[R>Artist 2D] Share Looking for a 2D artist (Cartoon)


New Member
Nov 12, 2022

- A visula novel in renpy based on a cartoon.

-We´re two developers, one programing an the other writting and drawing backgrounds.

Looking for:
- At the moment we are looking for a 2D cartoon artist with experience in Matt Groening style.

Employment Type:
- At the moment there will be no income, this will be until the moment we receive donations and payments, so technically it would be an investment of time but in the long run it would be well paid.

Work commitment:
- we don´t have any future projects in mind right now, so it will be a unique project commitment.

Preferred method of contact:
- Discord: desfd123#8192

Job Description:
- At the momment we´re looking for someone to draw the characters and NSFW scenes.

Adicional comments:
-The project is already under development and we have received many visits but we cannot produce at the rate we would like, so we are looking for someone to complete our team.
-We are a Spanish team, if you speak Spanish it would be a plus.

Proyecto :
-Novela visual en renpy .

-Somos dos desarrolladores, uno programando y el otro escribiendo y dibujando .

- De momento estamos buscando a un artista 2D con experiencia en estilo cartoon lo mas parecido posible al de Matt Groening.

Tipo de empleo :
-De momento no tenemos ingresos, en el momento que nos donen se pagara en consecuencia.

Compromiso de trabajo:
- No tenemos proyectos futuros en mente, por el momento queremos enfocarnos en este proyecto.

- Discord: desfd123#8192

Descripción del trabajo:
- De momento estamos buscando a alguien para dibujar los personajes.

Comentarios adicionales:
- El proyecto ya esta en desarrollo y hemos recibido muchas visitas pero no podemos producir al ritmo que nos gustaria, por eso buscamos a alguien para completar nuestro equipo.
- somos un quipo español, si hablas español seria un punto a favor.
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Reactions: drakotaku


New Member
May 16, 2020
OMG! I'm adding you guys to discord RIGHT NOW!

My Discord: KV06LM#6621

Marge.png Manjula.png
*I Also speak medium level spanish
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