[R>Artist 2D] [R>Artist 3D] Paid Unpaid Looking for 2D or 3D artist to bring some game ideas to life


Mar 2, 2018
- I have a few ideas I would like to turn into a game but we would most likely be working on one of course whichever you feel you are more suited for, though I don't want to go into too much detail here my ideas are roughly a fantasy/medieval, current era and a sci fi type of game.

- Though I am fairly new to things I would be developing/writing

Looking for:
- I am looking for either a 2d or 3d artist (not honey select, though I can make an exception considering the quality), also someone who is open to constructive criticism (I won't bad mouth your work, though I will ask if something can be changed if I feel it doesn't suit what I am after)

Employment Type:
- I am currently low on funds atm and would like to setup a patreon or something so I can pay your worth, so I was hoping to start of as unpaid for a little bit (payment/non-payment can be discussed further in discord or in DMs)

Work commitment:
- not looking to really form a team so perhaps a casual/part time kind of thing may be best

Preferred method of contact:
- prefer initial contact through DM here, then we could move to discord
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