[R>Artist 2D] [R>Programmer] Share Unpaid Looking for 2D artist and programmer for hybrid VN/Tycoon NSFW game


New Member
Dec 17, 2023
Hello everyone! I'm starting this thread to find some people who'd like to work on a passion project of mine. I've been developing it on-and-off for the past ~3 years. And have decided that the best medium for it is a game. What kind of game? Well, at first, I thought a straight-up visual novel would be fine. But, as I kept thinking about it, it became a bit more ambitious. All-in-all, this game is planned to have elements of; a visual novel, business management, and a social sim.


To describe the project a little, I'll divide it into two parts, the gameplay and the story.

The primary gameplay loop follows a three-part system. First, story is presented to the player in a par-for-the-course visual novel. Then, the game moves into a business manangement section. In this, the player chooses various options for producing a film (as the in-game business is a porn studio.) They can choose;

- Length of Film
How long the film will take to produce in in-game weeks, which also sets a minimum budget [explained below] and a minimum Quality amount that must be met to get a higher rating. A higher rating = more viewers = more money.

- Star and Co-Stars
Which of the studio's cast will be in the film, thus providing their unique perks to aid tehfilm with bonuses (extra viewership, higher quality, etc.)

- Budget
The length chosen will set a minimum budget to be taken from the studio funds, but the player can put addittional funds in to gain tokens which can be used to deal with events and issues that crop up during the film production.

These films are the primary way for players to make money, gain fame, and increase viewership. Money can be used to make more films (and is used as one of the gates for further story progress, further explained later). Fame allows for higher viewership and, thus, higher income per film. Viewership determines how much money each film makes and provides a smaller, passive income.

The production of a film can be hindered by "Department Issues", which are ongoing issues related to departments within the studio (admin, editing, lighting, wardrobe, etc.) and require Funds or Favors (explained below) to solve. They can even be convereted into bonuses by spending more money than required.

As well as Issues, there are weekly Events that occur. They offer opportunities for boosts to the film's production (gaining bonus Quality, higher income per viewer, etc.) by spending budget tokens. More tokens can be spent to increase the bonus (if the player really needs the boost), or no tokens can be spent (but, this will give the event a chance of causing a minor detrimental effect to the film production.)

The third part of the loop is; Social.

Similar to Persona 5, the player can have the main character bond with other in-game characters by spending time with them. After the story section and the studio management section, the player will be presented with certain cahracters to spend time with. When doing this, they will increase (or potentially decrease) their bond with that character. By increasing it, they unlock further story for side-characters or unlock further progress in the story (major characters bond level can also be a gate for story progress). It can also unlock 'Favors', which can be used to solve Issues and Events for free, but have a finite amount that can be obtained in-game.

And all of this takes place in the; Calendar.

Again, similar to Persona 5, the game would take place in a day-by-day process. Each day, the three parts of the loop take place. (Though, story is paused when a gate -- a goal to be met by a deadline to continue the story -- is met.) And the calendar alsohas an effect on the two interactive sections. Certain characters are only available on certain days, so bonding with them requires some planning. And some Issues/Events in the studio only occur during specific times of year.

The story follows Dexter Reed, a NEET who has been isekai'd into the afterlife. As is part-and-parcel for new arrivals, he is given a stipend of money based on how much he seized the day during life. Despite not quite doing that, he ends up with a huge amount of money thanks to a mistake by his processor. When put out into the city of Nova Vitae, he meets a demoness named Lucia, the owner of a failing film studio. She is desperately trying to keep it open, but her debts and floundering sales are tanking it fast. Dexter offers to invest in her studio and she agrees. When he goes to visit the studio, he finds out it's a porn studio and (given the extensive library of porn he kept when alive) he provides criticism of a movie in progress, the insight of which gets him appointed the head creative for the studio. From there, he meets the cast and crew of the studio; a collection of various cryptids and monsters (zombies, werewolves, mummies, shadowpeople, mothmen etc.) and forms friendships with each over time. All of this as they try to make the studio the best in the city, while facing pressure from another demon (Corvus) who wants to buy up the studio to secure one of his many monopolies.

In case you'd like an example of the story, I have provided the script for the opening of the game . I can provide more of the story, as requested.


