
Aug 19, 2019
That shouldn't happen. Once you finish the mission, the fish guys shouldn't aggro you. Have you rescued Elise yet? If no, you need to. Other things that might cause them to be hostile:
  1. High sexy and weakness, like from being naked with too many piercings.
  2. You rebirthed as a Deep One and became a Sea Witch after meeting one.
  3. Low morality, in which case most guards in most places will try to kill you.
  4. Stealing fish from the town, at which case they'll lose aggro if you leave and come back.
  5. Slave markings. They're not very nice to escaped slaves.
I come back to Noer town after the finish Mission with Elise, the Guard dont reconize me and try to kill and arrest me, even Rat guy and Lady Cecily try to kill me even I help them doing the free slave quest. I am not have Slave symbol. My Mora is weak or bug or something ??


Jun 14, 2017
So I'm coming back to this after skipping like half a year of updates. Question about controller support. How are you supposed to use skills 5, 6, 7 and 8 now? They used to be mapped to the right stick but now that changes pages. The default bindings are just "P---". I would rebind them but there are no unused buttons now. Is playing with a controller just not possible anymore or am I missing some special way to use those skills with the stick?


Engaged Member
Aug 25, 2017
Do stats at some point become not worth putting points into? I'm fine with dumping all my points into a single attribute if it works, but I'm wondering if it's better to invest in SCU or something for QoL.


Engaged Member
Aug 25, 2017
Alrighty, finally got around to messing around with Sea Witch transformation and looking at a Moot Lona. So a few things I noticed:
  1. I've given birth to a Deep One, a Moot, and a Human baby in the same playthrough, but only get the option to "rebirth" and "Reborn as Moot." Rebirth sets my race to Deep One instead of human. Deep Ones have a debuff called "Body Odor", which decreases Sexy and SCU.
  2. The Sea Witch transformation is something you have to manually toggle. When transformed, you get three spells, but can't equip anything besides a hairstyle, a head accessory, and a neck/cape item. If you get captured and shackled, the shackles will be ejected.
  3. The transformation sets her Sexy and Weak to around 1000 each. NPCs not aggressive to Sea Witch Lona will still refuse to speak to her. Transforming back puts you at 3 Sick and Gastroenteritis, which will also drops your stamina and carrying capacity. Without any stats or gear, I lost like 99 carry weight and like 46 stamina.
  4. Moot rebirths give you an increased chance of successfully stealing, but also drops your morality by 10, starting you off at 40. You also get bonus increase to SCU, Weak, and Sexy.
  5. It seems like I got an extra stat point upon rebirthing. Lona doesn't get a stat point at lv 1, but after rebirthing, I have as many points as I have levels. I double checked my points just before rebirthing, and sure enough, I'm supposed to have one less point than my total levels.
  6. Assuming that levels by themselves don't affect any stats, Body Odor from Deep One rebirth drops your Sexy by 5 and SCU by 2. As a Moot, SCU goes up by 5, Weak goes up by 9.27, and Sexy by 5. No clue how stealing is calculated, so I couldn't tell you if/how much it adds on top of the 5 SCU.
Sorry if I'm repeating anything previously said. I didn't see a post that neatly talked about the rebirth mechanic and subraces you can start as.
Edit: Added some actual numerical values.
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Mar 15, 2021
4. Bonus worth 10 scu when pickpocketing (stealing from houses is unaffected) and, although I'm not entirely certain about this or any of the details, 30 scu worth when setting traps or explosives (people seem to not like it when you set up explosives around them, so you have to be sneaky about it)
5. You get 5 up to 5 depending on $ + your amount of lvlups (up to 98 at lvl 99) + 1 if you rebirthed with the ship ending (regardless of how many times you do this)
6. Long answer is long, I'm trying to make it as short as possible

There are 4 different variables for scoutcraft which are:
$ (the amount of trait points allocated to scu) (visible in the traits menu)
$ (the total amount of all bonuses from states and equipment)
$ (the combined amount of $ and $ (shown in green in the equipment menu)
$game_player.scoutcraft (which when sneaking is equal to 4*$, when not sneaking is equal to 4*$ and equal to -12 when sprinting) (number used to be visible in the save preview) (is updated once per second)

green numbers.png trait points.png player scoutcraft visible in save file preview.png

To work out $ just subtract your trait points from the green number in equipment menu.

The racial bonuses increase or decrease $, which is different from $ in that it doesn't affect movement speed, dropped item duration or brightness in underground maps, but it does affect $game_player.scoutcraft without having to sneak which makes being a moot an absolute blessing for stealth tactics because you don't have to use sneak until you get within a specific distance, and being a deepone a pretty harsh curse for well... anything (the -scu is a dealbreaker imo)

How big is a bonus? I'm truly sorry but the answer is different for everything. Success or partial success for something could be determined by any of the 4, a combination of any of the 4, or something slightly more complex or something very complex.
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Mar 15, 2021
I recorded this for someone who had trouble trying to escape from a fishcave with 2 broken legs, but too late of course. Posting it here in case anyone might still find it useful. If you don't have a lantern you can still dodge with an empty off-hand slot.

