by traits you pick, from bloodlust to pessimist to exhibitionist, core traits such as personalities affect it the most.
I'll leave it to you to find out how important some MODs is regarding mood gain/lost. For example try the skin MODs and use it together with a certain "trait" at level 30 to find out how much synergy they have. If you're fighter then yeah, go for mood, if not, it's not that important.
You mean Masochist, right? I've been waiting to get it, looks like a pretty great trait for a melee fighter. How does it interact with the Skin MOD though? The former gives mood when receiving HP damage, while the latter increases arousal when stamina is *consumed. :unsure:

*Not entirely true, it also increases arousal when you gain stamina through resting. I think it just gives arousal whenever the stamina value gets modified.


Active Member
Nov 16, 2016
With a world that has legitimate monsters and inhuman demons hellbent on raping and murdering every human alongside a refugee crisis; Cecily is straight up ruining shit by killing able-body men and trying to crash the system.
As opposed to Milo doing EVERYTHING HE CAN to fight said monsters and demons instead of wasting time on hedonistic parties and TOTALLY NOT utilizing his manforce solely to suppress opposition and sustain slavery.
Sounds like Cecily, as much of a naive moralfag as she may be, is actually the better hope for Noer.
Fuck Milo, he's an immoral, corrupt asshole and the quests so far don't prove otherwise at all.

Also we don't know what the elf slave girl went through before she got properly employed. It's likely there's just lucky slaves out there though.
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Feb 25, 2021
As opposed to Milo doing EVERYTHING HE CAN to fight said monsters and demons instead of wasting time on hedonistic parties and TOTALLY NOT utilizing his manforce solely to suppress opposition and sustain slavery.
Sounds like Cecily, as much of a naive moralfag as she may be, is actually the better hope for Noer.
Fuck Milo, he's an immoral, corrupt asshole and the quests so far don't prove otherwise at all.

Also we don't know what the elf slave girl went through before she got properly employed. It's likely there's just lucky slaves out there though.
From only what we see? The elf girl has a decent job (Paid or unpaid we dunno) and is trusted by her owner with firearms...
she may be a house slave which in a world of slavery may be a good gig all things considered :3

Also shes the slave of the most powerful man in Noer...which may get her more protections and a easier living than most slaves in the world of LonaRPG :O


Jan 28, 2018
Regarding the story, we can all agree that Milo is in the right for this setting right?
With a world that has legitimate monsters and inhuman demons hellbent on raping and murdering every human alongside a refugee crisis; Cecily is straight up ruining shit by killing able-body men and trying to crash the system. Also, Milo's goat slave girl that chills around in the bank is very cute and seems to be treated like a complete bro despite being a slave.

Anyways, that's why I got Cecily thrown in prison and raped by the horny refugees that she was trying to protect.

Fucking gingers
But ultimately Noer falls to the Orckinds in the ship ending. The system obviously does not work and is corrupt and doomed to fail. Milo might send troops the front lines to keep away the monsters but nothing is done about the goblin problem right under their noses.

Rudesind Slope is walled off, the people inside are living far better off and couldn't care less what happens to the rabble outside. They're more or less waiting for the end while wallowing in depravity. Why should others be making the sacrifices for them?

Milo's justifications are more of an excuse to quell dissent.

Regarding Marnie, given Milo's manipulative nature it wouldn't surprise me if he secured her loyalty by treating her well as a slave in order to have a reliable and faithful agent by his side. Regular underlings may be more likely to be untrustworthy and corrupt in a world like this.

Milo's eyes also may imply he's either not human or being manipulated (sea witch?).

Cecily is naive and doesn't have a solution for Noer's problems, but she has good intentions in mind. Perhaps with more experience and a better understanding of the big picture she'll find a way. Or maybe she'll give up. Either way I don't think she deserves to suffer the end she does.

Neither side is in the right imo, but I'd rather take her side in a fight.

Personally, I took one good look around the Golden Bar Club and decided it would be better for it all to burn to the ground.


New Member
Mar 25, 2021
Hello, someone know what the traait "semen demon" actually do ? I don't observe any augmentation of the food gain when consume semen.


Feb 25, 2021
Hello, someone know what the traait "semen demon" actually do ? I don't observe any augmentation of the food gain when consume semen.
It lets you pick up cum from the floor.

IT MAY also give you more cum after you clean out her privates (not sure on that one)


Jul 9, 2018
I said desirable content as in more variation than simply males of different races. Honestly the porn part of this game is so shitty and boring it might as well not be in the game. Claire's quest, albeit horribly unfinished and even with development moving at a snail's pace has more interesting H-content than this does.

I'm questioning exactly why do you naysayers think more variation is wrong. Don't get me wrong, it's a good action rpg but as an H-game it's utterly subpar.
Personally, Futa does absolutely nothing for me and I think resources spent developing a game should be prioritized towards more vanilla tastes first. It would make sense to target the larger possible audience first. Implying Futa IS in a game, as long as I can turn it off and it doesn't impede the game for me in any way, it's no bother. I cannot grasp or wrap my head around futa as a fetish at all, and why there is so much of it, but that's my problem.