Ideally, I'd like to develop a prototype/demo of this game and then start up a Patreon for further development. For the prototype/demo phase, the work would be unpaid. Then, it shifts to a revshare/paid basis (percentage of revenue) when the Patreon opens and brings in enough funds.

The people I need, currently, are:
Character Artist
Someone who can design/create character assets.
For the prototype/demo, there are 12 characters who need art made. For the prototype, there'll be a single sprite made for each character, based on designs I'll provide in a design doc -- including references and further information -- as well as input from the artists themselves.

BG Artist
Someone who can design/create backgrounds for each location.
For the prototype/demo, there will be 15 backgrounds required. The designs will be based on designs I'll provide in a design doc, including references and further information, as well as inpou from the artsits themselves.

CG Artist
Someone who can take the character designs and be able to create full-screen CGs for use in the visual novel sections.
For the prototype/demo, I don't yet know exactly how many CGs will be needed. As placement of CGs are still being tweaked. A good idea of scale is the opening provided above (or also , again.) This will be the general amount of CGs that will be implemented into the game. These will be made more via direct collaboration, with myself and the artist exchanging sketches, ideas, etc. to figure out the best form for each CG.

For the characters, BGs, and CGs, I do have a style in mind. Something that is a mix between the styles of Monster Prom and . Of course, I am open to other styles, if I think they'd suit the character/world/etc.

UI Artist
Someone who can design various UI elements and menus across the game.
For the prototype/demo, the UI will be fairly simple. But, as the game is largely menu-based, they will be fine-tuned and polished to ensure that it is pleasant to look at for full playing sessions. A lot of freedom will be given to the artist (and any artist on the team that wishes to assist) for this section, as this is the most important part of the game's art to get right, imo, as it's the part the user will interact with the most.

I'm looking for 1-3 programmers who are knowledgeable in, ideally, Godot or RenPy. I am open to other engines, however.

As I put above, this will be an unpaid/revshare project. I just do not currently have the money to invest in this project, sadly. But, once the Patreon opens, every participant in the project will start being paid. And, if you know how to promote a Patreon page, awesome! Do get in touch.

To contact me, you can PM me on here and we can talk details, discords, etc.

Thank you all in advance!
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Game Developer
Sep 8, 2017
Hi, what about AI art? I can do that if you want, here some examples


May 12, 2018
realistic no artist will join your project in a long run, because all you got is just idea .
you will be better to just use ai art as a place holder for now and hope your project will go some where then ask for artist to join.
and base on what your ideal of what you need, i understand you lack a lot of skill.


New Member
Dec 17, 2023
realistic no artist will join your project in a long run, because all you got is just idea .
you will be better to just use ai art as a place holder for now and hope your project will go some where then ask for artist to join.
and base on what your ideal of what you need, i understand you lack a lot of skill.
Realistically, yeah, artists will be the hardest part of the team to recruit. I expect to recruit them last. My primary goal right now is to get programmers. But, this project is more than just an idea. I've got design docs, data-sets, story scripts. In terms of design and story, that stuff is covered and progressing significantly. It's just a matter of surrounding that in code.

And yes. I lack skill in programming, hence why I'm on a recruitment forum. 10/10 observation there.

Hi, what about AI art? I can do that if you want, here some examples
And I don't really want to use AI art. It's... pretty much asking for controversy, right out the gate.


May 12, 2018
Realistically, yeah, artists will be the hardest part of the team to recruit. I expect to recruit them last. My primary goal right now is to get programmers. But, this project is more than just an idea. I've got design docs, data-sets, story scripts. In terms of design and story, that stuff is covered and progressing significantly. It's just a matter of surrounding that in code.

And yes. I lack skill in programming, hence why I'm on a recruitment forum. 10/10 observation there.
not trying to put you down but. you say design and story is cover and just need programmer to code it. but how do you know that you have what the artist and programmer need , if you are not a artist and programmer .

and just to say i am a artist and i use unreal blueprint.

if you have more then idea, i will advise you to show some of it, so other can know your level of skill or what is already been make. in the end you are not asking people to work for you , you are looking for partner for the project.
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New Member
Dec 17, 2023
not trying to put you down but. you say design and story is cover and just need programmer to code it. but how do you know that you have what the artist and programmer need , if you are not a artist and programmer .

and just to say i am a artist and i use unreal blueprint.

if you have more then idea, i will advise you to show some of it, so other can know your level of skill or what is already been make. in the end you are not asking people to work for you , you are looking for partner for the project.
Oh, I get that you aren't trying to put me down. I do appreciate your honesty, really. But what else can I give an artist/programmer other than design docs? I've laid out the gameplay loop, how mechanics will work, designs for characters, etc. etc. That, combined with communication during development, should be enough, no?

