You never replied to me. Good work with the translations. I see all your fixes. Nice catch with the wounded bath. I had a similar fix but with an added line instead of repeating the one.
Did you demoralize lion5000? Haven't done a single thing since you appeared on the scene.. : )
I'm translating this at DeepL, so I'm sorry if I'm understanding what you're saying incorrectly.
I thought I had thanked you using the reply function on this forum. But I just looked back at the logs and there is no post of mine.
I don't understand the system of this forum, but I don't know if there was some kind of restriction or if it was simply because I wasn't able to send it.
(I haven't had many forum conversations...)
I am very sorry for my rudeness, even if I did not know it.
Thank you once again. Thank you very much!
I've been working with the translation team since then, translating Japanese. I really enjoy it and am proud to be able to contribute to LonaRPG.
Good work with the translations.
I will continue to fix any missing text and any bugs I find during test play, reporting them to the author. I hope this helps you as much as it helps me.
Did you demoralize lion5000?
This is a complete misunderstanding. Don't worry.
He continues to make excellent contributions as a member of the JPN translation team, just as he always has.
For example, when I am struggling with Chinese slang or unique expressions, the first thing I do is to consult him.
He can clear up my questions in Japanese, and sometimes he even asks the author questions about the game in English or Chinese. This is really reassuring for me, as my English is often dependent on translation software.
In other words, the current system is basically that
I complete the JPN translation and he backs it up.
Also, just yesterday, he helped me with the translation of Lisa's event.
Lisa speaks in a unique dialect, so the translation software couldn't translate her correctly at all, and I was on the verge of tears...

But I talked to him and he translated the whole event.
After that, I got the text file and made further improvements so that the Japanese would not be unnatural.
That's teamwork!
There are currently 16 files that have not been translated into Japanese at all.
But I'm sure that will be resolved soon.
The author and the two teammates who are helping me with the translation are helping me.