Ren'Py - Completed - Long Live the Princess [v1.0.1] [Belle]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Just spent at least 20 hrs on this game (version 0.30) and got as far as I think I can go and I have to say its one of the best games I have ever played!!!! It's not too slow and not too fast, just a great balance. When you finally unlock something you feel accomplished and rewarded. And reading what the dev has posted, I feel like this is only going to get 100% better.

    I only have a couple things that I wish was a little different, I want to learn the shrink spell or a spell that I can use to be able to do more with Belle (not to sound weird, but if it was possible to fall in love with a character, she'd be my pixie wife). Also, sometimes the characters in the story look mad or disappointed with you when you are going through a scene that they shouldn't be. But that is only a very small thing I noticed.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    LLtP is one of the games that inspired me to make my own. It's well-written and nicely scored, with good characterisation and dialogue, decent animations, and attractive characters (the hag aside! :LOL: ). Gameplay is well managed, and the UI is one of the best around. Most of all - it's sexy and it's funny - and I recommend it highly.

    I'd just like to note that - contrary to the previous review by Harem Route - Belle's output is unusually prodigious, and she puts out a decent sized update almost every single month. This is as impressive as it is rare, and she deserves much credit for it. (y)
  3. 3.00 star(s)

    Harem Route

    Review as of version 0.30.0

    + Nice cast of colorful characters
    + Absolutely fantastic soundtrack
    + Good story with... acceptable writing

    - Absolutely atrocious development time
    - Horrible animations
    - A bit too much fourth wall breaking

    Finally, I got around reviewing one of my biggest hopes and disappointments on this site. This game is... let's say, for the most part, the good outweighs the bad. And yet it's still in such a sad state.

    Visually, the characters look nice. Not the best, not the worst, but mostly pleasing to the eye. And the sex scenes aren't necessarily bad. At least when they are not animated, because these animations are probably some of the worst I've seen. Otherwise, the image quality also varies from rather crisp, to grainy and blurry mess that is too dark and simply hurts the eyes.

    The music is, hands down, one of the best that I've heard in an eroge. Period. From the top of my head I can maybe think of one game that has a better soundtrack, and it still doesn't count, since it was made by a rather large studio.
    So, this is a pure win. No buts here.

    The story is interesting, and the characters are fun to be around. Well, most of them at least. However, you know what they say about good and bad fantasy authors? Good ones know how to write the medieval dialogues, and bad ones write about time travelers who get into the past and thus talk like modern people. Well, this game is not about time travel, but it may as well have been. The constant usage of modern slang kills the immersion completely. Which is sad, because otherwise the writing is far from being the worst on this site. It's not as jarring when you get used to it, but still, this game would be a lot better if it cleared it's descriptions of random "lol"s, "sick burn"s and all the modern references.

    Gameplay-wise it's fine, it may even be good after the release, especially if the time constraints were removed or significantly prolonged, because right now a walkthrough is almost a must have. Still, I enjoy it more than I don't.

    What completely kills this game for me however, bringing it from a possible 4 star to a very generous 3, is it's development cycle. 0.01 version per month for more than two years (thus adding up to current 0.30) is possibly the slowest, laziest and most predatory that I've seen in a long time. There's inexcusably low amount of content for how long it has been in development and every other update barely adds anything worth checking out, instead just putting more pointless dead ends. So maybe, just maybe, this game will be worth playing when it's fully released, and then I will gladly change this review. But right now, it's a lot of promises in an empty shell of a game. At this point in time, there are plenty of products, even unfinished ones, out there, that I would recommend over this game.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    nice renders
    nice animations
    great story

    game play is boring and with out a hint system you can get stuck not knowing what to do . Add the limited number of days you have to complete certain tasks it just get frustrating.
    maybe when the new game + system is in place it will be at least worth missing certain things to comeback and play thorugh again with new dialog options
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly the best adult game I've played. The final form is incredible. I've played a few times I think there there may still be secrets to discover. The art and the girls are gorgeous and mostly feel unique and special. And the story and gameplay are surprisingly engrossing for such fap fest.
    Likes: Belle
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Doctor Fluffypants

    LLTP is a masterpiece and one of the best i ve ever seen...

    -The girls are gorgeous no less.Just few times i said 'dam wish i could be in MC''s place instead' and this is one of these.All of them are special in their own ways.
    -The storytelling and thrill/adventure is awesome like crime-solving stuff,magic and those music that plays when you re doing these set me up in the mood was so cool haha
    -Eventhough it s just v0.30 there are much stuff going on around and i cant wait how it would be in later versions and in the full version.
    -There were a few moments my eyes filled with tears and there were some moments i couldnt contain my laughter haha (mostly thanks to Belle though):LOL:
    -The graphics are not the best i ve ever saw but it s great nonetheless and very enjoyable in my opinion.
    -I told about the investigation music but the rest of them were enjoyable as well.Hope there ll be more around because it s important in setting the mood and makes the gameplay more enjoyable
    The feeling you get when you see 'more content available in the future'
    P.S: Belle is the best pixie ever. Aside from that i love Nell and Evelyn most i cant get enough of them they re so adorable but i said to Lea that i love her as well...this is surprising because i usually go after one or two girls most in games but these girls are very lovable and gorgeous and it proves that <3
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    To be honest I am not into stories involving fantasy, fae or magic and only started playing this as it had good revies and I was bored.

    I very quickly fell in love with this game, the story is IMO amazing even though as stated its not something I would normaly look at, The charactors are great, I love Belle she is funny, cute, rude and crude but it suits her perfectly. The other charactors are also very good. TBH I can't wait for the next installment and the conclusion to the story.