View attachment double dash with maximum bothurt.mp4

Timing depends on edge alignment, the correct moment to dodge is shortly right after you begin moving from one square to the next.
Beware that slows, which in this game exist in a wide variety of different types, may occur at any moment during combat and may throw off your timing. Keep trying and you'll inevitably become good at this.

F10 code for those who want to try this out themselves or practice
Edit: Doesn't seem to guarantee all wounds on legs and groin, it should be good enough but here's the code that guarantees the right wounds MAXIMUM BOTHURT for the BOT, the whole BOT and nothing but the BOT (assuming no wounds already there)
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Engaged Member
Aug 25, 2017
4. Bonus worth 10 scu when pickpocketing (stealing from houses is unaffected) and, although I'm not entirely certain about this or any of the details, 30 scu worth when setting traps or explosives (people seem to not like it when you set up explosives around them, so you have to be sneaky about it)
5. You get 5 + your amount of lvlups (up to 98 at lvl 99) + 1 if you rebirthed with the ship ending (regardless of how many times you do this)
6. Long answer is long, I'm trying to make it as short as possible

There are 4 different variables for scoutcraft which are:
$ (the amount of trait points allocated to scu) (visible in the traits menu)
$ (the total amount of all bonuses from states and equipment)
$ (the combined amount of $ and $ (shown in green in the equipment menu)
$game_player.scoutcraft (which when sneaking is equal to 4*$, when not sneaking is equal to 4*$ and equal to -12 when sprinting) (number used to be visible in the save preview) (is updated once per second)

View attachment 1710650 View attachment 1710649 View attachment 1710652

To work out $ just subtract your trait points from the green number in equipment menu.

The racial bonuses increase or decrease $, which is different from $ in that it doesn't affect movement speed, dropped item duration or brightness in underground maps, but it does affect $game_player.scoutcraft without having to sneak which makes being a moot an absolute blessing for stealth tactics because you don't have to use sneak until you get within a specific distance, and being a deepone a pretty harsh curse for well... anything (the -scu is a dealbreaker imo)

How big is a bonus? I'm truly sorry but the answer is different for everything. Success or partial success for something could be determined by any of the 4, a combination of any of the 4, or something slightly more complex or something very complex.
Wow, the bonus to the 4th point is a lot bigger than I imagined. I appreciate you making the effort to explain the various calculations for scoutcraft in the later point. But as for the 5th point, I only did get one point. I can give you a screenshot if you'd like. For more context, I purposely starved to death shortly after having the baby, and regardless of whether I rebirthed as a Moot or a Deep One, I saw the same starting point amount.
rebirth points.PNG rebirth count.PNG
As for the point about Deep One being pretty harsh, I'd have to agree. You'd need basically an extra 2 points to compensate, and the Sea Witch transformation, while fun, isn't very practical. It's basically useless if you're not built for juicing or spellcasting, and the side effect of reverting to your human form is much too punishing.

Edit, Extra context: Also, I didn't grab the ship ending until after making that save and this is my first rebirth. I started fresh with version B. The only thing that I patched in were the translation files from ProjectS001, but I wouldn't think that would cause the trait points to go down.
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Mar 15, 2021
Strange, you should have 5 + 56 from 56 level ups and + 1 depending on whether you died or won by paying the captain to board the ship for a total of 61-62 trait points. Honestly I have no idea, I already tested just before posting to make sure nothing changed without me knowing.

Nvm, something changed a long time ago and I just forgot. You get up to 5 depending on your total amount of rebirths, up to 98 from levelups and 1 depending on whether you won (paid captain) or not (regardless of how many times you do this)

No amount of trait points in scoutcraft can compensate for the difference in scoutcraft_plus imo, mostly because $ only affects visibility when sneaking which I would rather not have to do all the time since it makes you move so slowly.

Sea witch is only suited for succubus build with some amount of const and for the rest pure wis. For anything else, unless you like it for roleplaying or find it sexy or whatever (it's still a hentai game), I wouldn't bother.
(beware maximum $ is 100, so sea witch succubus gains nothing from having more than 85 trait points in wisdom assuming glasses are worn)
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Engaged Member
Aug 25, 2017
Strange, you should have 5 + 56 from 56 level ups and + 1 depending on whether you died or won by paying the captain to board the ship for a total of 61-62 trait points. Honestly I have no idea, I already tested just before posting to make sure nothing changed without me knowing.
View attachment 1710776

Nvm, something changed a long time ago and I just forgot. You get up to 5 depending on your total amount of rebirths, up to 98 from levelups and 1 depending on whether you won (paid captain) or not (regardless of how many times you do this)

No amount of trait points in scoutcraft compensates for it imo, mostly because $ only affects visibility when sneaking which I would rather not have to do all the time since it makes you move so slowly.
Ah, I getcha. I guess my next goal is to birth another heir and bribe the captain. I "won" for shits and giggles and got the Spinster achievement for (winning as a virgin and) not having a continue on my Deep One.