And you advise me to show some of my work, do you mean posting the design docs? My spreadsheets for data sets?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to come across as defensive. I am genuinely asking these questions, as this is my first game-dev project and I want to learn as much as possible.


May 12, 2018
for the game play loop that you post, what i understand is just a idea of game play ,
you want story and social sim thing and business management ,calendar system.
but no detail of what is the link to each other what is controlling the process or what the use of the money or time.

what is the use of money, what or how to process to next story or stage. when to trigger the story and why. and is there game over or fail mission , what happen if fail the normal loop.

not asking you to be a programmer but if you want to design the game play , the gameplay post that you post is too little information and is more of a wish list then a game loop.
so what you can do is to give more detail of the game loop or make a diagram . people need a over all idea of what the game is about. not tag sign of the game.

the image is to show you a simple ideal of what is needed for a game for game loop , is the best that i can find but i think it lack something .
and do remember i not a programmer or a game design , i am a artist over game design . if some one can teach better pls do.

for art/character/story.
there is a lot of thing you can do but in the end it really up to what you willing to show to people. many writer love to hide their story , which i don't understand.
-show a little of your story, so artist know what type of drawing/render style fit with the story.
-show a scene of your story. to show your writing skill.
-character information/background story, what they wear and so on. so artist can know what is need to draw/design . ( there is many thing need to design for char , and the harder to design is the clothing for me at last.)
-how many character .
-what is the story/tags. ( you only say film studio never say anything about the action/sex/ business for the story.)

if you got a style you really must have , you should show it too.
an image speaks a thousand words

in the end, artist need to know the feeling of the world/story to see if they can do it or if they want to do it. you may have a style you want (which is 2d as you write) but i recommend not to be limit by that. because you are making a game not a vn. it can be a mix of many thing.

in the end it all up to you if you can do something else to catch people interest. and we all know money always catch people interest . and if you don't have money, you need to use other thing, story is always a good bait, ideal is not.


New Member
Dec 17, 2023
I've edited the OP to better explain things and flesh some stuff out.

Big props to kinrean for his helpful criticism (y)


May 12, 2018
for game play i still have Q but i understand more. so for now it feel like "Idol Manager" with monster girl.

if i understand it right and is like idol manager.
i do suggest to make the system around the idol/porn star
add corruption and type/lv of film , for what the girl will do at start. ( for player goal, corruption the other world with the porn , bully/help the girl to have better/worst life. can easily add more goal )
in the end porn star is still like a idol.

for story, to me it too cartoon or not sexy enough.
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New Member
Dec 17, 2023
I'd compare the game more to (with a dash of Summertime Saga) than anything else, tbh. It's more about; 1) experiencing a story centered around this human thrust into a new world full of monstergirls, monsterbois, etc. etc. and 2) having a bit of fun trying to grow the studio.

Centering the gameplay around the porn stars (and things like corruption/betterment) would likely lead to a hell of a lot of feature creep. That is, it'll require significantly more planning and branching to the story. I want to keep my goals for this game realistic and achievable. The game might end up smaller than something like Seeds of Chaos or Summertime Saga... but it also won't be in development as long as those games either.

As for the story itself... eh. It's meant to be light-hearted, a bit funny, and have some drama in it. I don't want it to just be a "porn story", for lack of a better term. It's meant to be more than just sexy. And some people will find parts arousing and others won't. Just the nature of stories ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


New Member
Oct 20, 2017
I can't pm you, or I'm an idiot and can't find the button. but message me if you are still looking for a programmer


Engaged Member
Jul 4, 2017
I can't pm you, or I'm an idiot and can't find the button. but message me if you are still looking for a programmer
You send PM by hovering mouse on the user name in the left panel of each of their posts. Then there is an option for "Send Message"