    If I was to make any negative judgements on it I would say that the animations could be better/smoother but in no way does it or should it put anyone off from playing this.
    Likes: Belle
  8. C
    5.00 star(s)


    This game is completely outstanding in terms of plot and characters. im glad this is not another slideshow fiesta, there's actually gamplay in there with not that complicated but nonetheless engaging detective elements.

    art: 8/10 sex scens could be a little longer
    plot and characters: 10/10 hands down, Belle FTW
    gameplay: 9/10, game has sandbox touch to it, but its not boring, as we doing some well written quests in between.
    Likes: Belle
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    What can I say Belle this is one of the best games out there and I only have been compelled to donate to three games ( this one, battle for luvia, and being a dik).

    it truly has great characters, stories, beautiful art, unique settings, and of course the lovable fairy companion.

    five out of five in a heartbeat.
    Likes: Belle
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Im very impressed by this game and the development speed. Compared to other developers with x times more followers this game development speed is very good. I would like to compliment Belle for that.

    Still gonna wait with playing until the game is finished tho. The early version I played gave me a very good impression.
    Likes: Belle
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Review of build v0.28.0...

    I want to start off by saying that this game has the most beautiful character models I think I've seen in a renpy game to date. I would like to convey my everlasting gratitude to the dev for giving the female characters beautiful realistic bodies instead of ridiculous balloon tits with large thighs and fat asses.

    The story is good. There is a lot of lore and exposition. The writing itself is well done with very few if at all spelling and grammar errors.

    The characters are likable. They each have their own story and problem you have to figure out and help them with in a pseudo-detective fashion.

    The sex scenes aren't bad. They're the typical set of images rotating back and forth. Not as good as actual fluid animation, but certainty not the worst I've seen. The sheer perfection of the models helps elevate the scenes.

    There appears to be a pregnancy element, but it doesn't seem to be implemented in the current build. At the beginning you have a spell cast on you to make you sterile for 6 months, but as you play you discover another spell to undo it and you can start knocking up the women. I've plowed them all several times with no result, so like I said it may not be implemented yet.

    I highly recommend this game. I eagerly look forward to the future updates and full completion.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    I dont know how to put this but you are a total loser. I really mean it, like Japanese-level.

    You grope sleeping girls, brainwash them to have sex with you and even change their sexuality just because you want to bang that lesbian.

    The good thing it, you dont have to do that. It is all volunteerly but game heavily encourages you to do that.

    Otherwise this game is quite unique and entertaining. You are looking out for clues to figure out peoples secrets. Now this sounds bad but trust me, you have a noble goal.

    Characters are well made and music as well. This is one of those games where you literally bang everything that moves and your dick is your first priority.

    If you have time try this out, 4/5.

    Bonus: you have the best sidekick ever!
    Likes: Belle
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a great sandbox fantasy game. Tutorial part felt long and unpleasant for me but it is ok important to know how to play this game. Sandbox part is really working because give you the feel of free roam and act. MC is kind of creep but other characters (for exemple belle the pixie) makes him and situations funny. Lewd scene animations are smooth girls are all beauties.
    Likes: Belle
  14. 4.00 star(s)

    Ste Rix

    The story is very nice and funny. The choice of mixing magic with investigation and psychology is interesting. The characters are well characterized and quite varied. The music is suitable when there is, good sound effect during the spells make the suspense of the circumstantial choice very well, absent or limited in many moments tends to flatten the atmosphere.
    The subjects and environments are graphically well cared for even if the animations could be much better by adding frames to make them more fluid and pleasant.
    Overall a good product which I hope will be perfected in the future.
    Likes: Belle
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Great potential to become the best storyline ever. Kudos to the details of the dialogues and few incoherences throughout the story. Need improvement on the sex scenes tho but definitely fixable. Haven't finish it yet but it's been awesome so far.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    I honestly didn't like the game, renders are ok but I only find 3 attractive characters.
    Story is boring, at first is interesting but the dialogues are so long that you get bored at the end with so much reading.
    Gameplay is not straight forward, you will need a guide or you will waste time and mess up storylines, also you will have to grind like crazy and will get rewarded with few content.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a second review, after some time spend trying to discover the root of my issues with the gameplay the first time through.

    I still find the game quite grindy, and in some areas difficult to know how to procede. Add in some seemingly random events, times and encounters, and the game can be a bit confusing. Without the forums, I would have never gotten to the current end of the game. Thus, I feel that the pathing needs to be a bit tighter.

    However, the game is still very good. Bug free (save my corrupted save file once), has a very interesting investigation element and actually spends time on its own lore in a way that adds to the events of the game. I feel like even without the 'lewd' parts, you might still have a decent little fantasy mystery game here. There is still a long way to go (the princess needs to arrive, more material with Primrose and the priestess, Lilith, and some actual "dark" decisions would be nice), but so far this is a solid foundation that most games here simply do not have.

    So I am upping my review score and will keep a weather eye on the game. If I see more, the score will continue to go up.
    Likes: Belle
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Simple review :
    Art : 9/10
    Story : 9/10
    Gameplay* : 10/10
    * since it is VN-type game by gameplay i mean such as the choice matters or not, how many options we can choose, etc..
    Bonus points : I love nell *lennyface* + 0.4 and there are a lot of my fetish +0.3
    Overall : 10/10 would fap again xD
    keep up the good work mate (y)
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    An actually engaging story in a porn visual novel. Most vns on here the story is rather bland or generic. To me this is one of the best visual novels on here and should be on the front page of trending games. Loads of content to. The animations and renders could be a bit better though.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is great. The stroy is great, characters are likeable and make you care about them, the renders are beautiful, and it's also really funny - i love Belle <3. Keep up the amazing work @Belle, i wish i wasn't broken so that i could support your work (and many others whose work i admire) on patreon - hopefully i'll be able to amend that soon.
    Leaving the review is the very least i could do to support you and your game ^_^