Jan 28, 2019
I come back to it after 1 year, i really want to play this game but it's too hard for me, is there any way to remove the perma-death aspect? I can't learn it if I have to start over...


Mar 15, 2021
Game could use a virgin birth mechanism, like artificial insemination or something. Virgin status affects persona and talk style and non-virgins are considered sluts in this game. I like default Lona best, and while it's easy to mod the game to make it lie about personality which is queried via a separate function it's much harder to lie about virgin status because it directly queries the record_intercourse or something and the code's everywhere all over the place.


Engaged Member
Aug 25, 2017
I come back to it after 1 year, i really want to play this game but it's too hard for me, is there any way to remove the perma-death aspect? I can't learn it if I have to start over...
If you're playing on Hard, just save often. You get 30 save slots, and there's no restrictions on when you can save. You can save mid-mission, mid-combat, mid-anything.

Edit: Here's a few things that might help you out, assuming you're playing the Hard (default) difficulty:
  1. You get 20 stamina per 10 food while resting, and you should top off resting until you're comfortable with combat.
  2. If you sleep while starving, you lose ~20 HP and gain ~30 stamina. Sleeping with a full belly gives more stamina and healing than half hunger.
  3. Avoid sprinting during combat, unless you're very, very cornered. If you must escape, time your retreats to avoid being attacked from behind, as you'll lose more stamina and sometimes get stunned.
  4. Avoid eating your food unless you're very far from an inn. It's cheaper to buy the key than replace the food, at least early on. An empty or full belly doesn't affect you until you transition from day to night or vice versa.
  5. If you have an empty belly, Inns have the best bang for your buck. A night's stay requires a key, costing 550 Trade Points. You'll want to do some easy jobs and build up some spending money so that you can continue to stay at the inn. Living outside is doable, but rough if you don't know what you're doing.
  6. Grab a companion until you get some levels and/or better gear. Your wooden club, short sword, or pitchfork isn't going to do a whole lot on its own.
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Mar 15, 2021
I come back to it after 1 year, i really want to play this game but it's too hard for me, is there any way to remove the perma-death aspect? I can't learn it if I have to start over...
Have you tried not playing on doom while learning the game and loading either your save or the autosave if you die?


Jan 28, 2019
If you're playing on Hard, just save often. You get 30 save slots, and there's no restrictions on when you can save. You can save mid-mission, mid-combat, mid-anything.

Edit: Here's a few things that might help you out, assuming you're playing the Hard (default) difficulty:
  1. You get 20 stamina per 10 food while resting, and you should top off resting until you're comfortable with combat.
  2. If you sleep while starving, you lose ~20 HP and gain ~30 stamina. Sleeping with a full belly gives more stamina and healing than half hunger.
  3. Avoid sprinting during combat, unless you're very, very cornered. If you must escape, time your retreats to avoid being attacked from behind, as you'll lose more stamina and sometimes get stunned.
  4. Avoid eating your food unless you're very far from an inn. It's cheaper to buy the key than replace the food, at least early on. An empty or full belly doesn't affect you until you transition from day to night or vice versa.
  5. If you have an empty belly, Inns have the best bang for your buck. A night's stay requires a key, costing 550 Trade Points. You'll want to do some easy jobs and build up some spending money so that you can continue to stay at the inn. Living outside is doable, but rough if you don't know what you're doing.
  6. Grab a companion until you get some levels and/or better gear. Your wooden club, short sword, or pitchfork isn't going to do a whole lot on its own.
Sir I die by the time I reach the entrance of the Inn... What am I even supposed to load? The sewers save? I can't progress, every step I take she's hungry and crawls...
Why do they even need to beat me so much and outnumber me...


Engaged Member
Aug 25, 2017
Sir I die by the time I reach the entrance of the Inn... What am I even supposed to load? The sewers save? I can't progress, every step I take she's hungry and crawls...
Why do they even need to beat me so much and outnumber me...
You can't be running in swinging. I'll try to give you a step-by-step on how to do the sewers.
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P.S. The Heavily ability with the Lantern is only good for killing rats. It's basically useless for everything else, so grind that money and XP. What you should get depends on the build you're going for.

Edit: Oh, one more thing I forgot to mention. You can actually pick up cockroaches and grey mice by standing over them and tapping (spamming, really) your interaction key. They're not valuable on its own, but they can be cooked (requiring either a refugee event or Dark Cauldron skill and a wooden club to consume) for Mystery Meat dishes or sold for small amounts on money. If you do decide to cook them, don't mix them with any other meat. I could explain cooking mechanics in greater detail if needed.
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