If it's a game that's solely based around futa and requires it to function, there's no way I will ever touch it, it just instantly kills any arousal or interest I might have had if I see it.

I guess the problem for me is I like the idea in sex of a separation between gender. A clear distinct difference. There is a male and there is a female, or there are two males, or there are two females. When the equipment gets crisscrossed and suddenly a male is also a female or a female is also a male, it borders some weird territory for me that I just cannot find appealing, because it's not natural to me.

In the case of Lona, if the developer somehow miraculously just paid other people to create and include toggleable futa content, I see no reason why not, for people that like it.
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Feb 21, 2020
So uhh is it just because I'm just starting out or does sex combat seem pointless? I don't feel like enemies can be defeated, or does it require that succubus trait to do so? Or are sex based chars mostly meant to just prostitute around and slowly grind money that way?


Feb 25, 2021
So uhh is it just because I'm just starting out or does sex combat seem pointless? I don't feel like enemies can be defeated, or does it require that succubus trait to do so? Or are sex based chars mostly meant to just prostitute around and slowly grind money that way?
TECHNICALLY sex combat without succubus still has 2 purposes!

#1: during prostitution you get more money from doing sex combat properly
#2 im pretty sure if you are being raped and do sex combat it will at least fuck their stamina.


Active Member
Oct 1, 2016
Hey ! Do you guys know if theres game like this one but no " loli " body ? i really like the rpg aspect of it but cant stand the body , thanks !


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
Regarding the story, we can all agree that Milo is in the right for this setting right?
Money moves things. At least it keeps the boat floating. So unless someone more capable of governing Noer and leading the reconquest of Sybaris show up. I'm gonna stay with Milo for the status-quo. Milo is not even from the island anyways, a revolution againt him for the independance of the island is just meaningless bloodshed. I'll just let Lona helps as much as she can before ditching the goddang island. Its just an island, there's a whole continent out there.
I'm pretty sure the wet status appears after just one orgasm, at least from masturbation, and disappears after a while. But I'm definitely sure it appears once you reach 500 or so arousal as a permanent status until you bring your arousal back to nominal levels with an orgasm (don't know if there are other means to lower your arousal). From what I've seen you then start to lose stamina at around 1100 arousal. Again, I'm not sure if it works differently with other traits.

What you're thinking of I'm guessing is ahegao, which usually appears after two climaxes.
Yeah my bad, I was wrong. Wet status appears after one orgasm and stay with you till you sleep. It's great buff since it increase your sexy and weak a bit. And yes, you start to lose stamina if it goes too much into negative, 1100 arousal at base Will I bet is about -30 Pink icon. Did you take the remove orgasm MOD or something ? Since Lona start climaxing right away whenever arousal goes past 800 (base Will).
Wait a minute, I'm not following. How would get a mood boost from orgasms make things too easy with prostitution? From what I've noticed mood doesn't have any impact during sex, and you'd also still have to deal with stamina loss. A fighter Lona is probably the one who would benefit the most from a mood boost due to the damage bonus.

To balance it out and make things more realistic I think rape and prostitution intercourses (according to the personality trait) should just make it impossible for Lona to reach orgasm, while consensual sex (?) and masturbation should allow it, giving you in turn a mood boost. Everything else, from the stamina loss to the various debuffs, is more or less fine as is.

Only problem is Will would lose most of its purpose since it just makes orgasms harder to reach.
No, it's not about mood. It's there to make sure Lona lose stamina each time she does prostituion, to make prostitute's path a pain to deal with when you just start the game (later it becomes piss easy to prostitute, but still fighter/thief Lona earn money faster).
If you picked the tought trait and worry about not being able to replenish your mood, then don't worry, you still hits like a truck. You can replenish it via foods or alcohol as well. Overkill replenish your mood greatly. And...
You mean Masochist, right? I've been waiting to get it, looks like a pretty great trait for a melee fighter. How does it interact with the Skin MOD though? The former gives mood when receiving HP damage, while the latter increases arousal when stamina is *consumed. :unsure:

*Not entirely true, it also increases arousal when you gain stamina through resting. I think it just gives arousal whenever the stamina value gets modified.
...And then there's Masochist, I mean, by itself it's no great feat, but just try it with Skin MOD lol.
And yes, anything that affect Stamina (potions drinking, masturbating...etc) will be afftecd by Skin MOD, so... it's just about anything Lona do. But you only lose 10-15 stamina everytime Lona climax anyways, you can manage it.
Hello, someone know what the traait "semen demon" actually do ? I don't observe any augmentation of the food gain when consume semen.
Careful, on harder mode, picking this make Lona more susceptible to Semen addiction debuff. You don't want any addiction on harder mode.
So uhh is it just because I'm just starting out or does sex combat seem pointless? I don't feel like enemies can be defeated, or does it require that succubus trait to do so? Or are sex based chars mostly meant to just prostitute around and slowly grind money that way?
Sex attack is meant to be used 1 vs 1, Succusbus + prostitute is enough to deal great Stamina damage to your opponent. Just don't go into a group and expect to come out alive.
Hey ! Do you guys know if theres game like this one but no " loli " body ? i really like the rpg aspect of it but cant stand the body , thanks !
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