[R>Artist 2D] Share Looking for a 2D artist to collaborate with [CLOSED]


Game Developer
Jul 9, 2020

I'm a professional writer, looking for a 2D artist to collaborate with on a monthly, 4-panel, erotic comic strip series.

I've added all the necessary information about the project below.

If you're interested in working with me, kindly leave a reply below (or PM) with links to your sample works.



'Our Little Secret' is an erotic comic strip, which tells the story of a 21 year old Elena Porter, who falls in love with a kinky couple and is subsequently drawn into the world of submission and exhibitionism.

Despite sounding dark, OLS will actually take a very romantic approach towards its sexual themes.

Each chapter will have 1x4 panel layout (and very minimal detailing in terms of background).

You can view the sample strip I drew (in the attachments) to get an idea of what I mean.


I've been writing erotic VNs for almost an year now.

My recent projects include 'Under the moonlight' (with Cainito Studio) and 'The best days of our lives' (with Underground Studio).


Looking for:
2D Artist


Employment Type:
Revenue Share

Support from patreon will be the only source of revenue for OLS.

The revenue will be split as 20-80 (with 80% being the artist's share.)


Work Commitment:

1. Initially, the strip will be released on a monthly basis. So, the artist will have to draw 4 panels every month.

2. If the series garners enough supporters (and the artist is okay with it), we can move to a weekly release.

3. Personally, I'd love to work on this project for years and years if possible. But due to certain reasons (read disclosure below) I know that is not a very reasonable request.

So, the artist is free to quit the project at any time he/she sees fit. But I would be grateful if they could stick around for at least 6-8 months and see how the project does.


Job Description:

- As mentioned above, the artist will have to draw 4 panels per month.

- Each panel will usually have one or two characters in it (maybe three on rare occasions)

- The artist should be good at drawing human anatomy and facial expressions. (Since, this IS an erotic comic.)

- The comic strip will be in black and white, with minimal (or no) background. But if the artist prefers working with color, I'm fine with that too.

- I will provide a rough sketch of how I want each panel to be (see attachment), but if the artist prefers to draw the scenes his/her own way, I'll stick to just sending brief descriptions instead.


Full disclosure:

Financially this is a very risky project.

Since we only offer very short content to the audience every month, finding support will probably be a very long and hard process.

And yet, I shamelessly ask for an artist to collaborate with me because - I sincerely believe that it CAN find an audience if given the time to grow.

(If I could actually draw proper human anatomy, I would do this all by myself, instead of asking another creator to take up the burden.

But, having failed at it for nearly 8 years, I've just come to accept that I can't draw the human body to save my life.

Which is why I decided to rely on the strength of a real artist - to do this project justice.)


Additional Comments:

- The strip itself will be published for free here on f95. If the readers like it, they can become a patron and get early access to the panels.

- I will take care of the lettering. (Don't worry, I won't use comic sans in the actual comic)

- Before finalizing on working together, I'll need you to work on a sample drawing based on my description (or rough sketch, whichever you prefer.)

That way, both of us can have a feel of how we work.

- Once we both agree on working together, we'll move over to discord for all communication during the project development.

- Please feel free to let me know if you have any other queries.


Game Developer
Jul 9, 2020
Looks cool. Please post here when this goes into production!
Hi, just wanted to let you know the project has officially begun :)

The comic's thread has been under review for a few hours now and i don't know when it will be approved. Hopefully, it should be up soon.

Update: The submission was rejected due to a lack of content.

They said they can't create a thread for something that is so short (which is pretty reasonable). So, the future of the project is not very bright. Sorry.
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